共找到75條詞條名為張志勇的結果 展開



張志勇,男,1972年1月生,籍貫江西萬載。博士,博士后,專業技術職稱二級教授,江西農業大學首席教授,博士研究生導師,江西農業大學亞熱帶生物多樣性實驗室主任,江西農業大學農學院植物科學系主任,江西省“百千萬人才工程”人選; 2009年度江西省青年五四獎章獲得者,江西省模範教師。




2014年9月至2015年9月Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA, visiting scholar. Advisors:Pamela S. Soltis(Distinguished Professor) andDouglas E. Soltis (Distinguished Professor)




江西省“百千萬人才工程”人選;2009年度江西省青年五四獎章獲得者,江西省模範教師,江西省植物學會副秘書長、常務理事。Journal of Systematics and Evolution, American Journal of Botany, Molecular Ecology Resources, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, HortScience, Scientia Horticulturae, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Australian Journal of Botany, 生物多樣性等雜誌審稿專家。


Dengmei Fan, Wan Hu, Bo Li, Ashley B. Morris, Min Zheng, Douglas E. Soltis,Pamela S. Soltis, Zhiyong Zhang*.Idiosyncraticresponses of evergreen broad-leaved forest constituents in China to the late Quaternary climate changes explain the discrepency between palaeo-biome reconstruction and phylogeography. Submitted to Journal of Biogeography.
王靜,胡菀, 陽億, 肖昆,范鄧妹*, 張志勇.中國特有單種屬血水草的微衛星分子標記開發與評價[J]. 植物科學學報, 2015, 33(06):855-860.doi:10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2015.60855
Yixuan Kou, Shanmei Cheng, Shuang Tian, Bo Li, Dengmei Fan, Yongjun Chen, Douglas E. Soltis,Pamela S. Soltis, Zhiyong Zhang*.The antiquity ofCyclocarya paliurus(Juglandaceae) provides new insights into the evolution of relict plants in subtropical China since the late early-Miocene. Journal of Biogeography . DOI:10.1111/jbi.12635( SCI)
呼慧麗, 李波, 胡菀, 孫志霞, 張志勇, 范鄧妹*. 2015. 南天竹微衛星標記開發及特性分析. 植物分類與資源學報, 37(2): 141-144.
Shuang Tian, Shuqing Lei, Wan Hu, Lingli Deng, Qinglin Meng, Bo Li, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Dengmei Fan*, Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2015. Repeated range expansions and inter-/postglacial recolonization routes ofSargentodoxa cuneata(Oliv. ) Rehd. et Wils. (Lardizabalaceae) in subtropical China.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 85: 238-246.( SCI)
葉林江, 王靜, 孫鵬, 董書鵬, 張志勇*. 2014.四種栲屬植物微衛星標記在鉤栲中的通用性檢測. 植物分類與資源學報. 36(4): 443-448.
胡菀, 羅意, 陽億, 張志勇, 范鄧妹*. 2014.野生桂花的遺傳多樣性和遺傳結構研究. 園藝學報. 41(7): 1427-1435.
熊敏, 田雙, 范鄧妹, 張志勇*. 2014.華木蓮群體遺傳結構和保護單元研究. 生物多樣性. 22(4): 476-484.
Bo Li, Zhiyong Zhang, Dianxiang Zhang*. Distribution and conservation status of the sole population ofWenchengia alternifolia ,an enigmatic plant endemic to Hainan Island, China.Oryx. doi:10.1017/S0030605313001373. ( SCI)
Deng-Mei Fan, Lin-Jiang Ye, Yi Luo, Wan Hu, Shuang Tian, Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2013. Development of 25 microsatellite loci forCyclocarya paliurus(Juglandaceae), a monotypic species in subtropical China.Applications in Plant Science,1(6): 1200524.
Bo Li, Deng-Mei Fan, Shu-Qing Lei, Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2013.New combinations inPersicaria(Polygonaceae: Persicarieae) for the Flora of China.Phytotaxa, 91(1): 24-26.( SCI)
Bo Li, Qingjun Yuan, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2013. A contribution to the Flora of North America: synonymy and lectotypification ofCoptis laciniata(Ranunculaceae).Phytotaxa, 131(1): 58-60.( SCI)
Zhi-Yong Zhang*, Rong Wu, Qun Wang, Zhi-Rong Zhang, Deng-Mei Fan,Jordi López-Pujol,De-Zhu Li*. 2013.Comparative phylogeography of two sympatric beeches in subtropical China: Species-specific geographic mosaic of lineages.Ecology and Evolution, 3(13): 4461-4472. ( SCI)
Ming Lei, Qun Wang, Zhen-Jian Wu,Jordi López-Pujol, De-Zhu Li*, and Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2012. Molecular phylogeography ofFagus engleriana(Fagaceae) in subtropical China: limited admixture among multiple refugia.Tree Genetics and Genomes, 8: 1203-1212((SCI)
Zhi-Rong Zhang, Deng-Mei Fan, Shi-Quan Guo and Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2011. Development of 29 microsatellite markers forOsmanthus fragrans, a traditional fragrant flowering tree of China.American Journal of Botany,e356–e359(SCI)
熊敏, 王靜, 張志榮, 張志勇*. 2011.瀕危植物華木蓮核基因組微衛星引物開發研究。植物分類與資源學報33(5): 535-539
Shi-Quan Guo, Min Xiong, Zhi-Rong Zhang, De-Zhu Li & Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2011. Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction ofOsmanthusLour. (Oleaceae) and related genera based on three chloroplast intergenic spacers.Plant Systematic and Evolution294: 57-64 (SCI,IF=1.41)
Jordi López-Pujol, Hua-Feng Wang andZhi-Yong Zhang.Conservation of Chinese Plant Diversity: An Overview. pp.163-202. In: Igor Ya. Pavlinov (ed.).Research in Biodiversity—Models and Applications. InTech-Open Access Publisher, 2011
Qing-Jun Yuan, Zhi-Yong Zhang, Lu-Qi Huang, Juan Hu, Lan-Ping Guo and Ai-Juan Shao. 2010. Impacts of modern cultivation on genetic diversity pattern of a medicinal plant,Scutellaria baicalensis(Lamilaceae).BMC Genetics, 11:29. ( co-first author)
Shuang Tian,Jordi López-Pujol, Hong-Wei Wang, Song Ge, and Zhi-YongZhang*. 2010. Molecular evidence for glacial expansion and interglacial retreat during the Quaternary climatic changes in a montane temperate pine (Pinus kwangtungensisChun ex Tsiang) in southern China.Plant Systematics and Evolution, 284: 219-229 (SCI)
Jordi López-Pujol & Zhi-YongZhang. 2009.An insight into the most threatened flora of China.Collectanea Botanica (Barcelona),28: 61-76.
Zhi-Rong Zhang, Lai-Chun Luo, Ding Wu and Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2009. Two genetically distinct units ofSinomanglietia glauca(Magnoliaceae) detected by chloroplast PCR-SSCP.Journal of Systematics and Evolution47: 110-114 (SCI)
Shuang Tian, Lai-Chun Luo, Song Ge and Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2008. Clear population structure ofPinus kwangtungensis(Pinaceae) revealed by a plastid DNA fragment with a novel minisatellite.Annals of Botany102: 69-78 ( SCI)
Qing-Jun Yuan, Zhi-Yong Zhang*, Hua Peng*and Song Ge. 2008. Chloroplast phylogeography ofDipentodon(Dipentodontaceae) in southwest China and northern Vietnam.Molecular Ecology, 17:1054-1065 ( SCI)
王靜,羅來春,雷抒情, 張志勇*. 2008.極度瀕危植物五針白皮松解剖生態學研究。江西農業大學學報. 30(4): 671-674
Zhi-Yong Zhang, Xiao-Ming Zheng and Song Ge*. 2007. Population genetic structure ofVitex negundo(Verbenaceae) in Three-Gorge Area of the Yangtze River: the river barriers to seed dispersal in plants.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 35: 506-516 ( SCI)
Zhi-Yong Zhang, Yong-Yan Chen and De-Zhu Li*. 2005.Detection of low genetic variation in a critically endangered Chinese pine,Pinus squamatausing RAPD and ISSR markers.Biochemical Genetics, 43(5):239-249( SCI).
張志勇,葛頌*. 2005.物種瀕危的遺傳學原理. 見:李典謨,徐汝梅主編. 物種瀕危機制和保育原理. 42-56. 科學出版社
Zhi-Yong Zhangand De-Zhu Li*. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of sectionParryaofPinusbased onmatK gene sequences data.Acta Botanica Sinica, 46(2):171-179 ( SCI)
Zhi-Yong Zhang, Jun-Bo Yang and De-Zhu Li*.2003. Phylogenetic relationship of the extremely endangered species,Pinus squamata(Pinaceae) inferred from foursequences of the chloroplast genome and ITS of the nuclear genome.Acta Botanica Sinica.45 (5) :530-535 ( SCI)
張志勇,俞志雄.2003.江西懸鉤子屬植物分類與分佈。熱帶亞熱帶植物學報. 11(1): 27-33
張志勇,陶德定,李德銖*. 2003. 五針白皮松在群落演替過程中種間聯結性分析. 生物多樣性.11 (2): 125-131.
張志勇,李德銖*. 2003. 極度瀕危植物五針白皮松保護遺傳學研究。雲南植物研究,25 (5):544-550.
張志勇,賴小榮. 1999. 井岡山懸鉤子屬植物資源初步研究。江西農業大學學報, 21(3): 395-398.

