共找到7條詞條名為黃標的結果 展開
- 詞語
- 出生於1895年的抗日英雄
- 明代藏書家
- 田東縣市場監管局派駐田東縣義圩鎮福旺村工作隊員
- 中國科學院南京土壤研究所研究員
- 清朝將領
- 中國瑜伽(香港)協會會長
黃標 博士導師。研究員, 1991年獲南京大學地球科系地球化學專業博士學位;現任中國科學院南京土壤研究所研究員,中國科學院研究生院教授,中國礦物岩石地球化學學會理事。主要從事土壤地球化學和土壤生物地球化學及其與健康關係的研究。先後發表中文、英文學術論文60餘篇,其中SCI論文15篇。研究領域:土壤地球化學、環境地球化學。
1. Biao Huang, Yongcun Zhao, Weixia Sun, Rongqing Yang, Zitong Gong, Zhong Zou, Feng Ding, and Jianping Su. 2009. Relationships between Distributions of Longevous Population’s Rate and Trace Elements in the agricultural ecosystem of Rugao County, Jiangsu, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. Yanbing Qi, Jeremy L. Darilek, Biao Huang*, Yongcun Zhao, Weixia Sun, Zhiquan Gu. 2009. Evaluating agricultural soil quality indices in a agricultural region of Jiangsu Province, China. Geoderma.Jeremy L. Darilek, Biao Huang*, Zhigang Wang, Yanbing Qi, Zhiquan Gu, and Xuezheng Shi. 2009. Changes in Soil Fertility Parameters and the Environmental Effects in a Rapidly Developing Region of China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.. Hong-Jie Wang, Biao Huang*, Xue-Zheng Shi, Jeremy Landon Darilek, Dong-Sheng Yu, Wei-Xia Sun, Yong-Cun Zhao, Qing Chang, Ingrid Öborn. 2008. Major nutrient balances in small-scale vegetable farming systems in peri-urban areas, China. Nutrient Cycling in AgroecosystemsBiao Huang, Weixia Sun, Yongcun Zhao, Jing Zhu, Rongqing Yang, Zhong Zou, Feng Ding, and Jianping Su, 2007. Temporal and spatial variability of soil organic matter and total nitrogen in an agricultural ecosystem as affected by farming practices. Geoderma, Huang, Biao, Zitong Gong, and Guoan Gu. 2006. Element Geochemistry of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau soils in China - An example from the unpopulated Kekexili region. Geochemical Journal. Huang, Biao, Xuezheng Shi, Dongsheng Yu, Ingrid Öborn, Karin Blombäck, Timothy F. Pagella, Hongjie Wang, Weixia Sun, and Fergus L. Sinclair. 2006. Environmental Assessment of Small-scale Vegetable Farming Systems in Peri-Urban Areas of the Yangtze Delta River Region, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
8. Huang, B., S. Kuo, and R. Bembenek. 2005. Availability to lettuce of arsenic and lead from trace element fertilizers in soil. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution Huang, Biao, Zitong Gong. 2005. Geochemical barriers and element retention in soils in different landscapes of the Tianshan Mountain area, Xinjiang, China. Geoderma