



1993年獲清華大學理學學士學位;1996年獲清華大學理學碩士學位;2002年獲香港城市大學博士學位;2002.11-2003.10為香港城市大學深圳研究院科學主任;2003.10-2005.07加拿大西安大略大學化學系博士后;2005.7-2007.5為美國國家宇航局艾姆斯研究中心(NASA Ames Research Center)納米技術中心博士后;2007.5-2009.6為美國國家宇航局艾姆斯研究中心先進研究實驗室研究科學家。2009年6月被聘為蘇州大學特聘教授,博士生導師。2010年5月被美國聖塔克拉拉大學(Santa Clara University)聘為兼職研究顧問。






現已在SCI 收錄國際期刊上發表論文90餘篇,已被引用1600餘次,“SCI”H-index為24。撰寫英文書(章節)3章。並受邀在世界著名綜述雜誌Chemical Reviews上撰寫關於硅納米材料及器件研究的綜述一篇。獲得美國專利2項,並獲得美國國家宇航局專利獎。申請中國專利6項。在國際會議上做學術報告40餘次,其中特邀報告20次,3次分會主席。擔任多個國際期刊和會議的審稿人和評委(例如:J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Adv. Mater.,J. Phys. Chem. C,Chem. Mater.,Small,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,IEEE Electron Device Letters,IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology,Appl. Phys. Lett.,Nanotechnology等),以及美國能源部特邀項目評審。目前擔任一項國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)的課題負責人,主持國家自然科學面上基金兩項,教育部博導基金一項,參與國家科技重大專項/02專項一項。2010年入選“蘇州市緊缺人才計劃”。2011年入選江蘇省“333”人才工程計劃。國際X射線吸收學會(ⅨAS)、國際材料學會(MRS)、國際電子電工學會(IEEE)會員,和國際電子電工學會SFBA納米技術委員會(IEEE SFBA Nanotechnology Council) 顧問,以及上海光源首批光束線站(08U)用戶專家工作組專家成員。國際雜誌《Nanoscience & Nanotechnololgy-Asia》編委。


The effect of catalysts and underlayer metals on the properties of PECVD-grown carbon nanostructures
Xuhui Sun*,Ke Li,Raymond Wu,Patrick Wilhite,Tsutomu Saito,Jing Gao and Cary Y Yang,Nanotechnology,21 (2010) 045201.
Observation of Hybrid Carbon Nanostructures as Intermediates in the Transformation from Hydrocarbon Nanotubes and Nano-onions to Carbon Nanotubes and Nano-onions via Sonolysis on Silicon Nanowires and Nanodots,RespectivelyBoon K. Teo*,X. H. Sun*,C. P. Lee,N. B. Wong,S. T. Lee,Chemistry of Materials,22 (2010)1297–1308.
Germanium Antimonide Phase-Change Nanowires for Memory Applications
X. H. Sun*,B. Yu,G. Ng,S. Ju,and D. B. Janes,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,55 (2008) 3131. Chalcogenide Nanowire based Phase Change Memory
B. Yu*,X. H. Sun*,S. Ju,D. B. Janesand M. Meyyappan,IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology,7 (2008) 496-502. Synthesis and Nanoscale Thermal Encoding of Phase-Change Nanowires
X. H. Sun*,B. Yu*,M. Meyyappan,Applied Physics Letters,90 (2007) 183116. One Dimensional Silicon–Cadmium Selenide Heterostructures
X.H. Sun*,T. K. Sham,* R.A. Rosenberg and G.K. Shenoy,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,111(2007) 8475-8482. Silicon-Based Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices
Boon K. Teo,X. H. Sun,Chemical Reviews (invited),107 (2007) 1454-1532. Synthesis of germanium nanowires-on-insulator (GeNOI) catalyzed by indium or antimony
X. H. Sun*,G. Calebotta,B. Yu,G. Selvaduray,and M. Meyyappan,Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B,25 (2007) 415-420. One-Dimensional Phase-Change Nanostructure: Germanium Telluride Nanowire
X. H. Sun*,B. Yu*,G. Ng,and M. Meyyappan,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,111 (2007) 2421-2425. Ⅲ-Ⅵ Compound Semiconductor Indium Selenide (In2Se3) Nanowires: Synthesis and Characterization
X. H. Sun,B. Yu,G. Ng,T. D. Ng,and M. Meyyappan,Applied Physics Letters,89 (2006) 233121. Germanium Nanowires: Synthesis,Morphology and Local Structures Studies
X. H. Sun,C. Didychuk,T. K. Sham,N.B. Wong,Nanotechnology,17 (2006) 2925 -2930. Synthesis and Synchrotron light induced luminescence of ZnO nanostructures: nanowires,nano-needles,nanoflowers and tubular whiskers
X.H. Sun,S. Lam,T.K. Sham,F. Heigl,A. Jürgensen,N.B. Wong,Journal of Physical Chemistry B,109 (2005),3120-3125. Chain-like silicon nanowires: Morphology,electronic structure and luminescence studies
X.H. Sun,N.B. Wong,C.P. Li,S.T. Lee,T.K. Sham,Journal of Applied Physics,96 (2004) 3447-3451. Reductive self-assembling of Pd and Rh nanoparticles on silicon nanowire templates
X.H. Sun,N.B. Wong,C.P. Li,S.T. Lee,P.S.G. Kim,T.K. Sham,Chemistry of Materials,16 (2004) 1143. Zero-dimensional nanodots on one-dimensional nanowires: Reductive deposition of metal nanoparticles on silicon nanowires
X.H. Sun,B.K. Teo,Journal of Cluster Science(invited review),15 (2004) 199. FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of the Stabilities and Reactivities of Hydrogen-Terminated Surfaces of Silicon Nanowires
X.H. Sun,S.D. Wang,N.B. Wong,D.D.D Ma,S.T. Lee,B.K. Teo,Inorganic Chemistry,42 (2003) 2398. Precision-cut crystalline silicon nanodots and nanorods from nanowires and direct visualization of cross sections and growth orientations of silicon nanowires
Boon K. Teo,X.H. Sun,T.F.Hung,X.M. Meng,N.B. Wong,S.T. Lee,Nano Letters,3 (2003) 1735. Photoelectron spectroscopy study on indium tin oxide treatment by iodine,bromine and their interface with organic films
X.H. Sun,L.F. Cheng,L.S. Liao,N.B. Wong,C.S. Lee,S.T. Lee,Chemical Physics Letters,370 (2003) 425. Templating Effect of Hydrogen-Passivated Silicon Nanowires in the Production of Hydrocarbon Nanotubes and Nanoonions via Sonochemical Reactions with Common Organic Solvents under Ambient Conditions
X.H. Sun,C.P. Li,N.B. Wong,C.S. Lee,S.T. Lee,B.K. Teo,Journal of the American Chemical Society,124 (2002) 14856. Formation of Silicon Carbide Nanotubes and Nanowires via Disproportionation Reaction of Silicon Monoxide with Carbon Nanotubes
X.H. Sun,C.P. Li,W. K. Wong,N.B. Wong,C.S. Lee,S.T. Lee,B.K. Teo,Journal of the American Chemical Society,124 (2002) 14464. Reductive Growth of Nanosized Ligated Metal Clusters on Silicon Nanowires
X.H. Sun,C.P. Li,N.B. Wong,C.S. Lee,S.T. Lee,B.K. Teo,Inorganic Chemistry,41 (2002) 4331. Ag nanostructures on a silicon nanowire template: an X-ray absorption fine structure study at the Si K-edge and Ag L3,2-edge
X.H. Sun,R. Sammynaiken,S.J. Naftel,Y.H. Tang,P. Zhang,P.S. Kim,T.K. Sham,X.H. Fan,Y.F. Zhang,N.B. Wong,C.S. Lee,S.T. Lee,Chemistry of Materials,14 (2002) 2519. An X-ray absorption fine structure and electron energy loss spectroscopy study of silicon nanowires at Si L3,2-edge
X.H. Sun,Y.H. Tang,P. Zhang,S. Naftel,R. Sammynaiken,T.K. Sham,Y.F. Zhang,H.Y. Peng,N.B. Wong,and S.T. Lee,Journal of Applied Physics,90 (2001) 6379. Surface reactivity of Si nanowires
X.H. Sun,H.Y. Peng,Y.H. Tang,W.S. Shi,N.B. Wong,C.S. Lee,S.T. Lee and T.K. Sham,Journal of Applied Physics,89 (2001) 6396.


One dimensional phase-change nanomaterials for information storage application
X. H. Sun,B. Yu,N. G. Garrick,and M. Meyyanppan,in “One-Dimensional Nanostructures”,Springer (2008)