這個以戴白面具、白手套和棒球帽著稱的舞團,在2003年成立於San Diego,團名典故源於「愛麗斯夢遊仙境之鏡中奇緣」里一首叫Jabberwocky的鏡中詩。

經由《美國偶像 American Idol》評委Randy Jackson打造的《Randy Jackson Present America’s Best Dance Crew》結束了第一季的比賽,也誕生了第一隻美國最棒的舞蹈團隊,這支團隊就是JabbaWockeeZ。
JABBA早期是11個人,ABDC當時的比賽要求人數不能多於7個,他們決定讓Gary,Phi,Rainen,Joe,Phil,KB,Chris7個人參賽,但是Gary Kendell因肺炎去世了,他們為了保留Gary的位置,把參賽人數定為6人,後來Joe的腳踝受傷了,於是Ben代替他參賽,所以到ABDC的時候是他們6個人。他們有些舞蹈中無論開頭還是結束都有指向天的動作,那是為了紀念逝去的隊友。他們的舞蹈表演人數因場地和要求不斷改變。Jabbawockeez每個成員都有不同的舞蹈風格和生活背景,這為整個團隊帶來了多元化的風格和觀點。
在ABDC比賽期間,評審Lil Mama毫不避諱地多次表示她超挺JabbaWockeeZ,Lil Mama對JabbaWockeeZ的評論是:「每次表演時,雖然你們的腳步踩得超穩,但是手部動作卻異常優雅,這是你們與眾不同的特點,也是我愛JabbaWockeeZ的原因。」
假面舞客這個創意來自於Joseph Larot, Kevin Brewer和Phil Tayag三個人。
這五位成員分別是:Randy Bernal, Ryan Ellis, Chris Gatdula, Gary Kendell, Rainen Paguio。
所增加的那四位成員分別為:Ben Chung, Eddie Gutierrez, Saso Jimenez和Jeff "Phi” Nguyen。
越南裔1人: Jeff Nguyen
韓國裔1人: Ben Chung
菲律賓裔4人:Rynan Shawn Paguio、Phil Tayag、Chris Gatdula 、Joe Larot
非洲裔1人: Kevin Brewer

Background information 舞團背景
Origin San Diego 聖地亞哥, California加州, USA[citation needed]
Genre(s) Hip hop
Years active 2003–Present
Label(s) America's Best Dance Crew
The group gained fame by appearing on America's Got Talent before winning the MTV hip hop dance reality series America's Best Dance Crew on March 27, 2008. The crew has won $100,000 and a touring contract after being crowned as America's Best Dance Crew in season one. The crew is known for wearing plain white masks and gloves and performing synchronized dance moves. Their name is derived from the Lewis Carroll poem Jabberwocky (featured in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland).
Originally the group that was going to compete on America's Best Dance Crew had seven members, including the late Gary Kendell. Unfortunately, Kendell passed away shortly before the group's start on the show America's Best Dance Crew due to pneumonia. The six JabbaWockeeZ members on the show told the judges during the Live Auditions Special that Gary was the "Yoda" of their crew and that they were doing the show for him. They have stated, "As a tribute to him we point our fingers in the air after each performance
加上已故的Gary Kendell,在最初參加全美街舞大賽的時候有7個人。Kendell由於肺炎去世無法繼續參加比賽。6名剩餘成員在比賽中告訴評委Gary就像尤達大師,他們會為了他繼續參加比賽。他們發下誓言“在每次表演之後我們都會手指天空來懷念他”)