共找到69條詞條名為陳旭的結果 展開



男,教授。出生年月: 1962-03-00

職稱:教授 博導







1.教育部機械學科《過程裝備與控制工程專業》教學指導委員會委員 2.《化工機械》、《壓力容器》、《化學工業與工程》期刊編委 3.系主任


1.課程名稱:過程裝備力學基礎(本科生課程) 2.課程名稱:過程裝備固體力學基礎(研究生課程) 3.課程名稱:化工裝備安全分析與可靠性(研究生課程);微系統封裝基礎(研究生課程)


1.壓力容器和管道的安全評定,過程裝備的優化設計等。 2.新型材料的基本力學性能,疲勞、蠕變、斷裂等。 3.微系統及微電子封裝技術中的互連技術及相關材料的研究。


主要項目: 1.國家傑出青年基金-海外青年學者合作基金:微器件及系統製造(2006.1-2008.12) 2. 國家自然科學基金: 移動顯示模塊製備工藝和可靠性中的關鍵力學問題研究(2007.1-2009.12) 3.教育部優秀青年教師教學科研獎勵計劃(2003.1-2007.12) 4. 國家自然科學基金:微電子封裝焊錫釺料多軸蠕變疲勞研究(2003-2005) 5.國家自然科學基金: 比例和非比例局部應力應變下焊接接頭的多軸低周疲勞(1999-2001) 6.國家自然科學基金: 多軸非比例載荷下的低周疲勞(1995-1997)
科研成果: 1. “多軸非比例載荷下金屬材料低周疲勞研究“獲2003年教育部自然科學二等獎。(第1人) 2.加速溫度循環試驗台,發明專利,授權號ZL200410072233.9 3. 高頻響應高溫拉-扭疲勞引伸計,發明專利,授權號ZL200410072189.1 4. 微型寬頻拉-扭疲勞試驗機,實用新型專利,授權號ZL200420029811.6


Xiaohui Chen, Xu Chen*, Study on ratcheting effect of pressurized straight pipe with local wall thinning using finite element analysis. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 139-140 (2016) 69-76
Yang Tian, Dunji Yu, Zizhen Zhao, Gang Chen and Xu Chen*, Low cycle fatigue and creep–fatigue interaction behaviour of 2.25Cr1MoV steel at elevated temperature Materials at High Temperatures 2016 vol 33 no. 1, 75-84
Yansong Tan, Xin Li, Yunhui Mei, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Temperature-Dependent Dwell- Fatigue Behavior of Nanosilver Sintered Lap Shear Joint Journal of Electronic Packaging, JUNE 2016,Vol.138 / 021001
Xuyang Yuan, Weiwei Yua, Sichao Fu, Dunji Yu*, Xu Chen, Effect of mean stress and ratcheting strain on the low cycle fatigue behavior of a wrought 316LN stainless steel Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 677, 20 November 2016, Pages 193–202
Junfeng Zhang, Dunji Yu, Zhe Zhang, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Low Cycle Fatigue of 2.25Cr1Mo Steel with Tensile and Compressed Hold Loading at Elevated Temperature, Materials Science & Engineering A, 667 (2016) 251–260
Xiaohui Chen, Xu Chen, Effect of local wall thinning on ratcheting behavior of pressurized 90° elbow pipe under reversed bending using finite element analysis. Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2016) 931-950
Sichao Fu, Lei Wang, Gang Chen, Dunji Yu, and Xu Chen, A tension-torsional fatigue testing apparatus for micro-scale components, Review Scientific Instryments, 87, 015111 (2016)
Xiaohui Chen, Xu Chen, Weiwei Yu, Duomin Li, Ratcheting behavior of pressurized 90° elbow piping subjected to reversed in-plane bending with a combined hardening model, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol.137, 2016, p28-37
Dunji Yu, Ke An, Xu Chen, Hongbin Bei ,Phase-specific deformation behavior of a NiAl–Cr(Mo) lamellar composite under thermal and mechanical loads, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 656, 25 January 2016, Pages 481-490
Gang Chen, Qiang Lin, Shan Chen, Xu Chen, In-plane biaxial ratcheting behavior of PVDF UF membrane, Polymer Testing, 2016, 50 : 41-48.
武欣宇,趙姿貞,陳旭,一種2.25Cr1MoV鋼加氫反應設備蠕變疲勞壽命設計方法,機械工程學報,2015,51(6): 51-57.
Xu Chen, Hongsheng Lu, Gang Chen, Xin Wang, A comparison between fracture toughness at different locations of longitudinal submerged arc welded and spiral submerged arc welded joints of API X80 pipeline steels, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 148 (2015) 110–121
Yonghe Yang, Lei Shi, Zhen Xu, Hongsheng Lu, Xu Chen, Xin Wang Fracture toughness of the materials in welded joint of X80 pipeline steel, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.148, 2015, 337-349
Weifeng Chen, Fei Xue, Yang tian, Dunji Yu, Weiwei Yu, Xu Chen, Effect of thermal aging on the low cycle fatigue behavior of Z3CN20.09M cast duplex stainless steel,Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 646, 2015, 263-271
Ting Liang, Xu Chen, Haichao Cheng, Gang Chen, Xiang Ling Thermal aging effect on the ratcheting-fatigue behavior of Z2CND18.12N stainless steel, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.72, 2015, 19-26
Gang Chen, Ling-tao Lu, Yun Cui, Rui-si Xing, Hong Gao, Xu Chen Ratcheting and low-cycle fatigue characterizations of extruded AZ31B Mg alloy with and without corrosive environment,International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.80, 2015, 364-371
YANSONG TAN, XIN LI, GANG CHEN, YUNHUI MEI, and XU CHEN, Three-Dimensional Visualization of the Crack-Growth Behavior of Nano-Silver Joints During Shear Creep, Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2015,761-769
Lilan Gao Hong Gao Xu Chen , (2015),"Recent advances in mechanical properties of anisotropic conductive adhesive film for microelectronic packaging", Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Vol. 27, pp. 164 - 177
Zizhen Zhao, Xu Chen, Xin Wang, Deformation behavior of woven glass/epoxy composite substrate under thermo-mechanical loading, Materials & Design 82 (2015) 130–135
Huaizeng Liu, Xuan Shi, Xu Chen, Yangyang Liu , Management of life extension for topsides process system of offshore platforms in Chinese Bohai Bay Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 35 (2015) 357-365
J. ZHAO, L.-L. GAO, H. GAO, X. YUAN and X. CHEN, Biodegradable behaviour and fatigue life of ZEK100 magnesium alloy in simulated physiologicalenvironment. fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct., 2015,38(8):904–913
S. Shi, G. Chen and X. Chen, Thermo-mechanical Coupling Properties of Proton Exchange Membrane in Liquid Water, Fuel Cells, 2015 June, 15 (3):472-478
Xiaohui Chen, Xu Chen, Gang Chen, Duomin Li, Ratcheting behavior of pressurized Z2CND18.12N stainless steel pipe under different control modes, Steel and Composite Structures,2015,18(1): 29-50
Chen, Gang; Cui, Shibo; You, Lin; Li, Yan; Mei, Yun-Hui; Chen, Xu, Experimental study on multi-step creep properties of rat skins, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 46 49-58, JUN 2015
Wang, Lei, Shi, Shouwen, Fu, Sichao, Chen, Gang, Chen, Xu*, Evaluation of multiaxial fatigue life prediction criteria for PEEK. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 73(10): 128-135
Yun-Hui Mei, Jiao-Yuan Lian; Xu Chen, Gang Chen; Xin Li, Guo-Quan Lu, Thermo-Mechanical Reliability of Double-Sided IGBT Assembly Bonded by Sintered Nanosilver IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY, 2014, 14(1):194-202
Chen, Gang; Zhang, Ze-Sheng; Mei, Yun-Hui; Xin Li, Gang Chen, Xu Chen,Applying viscoplastic constitutive models to predict ratcheting behavior of sintered nanosilver lap-shear joint. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS,?MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, 2014,72:61-71
Mei, Yun-Hui; Cao, Yunjiao; Chen, Gang; Xin LI, Guo-Quan Lu, Xu Chen, Characterization and Reliability of Sintered Nanosilver Joints by a Rapid Current-Assisted Method for Power Electronics Packaging. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY?14(1): 262-267
Lu, Guo-Quan; Yang, Wen; Mei, Yun-Hui, Xin Li, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Mechanism of Migration of Sintered Nanosilver at High Temperatures in Dry Air for Electronic Packaging. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY, 2014,?IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY? 14(1): 311-317
Shouwen Shi, Dan Liu, Dazhi Liu, Patrick Tae, Carrie Y. Gao, Lei Yan, Ke An, Xu Chen, Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Change of Proton Exchange Membrane under Immersed Conditions, Polymer Engineering & Science, 2014, 54 (10), 2215–2221
W. Xu, H Gao*, L Gao, J Ma, X. Chen, Uniaxial time‐dependent ratcheting behavior of bronze powder filled polytetrafluoroethylene at room and high temperature, Polymer Engineering & Science, 2014, 54: 1571-1578?
D. Yu, K. An, Y. Chen, X. Chen, Revealing the cyclic hardening mechanism of an austenitic stainless steel by real-time in situ neutron diffraction, Scripta Materialia, 2014, 89: 45-48
L. LI, Y. H. YANG, Z. XU, G. CHEN and X. CHEN, Fatigue crack growth law of API X80 pipeline steel under various stress ratios based on J-integral. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & StructuresVolume 37, Issue 10, 6 MAY 2014,1124-1137
Ting Liang, Yongfeng Liang, Jiaye Fang, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Torsional fatigue with axial constant stress for Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu lead-free solder, International Journal of Fatigue, 2014, 67:203-211
Gang Chen, Lin Yu, Yun-Hui Mei, Xin Li, Xu Chen, Guo-Quan Lu, Reliability comparison between SAC305 joint and sintered nanosilver joint at high temperatures for power electronic packaging. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1900–1908
Shancan Fu, YunhuiMei, Guo-Quan Lu, Xin Li, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Pressureless sintering of nanosilver paste at low temperature to join largearea(>100mm) power chips for electronic packaging, Materials Letters, 2014, 128:42–45
Sichao Fu, Hong Gao, Gang Chen, Lilan Gao, Xu Chen, Deterioration of mechanical proserties for pre-corroded AZ31 sheet in simulated phsiological environment, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014,593:153-162
Gang Chen, Lin Yu, Yunhui Mei, Xin Li, Xu Chen, Guo-Quan LuUniaxial ratcheting behavior of sintered nanosilver joint for electronic packaging, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014, Vol.591: 121-1292013
Dunji Yu, Ke An, Carrie Y. Gao, William T. Heller, and Xu Chen, A portable hydro-thermo-mechanical loading cell for in situ small angle neutron scattering studies of proton exchange membranes, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2013, 84, 105115
Yi Yan, Youliang Guan, Xu Chen, Guo-Quan Lu,Effects of voids in Sintered Silver Joint on Thermal and Optoelectronic Performances of High Power Laser Diode, Journal of Electronic Packaging, 2013, Vol. 135, 041003
Y Mei, G Chen, Y Cao, X Li, D Han, X Chen, Simplification of Low-Temperature Sintering Nanosilver for Power Electronics Packaging, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2013, 42(6): 1209-1218
GChen, ZSZhang, YHMei, XLi, GQLu, X Chen. Ratcheting Behavior of Sandwiched Assembly Joined by Sintered Nanosilver for Power Electronics Packaging. Microelectronics Reliability. 2013, 53:645–651
Hua Li, Mingjian Wen, Gang Chen, Weiwei Yu, Xu Chen, Constitutive modeling for the anisotropic uniaxial ratcheting behavior of Zircaloy-4 alloy at room temperature, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 443(1–3): 152-160
Xin Li, Gang Chen, Lei Wang, Yun-Hui Mei, Xu Chen, Guo-Quan Lu, Creep properties of low-temperature sintered nano-silver lap shear joints. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013, 579:108–113
Yong Wang, Dunji Yu, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Effects of pre-strain on uniaxial ratcheting and fatigue failure of Z2CN18.10 austenitic stainless steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 2013, 52 : 106–113
Shouwen Shi, Gang Chen, Zhenfeng Wang, Xu Chen, Mechanical properties of Nafion 212 proton exchange membrane subjected to hygrothermal aging,Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 238: 318–323
Yunhui Mei, Yunjiao Cao, Gang Chen, Xin Li, Guo-Quan Lu, Xu Chen, Rapid Sintering Nanosilver Joint by Pulse Current for Power Electronics Packaging. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2013, 13 (1):258-265.
Hongrui Shi, Gang Chen, Yong Wang, Xu Chen, Ratcheting behavior of pressurized elbow pipe with local wall thinning, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2013, Vol.102, 14-23
Xin Li, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Guo-Quan Lu, Lei Wang, Yun-Hui Mei, High temperature ratcheting behavior of nano-silver paste sintered lap shear joint under cyclic shear force,Microelectronics Reliability,2013, 53(1): 174-181
Yunhui Mei, GangChen, XinLi, Guo-QuanLu,Xu Chen,Evolution of Curvature under Thermal-Cycling in Sandwich Assembly Bonded by Sintered Nano-silver Paste" Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, 2013, Vol.25, No.2, 107-116
Yunhui Mei, Gang Chen,Yunjiao Cao, Xin Li, Dan Han, and Xu Chen, Simplification of Low-Temperature Sintering Nanosilver for Power Electronics Packaging, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2013, Vol. 42, No. 6, 1209-1218
Xiaohui Chen,Xu Chen, Dunji Yu, Binjun Gao, Recent progresses in experimental investigation and finite element analysis of ratcheting in pressurized piping, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2013, 101:113-142
Mingjian Wen, Hua Li, Dunji Yu, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Uniaxial ratcheting behavior of Zircaloy-4 tubes at room temperature, Materials and Design, 2013, 46:426-434
Gang Chen, Yunjiao Cao, Yunhui Mei, Dan Han, Guo-Quan Lu, Xu Chen, Pressure-Assisted Low-Temperature Sintering of Nanosilver Paste for 5 × 5mm2 Chip Attachment, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2012, Vol.2, No.11, 1759-1767
Dunji Yu, Weiwei Yu, Gang Chen, Fengmin Jing, Xu Chen, Role of dynamic strain aging in the tensile property, cyclic deformation and fatigue behavior of Z2CND18.12N stainless steel between 293K and 723K, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2012, 558: 730-736
Yi Yan, Xu Chen, Xingsheng Liu, Yunhui Mei, Guo-Quan Lu,Die Bonding of High Power 808nm Laser Diodes with Nano-Silver Paste, ASME Transaction on Journal of Electronic Packaging, 2012, 134,041003
Yunhui Mei, Tao Wang, Xiao Cao, Gang Chen, Guo-Quan Lu, and Xu Chen, Transient Thermal Impedance Measurementson Low-Temperature-Sintered Nanoscale Silver Joints, Journal Electronic Materials, 2012, Vol. 41, No. 11, 3152-3160
Yue Cui, Hong Gao, Jinsheng Sun, Yanhong Wang, Xu Chen, Shuo Jiang, Numerical simulation of gas–solid flow in a conveying vessel, Powder Technology 226 (2012) 34–42
Tao Wang, Meihua Zhao,Xu Chen, Guo-Quan Lu, Khan Ngo, and Shufang Luo, Shrinkage and Sintering Behavior of a Low-Temperature Sinterable Nanosilver Die-Attach Paste, Journal Electronic Materials, 2012, 41(9):2543-2552
Dunji Yu, Xu Chen, Weiwei Yu, Gang Chen,Thermo-viscoplastic modeling incorporating dynamic strain aging effect on the uniaxial behavior of Z2CND18.12N stainless steel, International Journal of Plasticity, 2012, 37:119-139
Shouwen Shi, Dunji Yu, Lilan gao, Gang Chen, Jian Chen, Xu Chen, Nonlinear Viscoelastic-plastic Constitutive Description of Proton Exchange Membrane under Immersed Condition, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 213: 40-46
Li-Lan Gao, Xu Chen, Hong Gao, Mechanical Properties of Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Film Under Hygrothermal Aging and Thermal Cycling,Journal Electronic Materials, 2012, Vol.41, No.7, 2001-2009
Yunhui Mei, GangChen, Guo-QuanLu, XuChen,Effect of joint sizes of low-temperature sintered nano-silver on thermal residual curvature of sandwiched assembly, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2012, 35: 88-93
Gang Chen, Xiu-Hu Sun, Peng Nie, Yun-Hui Mei, Guo-Quan Lu, and Xu Chen, High-Temperature Creep Behavior of Low-Temperature-Sintered Nano-Silver Paste Films, Journal of Electronic material, 2012, 41(4):782-790
Gang Chen, D Han, YH Mei, X Cao, T Wang, X Chen, GQ LuTransient Thermal Performance of IGBT Power Modules attached by Low-Temperature Sintered Nano-Silver, Device and Materials Reliability, IEEE Transactions on, 2012, 12(1):124-132
Chao Li, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Weihua Zhang, Ratcheting strain and simulation of 16MnR steel under uniaxial cyclic loading,Computation material Science,2012,57: 43-47
X Li, G Chen, X Chen, GQ Lu, L Wang, Y Mei,Mechanical Property Evaluation of Nano-Silver Paste Sintered Joint Using Lap-Shear Test, Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 2012, 24 (2), 120-126
Dunji Yu, Gang Chen, Weiwei Yu, Duomin Li, Xu Chen, Visco-plastic constitutive modeling on Ohno-Wang kinematic hardening rule for uniaxial ratcheting behavior of Z2CND18.12N steel, Int. J. Plasticity, 2012, Vol.28, No,1, 88-101
JianBei Zhu, Xu Chen, Fei Xue, Weiwei Yu, Bending Ratcheting Tests of Z2CND18.12 stainless steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 2012, Vol.35, No.1, 16-22
Lilan Gao, Xu Chen, Hong Gao, Shear strength Behavior of Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Joints under Hygrothermal Aging and Thermal Cycling, Int. J. Adhesives &Adhesion, 2012, Vol.33, pp75-79
Yunhui Mei, Guo-Quan Lu, Xu Chen, Gang ChenandShufang Luo,Investigation of Post-Etch Copper Residue on Direct Bonded Copper (DBC) Substrates, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2011, Vol.40, No.10, 2119-2125.
Liubing Wang, Dunji Yu, Fei Xue, Weiwei Yu, Jian Chen,Xu Chen, Fatigue behaviors of Z2CND18.12N stainless steel under thermal- mechanical cycling, Acta Metall. Sinica.(Engl. Lett.) 2011, Vol.24 No.2 pp 101-108
Lilan Gao, Lei Wang, Hong Gao, Gang Chen, Xu Chen, Fatigue life evaluation of anisotropic conductive adhesive film joints under mechanical and hygrothermal loads,Microelectronics Reliability, 2011, Vol.51, No.8, 1393-1397
Yanping Wang, Xu Chen,Weiwei Yu, Microscopic mechanism of multiaxial fatigue of vulcanized natural rubber, Plastic, Rubber & Composites, 2011, Vol.40, No.10, 491-496
Yunhui Mei, Guo-Quan Lu, Xu Chen, Shufang Luo, Dimeji Ibitayo, and Bruce Geil, Electromigration of Sintered Nanosilver Die-attach Material on Alumina Substrate Between 250oC and 400 oC in Dry Air, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2011, 11 (2): 316-323.
Yunhui Mei, Guo-Quan Lu,Xu Chen, Shufang Luo, Dimeji Ibitayo, Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on Silver Migration of Low-Temperature Sintered Nanosilver Die-Attach Material. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2011, 11 (2): 312-315
Xu Chen, Lei Yan, Zhenfeng Wang, Dan Liu, Out-of-phase thermo-mechanical coupling behavior of proton exchange membranes, Journal of Power Sources,196 (2011) 2644–2649
P Panaccione, Tao Wang, Xu Chen, Luo Susan, GQ Lu, Improved Heat Dissipation and Optical Performance of High-Power LED Packaging with Sintered Nanosilver Die-Attach Material,Journal of microelectronics and electronic packaging 7 (3), 164-168
Xin Li, Xu Chen, Guo-Quan Lu, Reliability of High-Power LightEmitting Diode Attached WithDifferent Thermal InterfaceMaterials, ASME Trans. Journal of Electronic Packaging, 2010, Vol.132, No.3, 031011
Xinjian Zhang, Lu Huang, Xu Chen, Peter K. Liaw,Ke An,and Tao Zhang, Gongyao Wang, Mechanical Behavior of Fe75Mo5P10C7.5B2.5Bulk-Metallic Glass under Torsional Loading, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010, 527: 7801-7807
Tao Wang, Gang Chen, Yanping Wang, Xu Chen, Guo-quan Lu,Uniaxial ratcheting and fatigue behaviors of low-temperature sintered nano-scale silver paste at room and high temperatures, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010,527: 6714–6722
LLGao, XChen, HGao, SB.Zhang,Description of nonlinear viscoelastic behavior and creep-rupture time of anisotropic conductive film,Materials Science and Engineering A 2010, A 527: 5115–5121.
Guangcheng Dong, Xu Chen, Xinjian Zhang, Khai D.T. Ngo, Guo-Quan Lu, Thermal fatigue behaviour of Al2O3-DBC substrates under high temperature cyclic loading,Soldering & Surface Mount Technology,2010, Vol.22,No.2, pp. 43-48
Thomas Guangyin Lei, Jesus Noel Calata, Guo-Quan Lu, Xu Chen, and Shufang Luo, Low-Temperature Sintering of Nanoscale Silver Paste for Attaching Large-Area (>100mm2) Chips. IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology, 2010, Vol.33, No.1, pp98-104
Zhe Zhang, Xu Chen*,Yanping Wang,Uniaxial ratcheting behavior of PTFE materials at elevated temperature, Polymer Testing, 2010, 29: 352-357
Youliang Guan, Xu Chen, Fengqin Li, Hong Gao,Study on the Curing Process and Shearing Tests of Die Attachment by Ag-epoxy Electrically Conductive Adhesive, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2010,30:80-88
Yunhui Mei, Xu Chen, and Hong Gao,Hygrothermal Effects on the Tensile Properties of Anisotropic Conductive Films, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2009, Vol.38, No.11, 2415-2426
Gang Chen, Shan Shicao, Xu Chen, Huang Yuan, Ratcheting and fatigue properties of the high-nitrogen steel X13CrMnMoN18-14-3 under cyclic loading, Computational Materials Science, 2009, Vol.46, 572-578
Dunji Yu, Xu Chen, Gang Chen, Guo-quan Lu, Zheng-qiang Wang, Applying Anand model to low-temperature sintered nanoscale silver paste chip attachment, Materials and Design, 2009, 30:4574-4579
Ning Bai, Xu Chen, A new unified constitutive model with short and long range back stress for lead-free solders of Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu and Sn-0.7Cu. International Journal of Plasticity, 2009, 25(11): 2181-2203
Li-Lan Gao, Xu Chen,Shu-Bao Zhang, Hong Gao,Mechanical Properties of Anisotropic Conductive Film with Strain Rate and Temperature, Materials Science and Engineering A:2009, 513-514, 216-221
Guangcheng Dong, ThomasLei, Xu Chen,Khai Ngo, Guo-Quan Lu, Edge tail length effect on reliability of DBC substrate under thermal cycles, Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, 2009, Vol.21, No.3, 10-15
Zhe Zhang, Xu Chen, Multiaxial ratcheting behavior of PTFE at room temperature. Polymer testing, 2009,28(3)pp. 288-295
Kwang S. Kim, Rong Jiao, Xu Chen, and Masao Sakane, Ratcheting of Stainless Steel 304 Under Multiaxial Nonproportional Loading. ASME Trans. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. 131, No.2, 021405 (2009)
Yangping Wang, Xu Chen, Weiwei Yu, Lei Yan, Experimental study on multiaxial ratchetting behavior of vulcanized natural rubber, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2009, Vol.49, No.3, p.506-513
Hong Gao, Xu Chen, Effect of axial ratcheting deformation on torsional low cycle fatigue life of lead-free solder Sn-3.5Ag, International Journal of Fatigue, 2009, Vol.31,No.2, p276-283
Bai Ning, Xu Chen, Hong Gao, Simulation of uniaxial tensile properties for lead-free solders with modified Anand model,Materials and Design, 2009, 30:122-128
陳旭,張軍,加速溫度循環試驗台,發明專利ZL200410072233.9, 授權日2006年5月17日
高紅,馬健,陳旭,各向異性導電膠膜用複合導電粒子及製備方法, 發明專利ZL2011100019080。
日本立命館大學機械系,加拿大卡爾頓大學航空與機械系,維吉尼亞理工大學材料系,美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室, 勞倫斯柏克利國家實驗室,加拿大能源部材料研究所開展合作研究