共找到7條詞條名為曾曉東的結果 展開
在國內外核心期刊發表研究論文50餘篇,SCI 檢索 12 篇,EI 檢索 23 篇。其中關於半導體激光器遠場光分佈及傳播特性的研究成果多次被國外學者在Appl. Opt.,Appl. Phys. Lett.,Optics Comm. 上引用。
1. X. Zeng,“Far-field solution of the Helmholtz eqation for double heterostructure diode lasers”,Appl. Phys.,A57:243-247.(1993)
2. X. Zeng and A. Naqwi,“Far-field distribution of double heterostructure laser beams”,Appl. Opt.,32:(24)4491-4495.(1993)
3. X. Zeng and C. Liang,“Maximum far-field angle of a plane source”,Appl. Opt.,35:(16)3068-3072 .(1996)
4. X. Zeng and C. Liang,“Far-field radiation of planar gaussian sources and comparison with solutions based on the parabolic approximation”,Appl. Opt.,36:(10)2042-2047.(1997)
5. X. Zeng,C. Liang,and Y. An,“Far-field propagation of an off-axis Gaussian wave”,Appl. Opt.,38:(30)5216-5220. (1999)
6. X. Zeng and Y. An,“Wavelength measurement using dual photodetectors”,Proc. SPIE,4223,153-155.(2000)
7. X. Zeng and Y. An,“Novel coupling method of laser diode array to multimode fiber”,Proc. SPIE,4913,45-48.(2002)
8. X. Zeng and Y. An,“Coupling light from laser diode into multimode fiber”,Appl. Opt.,42:(22)4427-4430 .(2003)
9. X. Zeng and Y. An,“Error analysis for the far-field of a small plane source”,Optics Comm.,222,137-141 .(2003)
10. X. Zeng and Y. An,“Waveleng sensing by dual photodetectors”,Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical,109,76-78.(2003)
11. X. Zeng,Zhejun Feng,and Yuying An,“Far-field expression of a high-power laser diode”,Appl. Opt.,43:(27) 5168-5172.(2004)