



1. Zhiqing Li, Hiroaki Mon, Hitoshi Mitsunobu, Li Zhu, Jian Xu, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2014. Dynamics of Polycomb proteins-mediated histone modifications during UV irradiation-induced DNA damage. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 55. 9-18.
2. Zhiqing Li, Hiroaki Mon, Jian Xu, Li Zhu, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2014. A conserved SUMOylation signaling for cell cycle control in a holocentric species Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 51. 71-79.
3. Ling Wei, Zhiqing Li, Daojun Cheng, Takahiro Kusakabe, Minhui Pan, Yonghu Wang, Cheng Lu. 2014. RNAi silencing of SoxE gene suppresses cell proliferation in the silkworm BmN4 cells. Molecular Biology Reports, 41. 4769-4781. (Co-first author)
4. Zhiqing Li, Daojun Cheng, Hiroaki Mon, Li Zhu, Jian Xu, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Jae Man Lee, Qingyou Xia, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2013. Cell cycle-dependent recruitment of Polycomb proteins to the ASNS promoter counteracts C/ebp-mediated transcriptional activation in Bombyx mori. PLoS One, 8. 1, e52320.
5. Zhiqing Li, Li Zhu, Jian Xu, Hiroaki Mon, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2013. Amino acid deprivation-induced expression of asparagine synthetase regulates the growth and survival of cultured silkworm cells. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 83. 2, 57–68.
6. Zhiqing Li, Daojun Cheng, Hiroaki Mon, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Li Zhu, Jian Xu, Jae Man Lee, Qingyou Xia, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2012. Genome-wide identification of Polycomb target genes reveals a functional association of Pho with Scm in Bombyx mori. PLoS One, 7. 4, e34330.
7. Zhiqing Li, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Kosuke Sakashita, Li Zhu, Jian Xu, Hiroaki Mon, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2012. Identification and characterization of Polycomb group genes in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Molecular Biology Reports, 39. 5, 5575-5588.
8. Zhiqing Li, Hiroaki Mon, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2012. Subcellular localization of Bombyx mori CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein and its effect on cell proliferation. Entomotech, 36. 7-10.
9. Zhiqing Li, Daojun Cheng, Ling Wei, Ping Zhao, Xu Shu, Lin Tang, Zhonghuai Xiang, Qingyou Xia. 2010. The silkworm homolog of Methoprene-tolerant (Met) gene reveals sequence conservation but function divergence. Insect Science, 17, 313–324.
10. Hitoshi Mitsunobu, Hiroaki Mon, Jian Xu, Zhiqing Li, Jae Man Lee, Anandrao Ashok Patil, Atsushi Masuda, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Daisuke Morokuma, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2015. Biochemical characterization of maintenance DNA methyltransferase DNMT-1 from silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 58. 55-56.
11. Wenliang Qian, Lixia Kang, Tianlei Zhang, Meng Meng, Yonghu Wang, Zhiqing Li, Qingyou Xia, Daojun Cheng. 2015. Ecdysone receptor (EcR) is involved in the transcription of cell cycle genes in the silkworm. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16, 3335-3349.
12. Daojun Cheng, Wenliang Qian, Yonghu Wang, Meng Meng, Ling Wei, Zhiqing Li, Lixia Kang, Jian Peng, Qingyou Xia. 2014. Nuclear Import of Transcription Factor BR-C Is Mediated by Its Interaction with RACK1. PLoS One, 10. 9, e109111.
13. Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Li Zhu, Zhiqing Li, Hitoshi Mitsunobu, Kaito Yoshimura, Hiroaki Mon, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2014. Roles of Piwi proteins in transcriptional regulation mediated by HP1s in cultured silkworm cells. PLoS One, 9. 3, e92313.
14. Jian Xu, Kaito Yoshimura, Hiroaki Mon, Zhiqing Li, Li Zhu, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Takahiro Kusakabe, Jae Man Lee. 2014. Establishment of Caenorhabditis elegans SID-1-dependent DNA delivery system in cultured silkworm cells. Molecular Biotechnology, 56. 193–198.
15. Jian Xu, Takahiro Kusakabe, Kimiko Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Suetsugu, Hiroaki Mon, Zhiqing Li, Li Zhu, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Yutaka Banno, Kaito Yoshimura, Jae Man Lee. 2014. A novel third chromosomal locus controls susceptibility to Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98. 3049–3058.
16. Takumi Mitsudome, Jian Xu, Yudai Nagata, Atsushi Masuda, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Daisuke Morokuma, Zhiqing Li, Hiroaki Mon, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2014. Expression, purification, and characterization of Endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H using baculovirus-mediated silkworm protein expression system. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 172. 3978–3988.
17. Hiroaki Mon, Zhiqing Li, Isao Kobayashi, Shuichiro Tomita, JaeMan Lee, Hideki Sezutsu, Toshiki Tamura, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2013. Soaking RNAi in Bombyx mori BmN4-SID1 cells arrests cell cycle progression. Journal of Insect Science, 13. 155.
18. Li Zhu, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Hiroaki Mon, Zhiqing Li, Jian Xu, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2013. Characterization of Tudor-sn-containing granules in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 43. 664-674.
19. Li Zhu, Yuki Masaki, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Zhiqing Li, Hiroaki Mon, Jian Xu, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2013. A MC motif in silkworm Argonaute 1 is indispensible for translation repression. Insect Molecular Biology, 22. 3, 320–330.
20. Jian Xu, Yudai Nagata, Hiroaki Mon, Zhiqing Li, Li Zhu, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Takahiro Kusakabe, Jae Man Lee. 2013. Soaking RNAi-mediated modification of Sf9 cells for baculovirus expression system by ectopic expression of Caenorhabditis elegans SID-1. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97. 5921–5931.
21. Jian Xu, Hiroaki Mon, Takahiro Kusakabe, Zhiqing Li, Li Zhu, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Atsushi Masuda, Takumi Mitsudome, Jae Man Lee. 2013. Establishment of a soaking RNA interference and Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV)-hypersensitive cell line using Bme21 cell. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97. 10435–10444.
22. Li Zhu, Zhiqing Li, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Daojun Cheng, Jian Xu, Kaito Yoshimura, Hiroaki Mon, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Jae Man Lee, Qingyou Xia, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2013. Genome-wide identification of Argonaute 1- and Argonaute 2-regulating genes revealed an inhibition of macula-like virus by RNAi pathway in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology, 82. 19-23.
23. Saki Imai, Zhiqing Li, Kazuhiro Iiyama, Yoshitaka Miyagawa, Masashi Toyoda, Akihiro Umezawa, Hiroaki Mon, Takahiro Kusakabe, Kaito Yoshimura, Jae Man Lee. 2013. Biologically active human bone morphogenetic protein 4 fused to collagen-binding domain produced in silkworm-baculovirus expression system. Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology, 82. 39-44.
24. Li Zhu, Tsuneyuki Tatsuke, Zhiqing Li, Hiroaki Mon, Jian Xu, Jae Man Lee, Takahiro Kusakabe. 2012. Molecular cloning of BmTUDOR-SN and analysis of its role in the RNAi pathway in the silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 47. 3, 207-215.
25. Daojun Cheng, Qingyou Xia, Jun Duan, Ling Wei, Chong Huang, Zhiqing Li, Genhong Wang, Zhonghuai Xiang. 2008. Nuclear receptors in Bombyx mori: insights into genomic structure and developmental expression. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 38, 1130–1137.
26. Daojun Cheng, Zhiqing Li, Meng Meng, Jian Peng, Wenliang Qian, Lixia Kang, Qingyou Xia. 2014. Characterization of Cytochrome P450 Genes Involving in Ecdysteroidogenesis in Silkworm (Bombyx mori). Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 47. 3, 594-604.
2徠7. Yongliang Zhang, Chong Huang, Zhiqing Li, Chundong Zhang, Yong Zhu. 2008. Molecular cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding the prophenoloxidase gene in Bombyx mandarina. Acta Entomologica Sinica, 51. 4, 437-442.
28. Chong Huang, Daojun Cheng, Xu Shu, Zhiqing Li, Qingyou Xia. 2007. Identification of allatostatin and allatotrapin in silkworm and analysis of their expression patterns. Newsletter of Sericultural Science, 27. 3, 7-10.