共找到15條詞條名為劉勤的結果 展開
劉勤,男,博士,副研究員,江蘇常熟農田生態系統國家野外科學觀測研究站副站長。1999年在中科院南京土壤研究所獲博士學位,2003年10月-12月在德國Hohenheim大學合作研究,2005年10月-12月在蘇格蘭作物研究所合作研究,2006年2月-8月獲Heinrich Hertz基金資助在德國Aachen大學合作研究。主要從事土壤農田生態系統養分循環、污染物遷移及環境效應等方面研究工作。
Qin Liu*, Rong Ji, G Hommes, A Shäffer, P Corvini. Fate of a branched nonylphenol isomer in submerged paddy soils amended with nitrate. Water Research 2008,42:4802-4808; QinLiu*, A.Tjoa and V.Römheld. Effects of Chloride and Co-Contaminated Zinc on Cadmium Accumulation within Thlaspi caerulescens and Durum wheat. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2007, 79(1):62-65; Griffiths BS, Qin Liu, Huili Wang et al. Restoration of Soil Physical and Biological Stability Are Not Coupled in Response to Plants and Earthworms. Ecological Rest. 2008, 26(2):102-104. Liu Qin*, DJ Wang et al. Effects of the interactions between selenium and phosphorus on the growth and selenium accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa). Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2004,26(2):325-330.