共找到6條詞條名為張研的結果 展開
- 天津市實驗中學團委書記
- 北京大學生命科學學院教授
- 中國人民大學清史研究所教授
- 飛特公司創建人
- 長春市委辦公廳秘書處主任科員
- 演員
2. Alzheimer's disease: amyloid toxicity and metabolism, neuronal polarity and biomarkers
3. Cell-cell communication in physiological and stress conditions
1999 - 2003 , 理學博士 , Neurology and Neurosurgery , McGill University
1997 - 1999 , 理學碩士 , Neuroscience , Carleton University
1993 - 1997 , 理學學士 , Psychology , Peking University
1. Finci LI, Krüger N, Sun X, Zhang J, Chegkazi M, Wu Y, Schenk G, Mertens HDT, Svergun DI,Zhang Y*, Wang J-H*, Meijers R* ,The crystal structure of netrin-1 in complex with DCC reveals the bi-functionality of netrin-1 as a guidance cue, Neuron , 2014 , 83: 839-849
2. Sun X, Wu Y, Gu M,Zhang Y* ,MiR-342-5p Decreases Ankyrin G Level in Alzheimer’s Disease Transgenic Mouse Models, Cell Reports , 2014 , 6: 264-270
3. Tian N, Cao Z,Zhang Y* ,MiR-206 Decreases BDNF Level in AD Transgenic Mouse Model, Neurosci Bull , 2013 , 20: 191-197
4. You Y,Zhang Y* ,Desflurane Accelerates Neuronal Cytotoxicity of Aβ by Downregulating miR-214, Neurosci Lett , 2013 , 554: 28-33
5. Yan H, Guan X, Wang L, Tan J, Wang G, An Y,Zhang Y* ,A point mutation in ε-sarcoglycan induces inherited myoclonus dystonia syndrome in a Chinese family., Int J Clin Exp Med , 2013 , 6: 289-293
6. Yan H, Xu T, Zhao H, Lee K-C, Wang H-Y,Zhang Y* ,Isoflurane increases neuronal cell death vulnerability by downregulating miR-214, PLoS One , 2013 , e55276. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0055276.
7. Chen Q, Sun X, Zhou X-H, Liu J-H, Wu J,Zhang Y*, Wang J-H* ,N-terminal horseshoe conformation of DCC is functionally required for axon guidance and may be shared by other neural receptors, J Cell Sci , 2013 , 126: 186-195
8. Du Y, Wang Q,Zhang Y, Wu X-H, Li L* ,Perceived target-masker separation unmasks responses of lateral amygdala to the emotionally conditioned target sounds in awake rats, Neuroscience , 2012 , 225: 249-257
9. Qin X, Lv J, Cui J, Fang X,Zhang Y* ,Curcumin protects against staurosporine toxicity in rat neurons, Neurosci Bull , 2012 , 28: 606-610
10. Hejjaoui M, Butterfield S, Fauvet B, Vercruysse F, Cui J, Dikiy I, Prudent M, Olschewski, Diana;Zhang Y, Eliezer D, Lashuel H* ,Elucidating the role of C-terminal post-translational modifications using protein semisynthesis strategies: α-synuclein phosphorylation at tyrosine 125, JACS , 2012 , 134: 5196-5210
11. Sun X, Meng X, Zhang J, Li Y, Wang L, Qin X, Sui N,Zhang Y* ,GABA attenuates amyloid toxicity by downregulating its endocytosis and improves cognitive impairment, J Alzheimer Dis , 2012 , 30: 1-15
12. Yang B, Sun X, Lashuel H andZhang Y* ,Reactive oxidative species is involved in enhanced amyloid toxicity in APP/PS1 mouse neurons, Neurosci Bull , 2012 , 28: 233-239
13. Sun X, Wang Y, Zhang J, Tu J, Wang X-J, Su X-D, Wang L,Zhang Y* ,Tunneling-nanotube direction determination in neurons and astrocytes, Cell Death Dis , 2012 , 3: e438. DOI: 10.1038/cddis.2012.177
14. Cui J, Wang Y, Dong Q, Wu S, Xiao X, Hu J, Chai Z* andZhang Y* ,Morphine protects against intracellular amyloid toxicity by inducing estradiol release and upregulation of Hsp70, J Neurosci , 2011 , 31: 16277-16240
15.Zhang Y* ,Tunneling-nanotube: A new way of cell-cell communication, Comm Integ Biol , 2011 , 4: 324-325
16.Zhang Y* and Lee D ,Sink hypothesis and therapeutic strategies for attenuating Abeta levels, Neuroscientist , 2011 , 17: 163-173
17. Wang Y, Cui J, Sun X andZhang Y* ,Tunneling-nanotube development in astrocytes depends on p53 activation, Cell Death Differ , 2011 , 18: 732-742
18. Qin XY, Cui J andZhang Y* ,Coeloglossum viride var. bracteatum extract protects against amyloid toxicity in rat prefrontal cortex neurons, Int J Clin Exp Med , 2010 , 3: 88-94
19. Cui J, Chen Q, Yue X, Jiang X, Gao GF*, Yu L* andZhang Y* ,Galanin protects against intracellular amyloid toxicity in human primary neurons, J Alzheimer Dis , 2010 , 19: 529-544
20. Wang XJ, Cao Q, Liu X, Wang KT, Mi W,Zhang Y, Li LF, LeBlanc AC* and Su XD* ,Crystal structures of human caspase 6 reveral a new mechanism for intramolecular cleavage self-activation, EMBO Report , 2010 , 11-841-847
21.Zhang Y*, Xiong W, Lin X, Ma X and Yu L ,Roles of mu-opioid receptor phosphorylation in opioid tolerance and dependence, Neurosci Biobehav Rev , 2009 , 33: 1192-1197
22. Qin XY, Cheng Y, Cui J,Zhang Yand Yu L* ,Potential protection of curcumin against amyloid beta-induced toxicity on cultured rat prefrontal cortical neurons, Neurosci Lett , 2009 , 463: 158-161
23. Hou J, Cui J, Yu L andZhang Y* ,Intracellular amyloid induces impairments on electrophysiological properties of cultured human neurons, Neurosci Lett , 2009 , 462: 294-299
24.Zhang Y* and Yu L* ,Single-cell microinjection technology in cell biology, BioEssays , 2008 , 30: 606-610.
25. Chen Q, Cui J,Zhang Y* and Yu L* ,Prolonged morphine application modulates Bax and Hsp70 levels in primary rat neurons, Neurosci Lett , 2008 , 441: 311-314.
26.Zhang Y*, Chen Q and Yu L* ,Morphine: a protective or destructive role in neurons?, Neuroscientist , 2008 , 14: 561-570
27. Cui J, Chen Q, Yu L andZhang Y* ,Chronic morphine application is protective against cell death in primary human neurons, NeuroReport , 2008 , 19: 1745-1749
28.Zhang Y* and Yu L* ,Microinjection as a tool of mechanical delivery, Curr Opin Biotech , 2008 , 19: 506-510
29.Zhang Y* ,Microinjection Technique and Protocol to Single Cells, Nat Protocols , 2007 , DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2007.487
30. Guo H, Petrin D,Zhang Y, Bergeron C, Goodyer C and LeBlanc A* ,Caspase-1 activation of caspase-6 in human apoptotic neurons, Cell Death Differ , 2006 , 13: 285-292.
31. Roucou X, Giannopoulos PN,Zhang Y, Jodoin J, Goodyer C and LeBlanc A* ,Cellular prion protein inhibits proapoptitic Bax conformational change in human neurons and in breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells, Cell Death Differ , 2005 , 12: 783-795.
32. Tounekti O,Zhang Y, Goodyer C and LeBlanc A* ,Caspase inhibitory factor is mediated by a cysteinyl protease activity, J Neurochem , 2004 , 89: 561-568.
33.Zhang Y, Beitel L, Goodyer C, Trifiro M and LeBlanc A* ,Estrogen and androgen protect against intracellular amyloid beta toxicity, J Neurosci , 2004 , 24: 5315-5321.
34.Zhang Y, Guo Y, Bounhar Y, Roucou X, Goodyer C and LeBlanc A* ,p75NTR protects against extracellular amyloid beta toxicity in human neurons, J Neurosci , 2003 , 23: 7385-7394.
35. Roucou X, Gou Q,Zhang Y, Bounhar Y, Goodyer C and LeBlanc A* ,Cytosolic PrP protects against Bax-mediated cell death in human neurons, J Biol Chem , 2003 , 278: 40877-40881.
36.Zhang Y, McLauglin R, Vereker E, Goodyer C and LeBlanc A* ,Selectively cytotoxicty of intracellular amyloid beta peptide1-42 through p53 and Bax in cultured primary human neurons, J Cell Biol , 2002 , 156: 519-529.
37. Bounhar Y,Zhang Y, Papasopulos M, Turcotte B, Goodyer C and leBlanc A* ,Prion protein protects human neurons against Bax-mediated cell death, J Biol Chem , 2001 , 276: 39145-39149.
38.Zhang Y, Tounekti O, Akerman B, Goodyer C and LeBlanc A* ,17-beta-estradiol induces an inhibitor of active caspases, J Neurosci , 2001 , 21: RC176, 1-6.
39.Zhang Y, Goodyer C and LeBlanc A* ,Selective and protracted apoptosis in human primary neurons microinjected with active caspase-3, -6, -7 and –8, J Neurosci , 2000 , 20: 8384-8389.
40.Zhang Yand Wu SH* ,Long-term potentiation in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and inferior colliculus of rats, Hearing Res , 2000 , 147: 92-103.
41. Zuohong Xue* andZhang Y,Psychological selection methods for winter-over members of the Chinese National Antarctiv Research Expedition, Chinese J Polar Res , 1998 , 10: 49-58.
42. Zuohong Xue*,Zhang Y, Yao Z and Quanfu Xue ,An investigation of physiological changes in winter-over members of Zhongshan Station, Chinese J Polar Res , 1998 , 10: 139-143.
43.Zhang Yand Zuohong Xue* ,Recent studies on human physiology and psychology in Antarctica, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium , 1998 , 34: 125-136.
44. Zuohong Xue*,Zhang Y, Yao Z and Quanfu Xue ,A study of the personality and psychological characteristics of winter-over members in the Antarctic Great Wall Station, Chinese J Polar Res , 1997 , 9: 207-213.