共找到12條詞條名為王亞的結果 展開
2011年1月-2013年12月,香港研究資助局項目“Hydrogeological and Geochemical Characterization of Clay-Rich Aquitards in the PRD”,項目主要完成人
2010年1月-2012年12月,香港研究資助局項目“Generation and Migration of High-salinity Groundwater in the PRD”,項目主要完成人
2008年1月-2010年12月,香港研究資助局項目“Origin and Evolution of Abnormally High Ammonium Groundwater in the PRD and Its Environmental Impact”,項目主要完成人
1.Wang, Y., Jiao, J.J., 2014. Multivariate statistical observation on the enrichment of arsenic with different oxidation states in the Quaternary sediments of the Pearl River Delta, China.Journal of Geochemical Exploration.138,72-80.
2.Wang, Y., Jiao, J.J., Cherry, J.A., Lee, C., 2013. Contribution of hydrogeochemical processes within the aquitard to the regional groundwater hydrochemistry of an aquifer-aquitard system.Science of the Total Environment,461-462, 663-671.
3.Wang, Y., Jiao, J.J., Zhu, S., Li, Y., 2013. Arsenic K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy to determine oxidation states of arsenic of a coastal aquifer-aquitard system.Environmental Pollution,179, 160-166.
4.Wang, Y., Jiao, J.J., 2012. Origin of groundwater salinity and hydrogeochemical processes in the confined Quaternary aquifer of the Pearl River Delta, China.Journal ofHydrology,438-439, 112-124.
5.Wang, Y., Jiao, J.J., Cherry, J.A., 2012. Occurrence and geochemical behavior of arsenic in a coastal aquifer-aquitard system of the Pearl River Delta, China.Science of the Total Environment, 427-428, 286-297.
6.JJ Jiao,Wang, Y., JA Cherry, X. Wang, B. Zhi, H. Du, D. Wen, 2010, Abnormally high ammonium of natural origin in a coastal aquifer-aquitard system in the Pearl River Delta, China,Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 7470-7475.
7.Wang, X., Jiao, J.J.,Wang, Y., Cherry, J.A., Kuang, X., Liu, K., Lee, C., Gong, Z., 2013 Accumulation and transport of ammonium in aquitards in the Pearl River Delta, China, in the last 10,000 years: Conceptual model and numerical modeling.Hydrogeology Journal,21, 961-976.
8.王亞,焦赳赳,陳建耀. 2013. 珠江三角洲第四紀各地層生成與存儲天然銨能力的探討與對比。生態環境學報.22(12),1909-1915.
9.陳建耀,王亞,張洪波,趙新峰. 2006,地下水硝酸鹽污染綜述。地球科學進展. 25, 34-44.