共找到6條詞條名為廢物的結果 展開
- 詞語名稱
- 廢棄無用或骯髒破爛之物
- 左手倒影,右手年華
- 2019年mchotdog發行的音樂專輯
- 2012年上映的電影
- 歌曲
徠《廢物》是一部電影作品,導演是Candida Brady。
The徠 film is a global conversation from Iceland to Indonesia between Jeremy Irons and scientists, politicians and ordinary individuals whose health and livelihoods have been fundamentally affected by practices such as landfills and incinerators. Visually and emotionally the film is both horrific and beautiful: an interplay of human stories and ecological disruption. But it ends on a message of hope: showing how the risk to our survival can be averted through sustainable pathways that provide economic solutions while protecting our air, water and food resources.

正式海報 日本版
