共找到101條詞條名為高翔的結果 展開



高翔:中國科學院等離子體物理研究所聚變堆總體研究室執行主任,二級研究員、博士生導師。中國科學技術大學(雙聘)教授。 1985年7月畢業於南京工學院(東南大學)獲學士學位; 1990年11月於中國科學院等離子體物理研究所獲碩士學位; 1997年6月於中國科學院等離子體物理研究所獲博士學位; 1996-1997在日本原子力研究所做訪問學者; 2000-2002被日本原子力研究所邀請為海外特聘研究員(JAERI research fellow)。


是磁約束等離子體物理和高溫等離子體診斷技術。目前研究方向是在國家大科學工程EAST托卡馬克裝置,發展邊界與台基等離子體診斷技術(微波反射儀和切向VUV成像診斷),研究台基結構和邊界局域模相關物理。參與中國聚變工程實驗堆CFETR作總體集成設計、堆芯物理設計,負責CFETR診斷系統概念設計。已在Nuclear Fusion, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Physics of Plasmas等國際學術雜誌上發表論文多篇。目前負責國家自然科學基金面上項目“EAST高約束模的台基湍流及其與台基參數關係的實驗研究”等課題研究。2014-2018年擔任國家科技部ITER專項“長脈衝H模的實現及其機理研究”項目首席科學家。


X.Gao et al., “Experimental study of pedestal turbulence on EAST tokamak”, Nucl. Fusion, Vol.55, No.8, (083015) 2015
X.Gao et al., “Long pulse H-mode scenarios sustained by RF heating on EAST”, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.17, No.6, (448) 2015
X.Gao et al., “Observation of pedestal plasma turbulence on EAST Tokamak”, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.15, No.8, (732) 2013
X.Gao et al., “Experimental study of plasma confinement on EAST”, 23rd IAEA fusion energy conference (IAEA-F1-CN-180- EXC/P4-06), Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Oct.11-17, 2010
X.Gao et al., “ICRF wall conditioning and plasma performance on EAST”, J. Nucl. Mater., Vol.390-391, (864) 2009
X.Gao et al., “Particle confinement and transport coefficients in ac plasmas on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak”, Nucl. Fusion, Vol.48, No.3, (035009) 2008
X.Gao et al., " Study of confinement and LHCD efficiency on the HT-7 tokamak", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, Vol.50, No.3, (035006) 2008
X.Gao et al., “Diagnostics for first plasma study on EAST tokamak”, Physics Letters A, Vol.372, No.4 (2286) 2008
X.Gao et al., " Long-pulse discharges by synergy of LHW and IBW heating in the HT-7 tokamak", J. Nucl. Mater., Vol.337-339, (835) 2005
X.Gao et al., "Stationary MARFE and improved confinement mode in a superconducting tokamak", Phy. Rev. E, Vol.65, No.1, (017401) 2002
X.Gao et al., "Evolution of eta-i in JT-60U reverse shear discharges", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, Vol.43, No.12, (1759) 2001
X.Gao et al., "A new regime for studying the high bootstrap current fraction plasma", Chinese Phys. Lett, Vol.18, No.7, (931) 2001
X.Gao et al., "High density operation on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak", Nucl. Fusion, Vol.40, No.11, (1875) 2000
X.Gao et al., "MARFE phenomena in the HT-7 tokamak", J. Nucl. Mater., Vol.279, (330) 2000
X.Gao et al., "Plasma density behavior in the Hefei Tokamak-7", Phys. Plasmas, Vol.7, No.7, ( 2933) 2000
X.Gao et al., "Improved confinement mode induced by the MARFE on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, Vol.41, No.11(1349) 1999
X.Gao et al., “Far-infrared laser diagnostics on the HT-6M tokamak”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol.66, No.1 (139) 1995
X.Gao et al., “Anomalous current diffusion and improved confinement in the HT-6M tokamak”, Physics Letters A, Vol.193, No.4 (397) 1994