徠《法網難逃》是1960年上映的美國影片,由Phil Karlson執導傑弗里·亨特、帕特·克勞蕾主演。影片講述洛杉磯一市民目擊者一起謀殺案,意識到他是唯一的證人,犯罪團伙成員尋找他的身份,恐嚇他和他的家人的故事。
角色 | 演員 |
Gloria Morrow | Terry Burnham |
Arthur Robbins | Bruce Gordon |
Det. Rafael .. | Frank Silvera |
Phil Morrow | Dennis Holmes |
徠製作公司:Avon Productions

An average Los Angeles citizen witnesses a gang murder when he stops to use a telephone. Aware that he is the only witness against them, the gang members seek out his identity and terrorize him and his family to keep him from testifying against them. Only by psychologically playing one gang member against the others is the man able to bring the police to his rescue.