共找到6條詞條名為劉樹堂的結果 展開





。主要從事道路施工、路基穩定性和路面結構及路面材料的研究。在瀝青混合料配合比設計理論等方面建立了若干原創性物理型公式。主持和參與了山東省自然科學基金、國家基金、山東省交通廳科技攻關等課題15項。獲山東省科學技術進步三等獎、山東省交通廳科技進步獎和山東省教育廳科學技術進步獎共5項。在國際期刊、國際學術會議及國內核心期刊發表學術論文37篇,其中被SCI、EI檢索15篇。獲得過“土建與水利學院師德標兵”、“山東大學優秀班主任”及“山東大學教學能手”等榮譽稱號。擔任《Construction and Building Materials》、《International Journal of Pavement Research and technology》及國內若干EI核心期刊等五種國內外學術期刊的審稿人。編著、參編專著2部。


Liu, Shutang; Cao, Weidong; Shang, Shujie; Qi, Hui; Fang, Jianguo. Analysis and application of relationships between low-temperature rheological performance parameters of asphalt binders.Construction and Building Materials, v 24, n 4, April 2010.(SCI、EI indexed)Shutang Liu,Changshun Shaob,Weidong Caoc,and,Xiao Liu . A new formula of Voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and its application. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 150-151 (2011) pp 1158-1162.(EI indexed) Liu, Shutang; Ma, Cheng; Cao, Weidong; Fang, Jianguo.Influence of aluminate coupling agent on low-temperature rheological performance of asphalt mastic.Construction and Building Materials, v 24, n 5, p 650-659, May 2010. (SCI、EI indexed) Liu, Shutang; Cao, Weidong; Fang, Jianguo; Shang, Shujie.Variance analysis and performance evaluation of different crumb rubber modified (CRM) asphaltConstruction and Building Materials, v 23, n 7, July 2009. (SCI、EI indexed)Liu, Shu-Tang,Hou, Feng; Cao, WeiDong; Liu, Ying. Study on low-temperature cracking performance of asphalt mortar modified by an aluminate coupling agent. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, v 37, n 5, September 2009.(SCI、EI indexed) Shu-Tang Liu, Wei-Dong Cao. Experimental Study on Soil Stabilized with Firming Agent and Lime. Road Pavement Material Characterization and Rehabilitation. Published by Amaerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE. August 3-6, 2009 Changsha,Hunan,China. (EI indexed)Shutang Liu, Weidong Cao, Yingyong Li, Yongshun Yang. An analysis of slope stability of sand embankment with shear strength reduction (SSR) method. Advanced Materials Research Vols. Volumes 152 - 153)(2011) pp 1017-1023(EI indexed)Shutang Liu, Na Zhang, Weidong Cao,Yingyong Li. Establishment of direct shear strength model of river sand and its application in high embankment of sand. International conference on electric technology and civil engineering. April 22-24, 2011.(EI indexed)劉樹堂;毛洪錄;高雪池;商慶森。固化劑與低劑量石灰穩定土的應用研究。建築材料學報,(EI indexed)劉樹堂;楊永順;房建果;郭忠印.布敦岩瀝青改性瀝青混合料試驗研究。同濟大學學報(自然科學版), 2007.03.(SCI、EI indexed)劉樹堂,商慶森. 郭忠印. 瀝青混合料目標配合比設計的最佳瀝青含量範圍估算。公路交通科技2006 02. 劉樹堂。張浩。類似級配瀝青混合料的最佳油石比關係研究. 山東大學學報(工學版).2006.11. 劉樹堂。郭忠印. 一種判斷SMA嵌擠狀態的簡便方法公路2005.11.