
英文名: Jack Lemmon
性 別:男
生 日: 1925-02-08
角 色:導演,演員


夢露的男人 Marilyn's Man (2004)
Inherit the Wind (1999)
Tuesdays with Morrie (1999)
The Long Way Home (1998)
妙人妙事 2 Odd Couple II, The (1998)
十二怒漢 12 Angry Men (1997)
海之外 Out to Sea (1997)
Getting Away with Murder (1996)
A Weekend in the Country (1996)
三個總統一團糟 My Fellow Americans (1996)
草豎琴 The Grass Harp (1996)
脾氣更壞的老者 Grumpier Old Men (1995)
人生交叉點 Short Cuts (1993)
鬥氣老頑童 Grumpy Old Men (1993)
蹺家的老爹 For Richer, for Poorer (1992)
拜金一族glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
吾愛吾父Dad (1989)
生之樂章 That's Life! (1986)
失蹤 Missing (1982)
患難之交 Buddy Buddy (1981)
父子情深 Tribute (1980)
中國綜合症 China Syndrome, The (1979)
77航空港 Airport '77 (1977)
The Gentleman Tramp (1976)
能屈能伸大丈夫 Prisoner of Second Avenue, The (1975)
救虎記Save the Tiger (1973)
兩代情AVANTI! (1972)
The Out-of-Towners (1970)
八十年代人生 April Fools, The (1969)
單身公寓 Odd Couple, The (1968)
大橋奇遇Luv (1967)
飛來福 Fortune Cookie, The (1966)
殺妻記How to Murder Your Wife (1965)
瘋狂大賽車Great Race, The (1965)
東牆飄香夢Good Neighbor Sam (1964)
花街神女 Irma la Douce (1963)
醉鄉情斷Days of Wine and Roses (1962)
公寓春光 The Apartment (1960)
Stowaway in the Sky (1960)
熱情如火 Some Like It Hot (1959)
奪情記 Bell Book and Candle (1958)
Cowboy (1958)
巴士良緣 You Can't Run Away from It (1956)
三人同台 Three for the Show (1955)
艾蓮妹妹My Sister Eileen (1955)
羅伯茨先生 mister Roberts (1955)
模特兒趣事It Should Happen to You (1954)
Phffft! (1954)
吾父吾子 Kotch (1971)