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Xiangrong Chen(#), Xiaowei Zhang(#), Rizeng Meng, Ziwen Zhao, Zonghui Liu, Xingchen Zhao, Ce Shi,Na Guo*. Efficacy of a combination of nisin and p-Anisaldehyde againstListeria monocytogenes. Food Control, 2016, 66:100-10.
Ce Shi, Xiaowei Zhang, Xingchen Zhao, Rizeng Meng, Zonghui Liu, Xiangrong Chen,Na Guo*. Synergistic interactions of nisin in combination with cinnamaldehyde againstStaphylococcus aureus in pasteurized milk Food Control, 2017, 71: 10-16.
Xingchen Zhao, Rizeng Meng, Ce Shi, Zonghui Liu, Yanjun Huang, Ziwen Zhao,Na Guo*, Lu Yu* Analysis of the gene expression profile ofStaphylococcus aureus treated with nisin, Food Control, 2016, 59: 499-506.
Ce Shi, Xingchen Zhao, Haiyang Yan, Rizeng Meng, Yan Zhang, Wenli Li, Zonghui Liu,Na Guo*. Effect of tea tree oil onStaphylococcus aureus growth and enterotoxin production. Food Control, 2016, 62: 257-263.
Zhao, Xingchen#; Shi, Ce#; Meng, Rizeng ; Liu, Zonghui; Huang, Yanjun ; Zhao, Ziwen;Guo, Na*. Effect of nisin and perilla oil combination against Listeria monocytogenes andStaphylococcus aureus in milk. Journal of Food Science and Technology-mysore. 2016, 53(6) : 2644-2653.
Shi C, Zhao X, Liu Z, Meng R, Chen X,Guo N*. Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antitumor activity of epsilon-poly-L-lysine and citral, alone or in combination. Food & Nutrition Research. 2016, 60, 31891.
C Shi,X Zhao,W Li,R Meng,Z, MY Liu,Guo N* , Yu, L. Inhibitory effect of totarol on exotoxin proteins hemolysin and enterotoxins secreted byStaphylococcus aureus. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2015, 31(10): 1565-1573.
Na Guo, Xingchen Zhao, Wenli Li, Ce Shi,1 Rizeng Meng, Zonghui Liu and Lu Yu* The synergy of berberine chloride and totarol againstStaphylococcus aureusgrown in planktonic and biofilm cultures. Journal of Medical Microbiology 2015, 64: 891–900.
Liu Zonghui,Meng Rizeng,Zhao Xingchen,Shi Ce,Zhang Xiaowei,ZhangYan,Guo Na*,Inhibition effect of tea tree oil on Listeria monocytogenesgrowth and exotoxin proteins listeriolysin O and p60 secretion, Letters inApplied Microbiology, 2016.09.01, 63(6) :450~457.
Zhao Xingchen,Meng Rizeng,Shi Ce,Liu Zonghui,Huang Yanjun,ZhaoZiwen,Guo Na(*) ,Yu Lu ,(*). Analysis of the gene expression profile ofStaphylococcus aureus treated with nisin, Food Control, 2016.01.01, 59:499~506.
Li Wenli,Zhao Xingchen,Zhao Ziwen,Huang Yanjun,Zhu Xuanzhi,Men Rizeng,Shi Ce,Yu Lu,Guo Na(*). In vitro antimicrobial activity of honokiol against Staphylococcus aureus in biofilm mode, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2016.01.01, 18(12) :1178~1185.
Shen Fengge(#) ,Tang Xudong(#) ,Wang Yang,Yang Zhiqiang,Shi Xiaochen,Wang Chao,Zhang Qiaoli,An Yanan,Cheng Wei,Jin Kunqi,Liu Mingyuan,Guo Na (*) ,Yu Lu ,(*). Phenotype and expression profile analysis of Staphylococcus aureus biofilms and planktonic cells in response to licochalcone Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015.01.01, 99(1) :359~373.
Zhao Xingchen(#) ,Liu Zonghui (#),Li Wenli,Li Xia,Shi Ce,Meng Rizeng,Cheng Wei,Jin Kunqi,Yang Zhiqiang,Shi Xiaochen, Guo Na (*),Yu Lu (*),In Vitro synergy of nisin and coenzyme Q0 against Staphylococcus aureus, Food Control, 2014.12.01, 46:368~373.
Yu Lu(#) ,Ling Guanghui (#),Deng Xuming (# ,Jin Jing,Jin Qi (*),Guo Na (*). In Vitro Interaction between Fluconazole and Triclosan against Clinical Isolates of Fluconazole-Resistant Candida albicans Determined by Different Methods, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2011.07.01, 55(7) :3609~3612.
Xingchen Zhao, Zhen Zhen, Xinyang Wang &Na Guo(*). Synergy of a combination of nisin and citric acid againstStaphylococcus aureus andListeria monocytogenes.Food Additives & Contaminants. 2017. 34(12): 2058–2068.


2012年吉林省自然科學學術成果獎一等獎“中藥單體化合物抗金黃色葡萄球菌活性及機制研究 ”