

1962年 4月生,漢族,湖南漢壽人。博士 , 研 究 員。長期從事油氣地質及地球化學研究,主要學術成績包括:提出了瀝青質及海相鏡質體反射率等新的成熟度指標,在一定程度上解決了早古生代烴源岩成熟度的評價;提出了複合型含油氣系統的概念與研究思路;在國內較早開展生烴動力學及碳同位素動力學研究,建立起了典型烴源岩生烴及甲烷分餾碳同位素動力學模型;應用這些方法研究了塔里木、鄂爾多斯、鶯-瓊等盆地、勝利油田臨南窪陷某些複雜油氣藏的油氣源、運聚效率、成藏期次與時間、充注模式等疑難問題,並取得了一定的應用效果。共發表學術論文100多篇,其中SCI論文30多篇,主持並完成國家油氣攻關項目、“973”項目、中國科學院知識創新工程項目、國家自然科學基金、廣東省科技攻關、三大石油公司委託課題20多項。獲國家科技進步二等獎1項(排名第四)、廣東省自然科學二等獎2項(分別排名第三與第四)。






1991年,氣源岩有機成份及乾酪根顯微組分的研究, 國家教委科學技術進步二等獎, (排名第二)


1.Xiao Xianming, Liu Dehan, Fu Jiamo,et al., 2001, Dating hydrocarbon generation and migration based on bitumen reflectance, Chinese Science Bulletin
2.Xiamming Xiao, R.W.T. Wilkins, Dehan Liu, Zufa Liu, Jiaqui Shen, 2002, Laser-induced fluorescence microscopy——application to possible high rank and carbonate source rocks. International Journal of Coal Geology
3.Xiao Xianming, Liu Zufa, Mi Jiaku, Liu Dehan, Shen Jiagui, Song Zhiguang, 2002, Dating formation of natural gas pools using fluid inclusion data from reservoirs. Chinese Science Bulletin
4.Xiao, X M., Q. H. Zheng, H. Tian, R.W. T. Wilkins, Y. C. Tang,2005, Origin and accumulation model of the AK1 natural gas pool from the Tarim Basin, China, Organic Geochemistry
5.Xiao, X M., Hu, Z. L., Jin, Y. B. and Song, Z. G., 2005, Hydrocarbon source rocks and generation history in the Lunnan oilfield area, northern Tarim, Journal of petroleum geology
6.Xiao, X M., Zhao, B. Q., Song, Z. G., Wilkins, R. W. T., 2005, Upper Paleozoic petroleum system, Ordos Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology
7 X.M. Xiao, X . Min, H, Tian, R.W.T.Wilkins, B.J.Huang,Y.C.Tang, 2006, Determination of source area of the Ya13-1 gas pool in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea,Organic Geochemistry
8.Xiao, XM, Wang F, Wilkins RWT, and Song ZG, 2007. Origin and Gas Potential of Pyrobitumen in the Upper Proterozoic Strata from the Middle Paleo-Uplift of the Sichuan Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology