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Beyoncé / Kendrick Lamar演唱歌曲
《FREEDOM》為Beyoncé的第六張錄音室專輯《LEMONADE》的第十隻曲目。《FREEDOM》是由Beyoncé與Kendrick Lamar共同演繹的一首歌曲,收錄於Beyoncé的第六張錄音室專輯《LEMONADE》中。
整張專輯的靈感來源於Beyoncé的祖母Agnéz Deréon以及其丈夫Jay-Z的祖母Hattie White,在本曲的結尾處可以聽到Hattie White於2015年4月在其90歲生日派對上發表的感言:“上天賜予我檸檬,我卻調製出檸檬水。“
Tryna rain, tryna rain on the thunder 雷霆奔鳴暴雨欲傾
Tell the storm I'm new 我不再畏懼風暴
I'mma walk and march on the regular 我將一如既往行進
Painting white flags blue 自怯懦去往自由
Lord forgive me, I've been running 天父在上,宥我奔走
Running blind in truth 奔走而庸碌
I'ma rain, I'ma rain on this bitter love 我將終結這場苦戀
Tell the sweet I'm new 從此新生如甘霖
I'm telling these tears, "Go and fall away, fall away" 我告別這熱淚,“離去吧,消逝吧”
May the last one burn into flames 願最後一滴炙熱如焰
Freedom! Freedom! I can't move 自由!自由!我身陷囹圄
Freedom, cut me loose! 自由啊,請解脫我!
Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? 自由!自由!你在何方?
Cause I need freedom too! 我也在嚮往自由!
I break chains all by myself 我全力掙脫束縛
Won't let my freedom rot in hell 不願自由朽於地獄
Hey! I'ma keep running 我仍將不停奔走
Cause a winner don't quit on themselves 只因強者永不言棄
I'ma wade, I'ma wave through the waters 我將跋山涉水而行
Tell the tide, "Don't move" 詔令浪潮,“不得妄動”
I'ma riot, I'ma riot through your borders 我將踐踏你的底線
Call me bulletproof 百折而不撓
Lord forgive me, I've been runnin'天父在上,宥我奔走
Runnin' blind in truth奔走而庸碌
I'ma wade, I'ma wave through your shallow love 我將掠過你的虛情
Tell the deep I'm new 直擊你內心深處
I'm telling these tears, "Go and fall away, fall away" 我告別這熱淚,“離去吧,消逝吧”
May the last one burn into flames 願最後一滴炙熱如焰
Freedom! Freedom! I can't move 自由!自由!我身陷囹圄
Freedom, cut me loose! 自由啊,請解脫我!
Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? 自由!自由!你在何方?
Cause I need freedom too! 我也在嚮往自由!
I break chains all by myself 我全力掙脫束縛
Won't let my freedom rot in hell 不願自由朽於地獄
Hey! I'ma keep running 我仍將不停奔走
Cause a winner don't quit on themselves 只因強者永不言棄
[Kendrick Lamar:]
Ten Hail Marys, I meditate for practice 十遍萬福聖母,我為踐行深思
Channel 9 news tell me I'm movin' backwards 九號頻道新聞,詆毀我的進步
Eight blocks left, death is around the corner 八條街區開外,死亡正在徘徊
Seven misleadin' statements 'bout my persona 七種誤導言論,構陷我於紛紜
Six headlights wavin' in my direction 六盞警燈閃爍,橫亘在我面前
Five-O askin' me what's in my possession 五〇編組條子,盤查我的身家
Yeah, I keep runnin', jump in the aqueducts我不停逃亡,穿梭管道間
Fire hydrants and hazardous 水槍沖刷、瓦斯催淚
Smoke alarms on the back of us 消防警報響徹天地
But mama, don't cry for me, ride for me 噢媽媽別為我勞神動心
Try for me, live for me 為我勞,為我生
Breathe for me, sing for me 為我活,為我歌
Honestly guidin' me 虔誠指引我
I could be more than I gotta be 我能成為更好的人
Stole from me, lied to me, nation hypocrisy 虛偽之輩,盜我祖,欺我宗
Code on me, drive on me 奴我族,驅我類
Wicked, my spirit inspired me 我怒火中燒,心神激蕩
Like yeah, open correctional gates in higher desert 如同森嚴監獄大門洞開
Yeah, open our mind as we cast away oppression 心門大開如同不再受迫
Yeah, open the streets and watch our beliefs 面對現實直視我們的信仰
And when they carve my name inside the concrete 當人們鐫刻我的墓誌銘
I pray it forever reads 希望能被永世謹記
Freedom! Freedom! I can't move 自由!自由!我身陷囹圄
Freedom, cut me loose! 自由啊,請解脫我!
Freedom! Freedom! Where are you? 自由!自由!你在何方?
Cause I need freedom too! 我也在嚮往自由!
I break chains all by myself 我全力掙脫束縛
Won't let my freedom rot in hell 不願自由朽於地獄
Hey! I'ma keep running 我仍將不停奔走
Cause a winner don't quit on themselves 只因強者永不言棄
[Kendrick Lamar:]
What you want from me? 您想從我這得到什麼?
Is it truth you seek? Oh father can you hear me? 這是您尋求的真理嗎?天父啊您可曾聽見我?
What you want from me? 您想從我這得到什麼?
Is it truth you seek? Oh father can you hear me? 這是您尋求的真理嗎?天父啊您可曾聽見我?
Hear me out 可曾聽見我的心
[Hattie White:]
I had my ups and downs, 我歷經起起落落
but I always find the inner strength to pull myself up. 但我總能找到內心的力量支撐我前行。
I was served lemons, but I made lemonade生活予我以酸楚,而我報之甘甜。
