共找到15條詞條名為freedom的結果 展開
"自由" 這是Akon最新個人專輯的名稱,源於他對紐約Fishkill露天演唱會上行為的“懺悔”;源於他對特立尼達島Zen俱樂部中行為的“懺悔”;源於對祖國國旗上那個象徵著爭取獨立自由而鬥爭的烈士鮮血的敬意;也源於他自己的夢想:洗脫原罪與本罪,真正卸下身上“罪”的烙印。
依然保持了自己特別的嗓音和一如寄望的悅耳旋律,但是在音樂製作上卻與他之前2張R&B,Hip Hop和Reggae混合的專輯大相徑庭,更多的歐洲派對音樂元素被引入了專輯,從整個2008年的多張主流Hiphop專輯來看,這一變化也將成為整個 Hiphop音樂圈發展的大趨勢,Rave-hop這個新的曲風在慢慢的浮出水面。先行單曲《Right Now (Na Na Na)》中的合成器音效清晰的驗證了Akon向歐洲電子舞曲靠攏的思路,這首實驗性的單曲也在發出后的第一周便登上了Billboard流行歌曲100強榜單的第18名。除了《Right Now (Na Na Na)》,專輯還有多首類似的舞曲,比如《Keep You Much Longer》,T-Pain跨刀的《Holla Holla》,《Troublemaker》以及《Beautiful》,Akon在這些為舞池人群準備的歌曲中給自己之前的風格徹徹底底的來了個大變臉。
與Lil Wayne,Young Jeezy合作的第二主打《I'm So Paid》便是典型的炫耀自己荷包鼓鼓的街頭風單曲,Akon在這裡重新“裝扮”成了一個Hustler,宣布自己就是音樂領域的大老闆,連老太爺也動不了自己:“上帝只需要一個電話就可以讓一個藝人上位或者從娛樂圈消失,(猜猜怎麼著?)我不用擔心,我有的是錢,我拿這些錢控制了他!”和之前兩張充斥著犯罪故事、街頭傳奇歌曲的專輯相比,《Freedom》讓大家見證的更像是一個罪人尋找寧靜生活的“自由之旅”,有好多溫馨真摯的情感流露,《Sunny Day》講述的是撥雲見日時的完美感受,而在《Be With You》一曲中,Akon延續了2007年暢銷單曲《Don’t Matter》中的話題,在製作人Hakim協助打造的電子雷鬼強節拍下,他對自己的愛人獻上了一段真情告白併發誓沒有事能夠把他們分開。
其他值得一聽的歌曲還有講述“跌倒了就要勇敢站起來”的《Over the Edge》以及拿女人身上的胎記做文章的情歌《Birthmark》。
Akon依靠《Freedom》從自己之前的成功之中繼續摘取果實,無論是自己家庭在移民到美國的過程中遇到的麻煩還是他自己的成長煩惱,他希望所有這些不幸的故事能夠在這張專輯里終結。在繼續消沉下去和忘記一切、盡情享受人生之間,Akon選擇了後者,在被關押(“Locked Up”)並且認罪(“Convicted”)之後,Akon決定通過這張專輯徹底與自己的灰色過去說再見。

⒈ Right Now (Na Na Na)
⒉ Beautiful feat. Colby O’Donis & Kardinal Offishall
⒊ Keep You Much Longer
⒋ Troublemaker feat. Sweet Rush
⒌ We Don’t Care
⒍ I’m So Paid feat. Lil Wayne and Young Jeezy
⒎ Holla Holla feat. T-Pain
⒏ Against the Grain feat. Ray Lavender
⒐ Be With You
⒑ Sunny Day feat. Wyclef Jean
⒒ Birthmark
⒓ Over the Edge
⒔ Freedom
⒕ Clap Again (Bonus)
Akon - Freedom
Everything I have,everything I own
All my mistakes,friend,you already know
I wanna be free,I wanna be free
From Senegal West Africa,
To St. Louis,Missouri
Thanks to Catherine Dunham
For giving my paps his glory
He came down with his drum
And a dream to change the world
In a free uplifting world
And that's all we ever want
Mom came a little after
Gave birth to my brother
Then all of the pressure
Made em' fight one and another
See,the pain would never left
Did the best with what they had
He knew the world was out for grabs
And he searched to find his
Everything I have,everything I own
All my mistakes ,friend,you already know
I wanna be free,I wanna be free
So I search to find my
Everything I have,everything I own
All my mistakes girl,you already know
I wanna be free,I wanna be free,yeah
As a kid I never knew
I hustle so just to make it through
So I found myself skipping school
Those girls don't think i'm cool
And because of that I didn't care
Whether or not I went to jail
I just wanna be treated fair
Cause' that's all I ever knew
Tellin' me I need to slow down
Is there everybody in the whole town
Cause' they know how I get down
Far enough from another town
Can you believe we're still around?
Have so many of you in the ground
And we ain't gonna stop that
Until we get that
Everything I have,everything I own
All my mistakes,friend,you already know
I wanna be free,I wanna be free
Won't stop til' I find my
Everything I have,everything I own
All my mistakes girl you already know
I wanna be free,I wanna be free,yeah
If you wanna be free,and the land is drug-free
put your hands up,put your hands up
If you wanna be free,from all your misery
put your hands up,put your hands up
If you wanna be free,with plenty money
put your hands up,put your hands up
If you wanna be free,just grace your heel
put your hands up,put your hands up
Everything I have,everything I own
All my mistakes girl you already know
I wanna be free(wanna be free),
I wanna be free(wanna be free)
Everything I have, everything I own 我所有的一切,我所擁有的一切
All my mistakes,man,you already know 我所有的過錯,哥們,你已知道
I wanna be free, I wanna be free 我想要自由,我想要自由
From Senegal West Africa,To St. Louis, Missouri 從西非的塞內加爾到聖路易斯,密蘇里州
Thanks to Katherine Dunham For giving my paps his glory 感謝凱瑟琳·鄧納姆用他的榮耀使我出頭
He came down with his drum And a dream to change the world 他帶著他的鼓和一個改變世界的夢想到來
In a free uplifting world在一個積極向上的世界里
And thats all we ever want 在我們任何需要認可的時候
Mom came a little after 母親稍後的到來
Gave birth to my brother 生下了我的弟弟
Then all of the pressure Made em' fight one another 隨後與所有的壓力鬥爭
See, the pain would never left 瞧,痛苦永遠都不會離開
Did the best with what they had 他們儘可能的使你最痛苦
He knew the world was out for grabs 他知道世界在戰爭
And he searched to find his 他也在尋找著自我
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom 自由,自由,自由,自由
Everything I have, everything I own 我所有的一切,我所擁有的一切
All my mistakes,man, you already know 我所有的過錯,哥們,你準備好知道
I wanna be free, I wanna be free 我想要自由,我想要自由
So I search to find my 因此我在找尋著自己的
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom 自由,自由,自由,自由
Everything I have, everything I own 我所有的一切,我所擁有的一切
All my mistakes,girl, you already know 我所有的過錯,女孩,你準備好知道
I wanna be free, I wanna be free, yeah 我想要自由,我想要自由
As a kid I never knew 作為一個孩子我從來不知道
I'd have to hustle just to make it through 我不得不趕緊成長
So I found myself skipping school 因此我發現自己逃學
Couse' the girls don't think i'm cool 因為女孩們不認為我很酷
And because of that I didn't care 因為我從不在意
Wether or not I went to jail 我是否進入了監獄
I just wanna be treated fair 我只想被公平的對待
Cause' thats all I ever knew 我曾經認可的一切
Tellin' me I need to slow down 告訴我必須要放慢
Cause' everybody in the whole town 因為在全城的每個人
Cause' they know how I get down 他們知道我是怎樣開始的
Far enough from another town 從一個遙遠的城市過來
Can you believe we're still around? 你能相信我們仍然止步不前么
Have my soul baby in the ground 我的靈魂在地獄么
And we ain't gonna stop that 我們並不一定止步不前
Until we get that 直到我們擁有了
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom 自由,自由,自由,自由
Everything I have, everything I own 我所有的一切,我所擁有的一切
All my mistakes man you already know 我所有的過錯,哥們,你準備好知道
I wanna be free, I wanna be free 我想要自由,我想要自由
Won't stop til' I find my 當我找到自由的時候將不再止步不前
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom 自由,自由,自由,自由
Everything I have, everything I own 我所有的一切,我所擁有的一切
All my mistakes girl you already know 我所有的過錯,女孩,你準備好知道
I wanna be free, I wanna be free, yeah 我想要自由,我想要自由
If you wanna be free, and the land is drug-free 如果你想要自由和世上不再有毒品
put your hands up, put your hands up 伸出你的雙手,伸出你的雙手
If you wanna be free, from all your misery 如果你想從苦難中得到解脫
put your hands up, put your hands up 伸出你的雙手,伸出你的雙手
If you wanna be free, with plenty money 如果你想變的富有
put your hands up, put your hands up 伸出你的雙手,伸出你的雙手
If you wanna be free, just praise G-o-d 如果你想要讚頌上帝的公正自由
put your hands up, put your hands up 伸出你的雙手,伸出你的雙手
Freedom, Freedom(Freedom), Freedom, Freedom 自由,自由,自由,自由
Everything I have, everything I own 我所有的一切,我所擁有的一切
All my mistakes girl you already know 我所有的過錯,女孩,你準備好知道
I wanna be free(wanna be free) 我想要自由(想要自由)
I wanna be free(wanna be free) 我想要自由(想要自由)