共找到5條詞條名為王偉良的結果 展開
- 博世汽車柴油系統公司總經理
- 鼻醫世家創始人
- 杭州市局交通警察支隊上城大隊副大隊長
- 中國電信工程師
- 中山大學物理學院教師、碩士生導師
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Journal of Applied Physics, Modern Physics Letters B, Physics Letters A, Physica E, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Chinese Physics B 審稿人
[ 46] Haiming Huang, Weiliang Wangand Liming Wang*, Theoretical Assessment of Wettability on Silane Coatings: from Hydrophilic to Hydrophobic,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, in press.
[ 45] Hao Wang#, Jinxiu Wen#, Weiliang Wang#, Ningsheng Xu, Pu Liu, Jiahao Yan, Huanjun Chen* and Shaozhi Deng*, Resonance Coupling in Heterostructures Composed of Silicon Nanosphere and Monolayer WS2: A Magnetic-Dipole-Mediated Energy Transfer Process, ACS Nano, 13 (2019) 1739.
[ 44] Zexiang Deng, Zhibing Li, Weiliang Wang*and Juncong She, Vibrational Properties and Raman Spectra of Pristine and Fluorinated Blue Phosphorene,藍磷和氟化藍磷的振動性質和拉曼光譜, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019) 1059. ( Back Cover封底文章)
[ 43] Weiliang Wang, Weitao Yang* and Zhibing Li*, Field Electron Emission Images Far Away from A Semi-infinitely Long Emitter: A Multi-scale Simulation,長度不限的發射體遠處的場發射像的多尺度模擬,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 27754. ( Supplementary Journal Cover補充封面文章)
[ 42] Yanming Zhu, Jingyuan Li, Xu Ji, Titao Li, Mingge Jin, Xinwen Ou, Xiaomei Shen, Weiliang Wang*and Feng Huang*, Unintentionally Doped Hydrogen Removal Mechanism in Li Doped ZnO,鋰摻雜氧化鋅中非有意摻雜氫的去除機制, AIP Advances, 8 (2018) 105014.
[ 41] Zhaojun Zhang, Yanming Zhu, Weiliang Wang, Wei Zheng, Richeng Lin, Xubiao Li, Hao Zhang, Dingyong Zhong and Feng Huang*, Aqueous Solution Growth of millimeter-sized Non-Green-Luminescent Wide Bandgap Cs4PbBr6 Bulk Crystal, Crystal Growth & Design, 18 (2018) 6393.
[ 40] Mingge Jin, Zhibing Li, Feng Huang, Yu Xia, Xu Ji and Weiliang Wang*, Critical conditions for the formation of p-type ZnO with Li doping,鋰摻雜形成p型氧化鋅的臨界條件, RSC Advances, 8 (2018) 30868.
[ 39]Zhaojun Zhang, Wei Zheng, WeiliangWang, Dingyong Zhongand Feng Huang*, Anisotropic temperature-dependence of optical phonons in layered PbI2, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,49 (2018) 775.
[ 38] Wanxing Lin, Jiesen Li, Weiliang Wang, Shi-Dong Liang and Dao-Xin Yao*, Electronic Structure and Band Gap Engineering of Two-Dimensional Octagon-Nitrogene,Scientific Reports,8(2018)1674.
[ 37] Zhaojun Zhang,Yanming Zhu, Weiliang Wang, Wei Zheng, Richeng Linand Feng Huang*, Growth, characterization and optoelectronic applications of pure-phase large-area CsPb2Br5 flake single crystals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,6 (2018) 446.
[ 36] Zexiang Deng, Huanjun Chen, Zhibing Li and Weiliang Wang*, Ballistic Electronic and Thermal Conductance of Monolayer and Bilayer Black Phosphorus,單層、雙層黑磷的彈道電導、熱導,Current Applied Physics, 17 (2017) 214.
[ 35] Jinxiu Wen, Hao Wang, Weiliang Wang, Zexiang Deng, Chao Zhuang, Yu Zhang, Fei Liu, Juncong She, Jun Chen , Huanjun Chen* , Shaozhi Deng*, and Ningsheng Xu*, Room-Temperature Strong Light–Matter Interaction with Active Control in Single Plasmonic Nanorod Coupled with Two-Dimensional Atomic Crystals, Nano Letters,17 (2017) 4689.
[ 34] Zebo Zheng, Weiliang Wang, Teng Ma, Zexiang Deng, Yanlin Ke, Runze Zhan, Qionghui Zou, Wencai Ren, Jun Chen, Juncong She, Yu Zhang, Fei Liu, Huanjun Chen*, Shaozhi Deng*, and Ningsheng Xu, Chemically-doped graphene with improved surface plasmon characteristics: an optical near-field study, Nanoscale, 8 (2016) 16621.
[ 33] Lihua Li, Zexiang Deng, Lili Yu, Zhaoyong Lin, Weiliang Wang, Guowei Yang*, Amorphous transitional metal borides as substitutes for Pt cocatalysts for photocatalytic water splitting, Nano Energy, 27 (2016) 103.
[ 32] Jie-Sen Li, Wei-Liang Wang and Dao-Xin Yao*, Band Gap Engineering of Two-Dimensional Nitrogene, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 34177.
[ 31] Zexiang Deng, Zhibing Li and Weiliang Wang*,Electron Affinity and Ionization Potential of Two-dimensional Honeycomb Sheets: A First Principle Study,二維原子晶體的電子親和勢、電離勢,Chemical Physics Letters, 637 (2015) 26.
[ 30] Zexiang Deng, Juncong She, Zhibing Li, Weiliang Wang* and Qiang Chen, Field Evaporation of Grounded Arsenic Doped Silicon Clusters,接地砷摻雜硅團簇的場蒸發,Surface Review and Letters, 22 (2015) 1550069.
[ 29] Yu Zhang, Jason Lee, Wei-Liang Wang, Dao-Xin Yao*, Two-dimensional octagon-structure monolayer of nitrogen group elements and the related nano-structures, Computational Materials Science, 110 (2015) 109.
[ 28]Jason Lee, Wen-Chuan Tian, Wei-Liang Wang, Dao-Xin Yao*, Two-Dimensional Pnictogen Honeycomb Lattice: Structure, On-Site Spin-Orbit Coupling and Spin Polarization, Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 11512.
[ 27]Yifeng Huang, Zexiang Deng, Weiliang Wang, Chaolun Liang, Juncong She*, Shaozhi Deng and Ningsheng Xu, Field-Induced Crystalline-to-Amorphous Phase Transformation on the Si Nano-Apex and the Achieving of Highly Reliable Si Nano-Cathodes, Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 10631
[26] Haiming Huang, Zhibing Li*, H. J. Kreuzer and Weiliang Wang*, Disintegration of graphene nanoribbons in large electrostatic fields,強電場下石墨烯納米帶的瓦解, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16 (2014) 15927.
[25] Jingkun Chen, Zhibing Li* and Weiliang Wang, Manifesting pseudo-spin polarization of graphene with field emission image, Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014) 053701.
[24] Yu Xia,Weiliang Wang, Zhibing Li* and H. Juergen Kreuzer, Adsorption and desorption of hydrogen on graphene with dimer conversion, Surf. Sci., 617 (2013) 131.
[23] Chunshan He, Weiliang Wang*, Potential barrier and band structure of closed edge graphene,閉合邊緣石墨烯的勢壘和能帶結構, J. Appl. Phys., 114 (2013) 074305.
[22] Haiming Huang, Zhibing Li, and Weiliang Wang*, Electronic and magnetic properties of oxygen patterned graphene superlattice,氧摻雜石墨烯超晶格的電、磁性質, J. Appl. Phys., 112 (2012) 114331.
[21] Weiliang Wang and Zhibing Li*, Graphene with the secondary amine-terminated zigzag edge as a line electron emitter,仲胺中斷的石墨烯鋸齒型邊緣作為線電子發射源, Applied Physics A, 109 (2012) 353.
[20] Chunshan He, Zhibing Li and Weiliang Wang*, Work function of boron carbie: A DFT calculation,碳化硼的功函數, Surface Review and Letters, 19 (2012) 1250040.
[19] Yuan Huang, Weiliang Wang, Juncong She*, Zhibing Li, Shaozhi Deng, Correlation between carbon–oxygen atomic ratio and field emission performance of few-layer reduced graphite oxide,少層還原氧化石墨烯的氧含量與其場發射性能的關係, Carbon, 50 (2012) 2657.
[18] Haiming Huang, Zhibing Li, Juncong She and Weiliang Wang*, Oxygen density dependent band gap of reduced graphene oxide,還原氧化石墨烯的帶隙隨氧含量的變化, J. Appl. Phys., 111 (2012) 054317.
[17] W. Wang, J. Shao, Z. Li*, The exchange-correlation potential correction to the vacuum potential barrier of graphene edge,交換關聯勢對石墨烯真空勢壘的修正, Chemical Physics Letters 522 (2012) 83.
[16] W. L. Wang and Z. B. Li*, Potential barrier of graphene edges,石墨烯邊緣的勢壘, J. Appl. Phys. 109 (2011) 114308.
[15] X. Z. Qin, W. L. Wang and Z. B. Li*, Electric potential of a metallic nanowall between cathode and anode planes,陰陽極間金屬納米牆的電勢, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 29 (2011) 031802.
[14] W. L. Wang, X. Z. Qin, N. S. Xu and Z. B. Li*, Field electron emission characteristic of graphene,石墨烯的場致電子發射特性, Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (2011) 044304.
[13] X. Z. Qin, W. L. Wang, N. S. Xu, Z. B. Li* and R. G. Forbes, Analytical treatment of cold field electron emission from a nanowall emitter, including quantum confinement effects, Proceedings of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 467 (2011) 1029.
[12] H. M. Huang, Z. B. Li and W. L. Wang*, Image potential of C60: A density functial theory calculation,C60的鏡像勢, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 29 (2011) 021802.
[11] W. L. Wang, Y. Xia, N. S. Xu and Z. B. Li*, Spontaneous Breaking of Rotation Symmetry in the Edge States of Zigzag Carbon Nanotubes,鋸齒型碳納米管邊緣態旋轉對稱性的自發破缺, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009) 17313-17320.
[10] Weiliang Wang, Ningsheng Xu and Zhibing Li*, Field-dependent electron emission patterns from individual SWCNTs simulated with a multi-scale algorithm,用多尺度演演算法模擬單根單壁碳納米管場致電子發射像隨電場的變化, Ultramicroscopy, 109 (2009) 1295.
[9] C. S. He, W. L. Wang, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu, Z. B. Li*, G. H. Chen and J. Peng, Anode Distance Effect on Field Electron Emission from Carbon Nanotubes: A Molecular/Quantum Mechanical Simulation, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113 (2009) 7048.
[8] C. S. He, W. L. Wang, G. H. Chen and Z. B. Li*, Image potential effect on field emission from arrays of carbon nanotubes, Acta Physica Sinica, 58 (2009) S241.
[7] W. L. Wang, J. Peng, G. H. Chen, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu and Z. B. Li*, Image potentials of single-walled carbon nanotubes in the field emission condition,單壁碳納米管在場致電子發射時的鏡像勢, Journal of Applied Physics, 104 (2008) 034306.
[6] J. Peng, Z. B. Li*, C. S. He, G. H. Chen, W. L. Wang, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu, X. Zheng, G. H. Chen, C. J. Edgcombe and R. G. Forbes, The roles of apex dipoles and field penetration in the physics of charged, field emitting, single-walled carbon nanotubes, Journal of Applied Physics, 104 (2008) 014310.
[5] G. H. Chen, W. L. Wang, J. Peng, C. S. He, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu and Z. B. Li*, Screening effects on field emission from arrays of (5,5) carbon nanotubes: Quantum mechanical simulations, Physical Review B, 76 (2007) 195412.
[4] G. H. Chen, Z. B. Li*, J. Peng, C. S. He, W. L. Wang, S. Z. Deng, N. S. Xu, C. Y. Wang, S. Y. Wang, X. Zheng, G. H. Chen and T. Yu, Atomic decoration for improving the efficiency of field electron emission of carbon nanotubes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (2007) 4939-4945.
[3] Q. L. Bao, S. J. Bao, C. M. Li, X. Qi, C. T. Pan, J. F. Zang, W. L. Wang and D. Y. Tang, Lithium insertion in channel-structured beta-AgVO: In situ Raman study and computer simulation, Chemistry of Materials, 19 (2007) 5965.
[2] Zhi-Bing Li* and Wei-Liang Wang, Analytic solution of charge density of single wall carbon nanotube under conditions of field electron emission,單壁 碳納米管在場致電子發射時電荷密度的解析解,Chinese Physics Letters, 23 (2006) 1616.
[1] S. Z. Deng, Z. B. Li, W. L. Wang, N. S. Xu*, Zhou Jun, X. G. Zheng, H. T. Xu, Chen Jun and J. C. She, Field emission study of SiC nanowires/nanorods directly grown on SiC ceramic substrate, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006) 23118.
