共找到35條詞條名為金波的結果 展開
- 著名兒童文學作家
- 小說《平凡的世界》人物
- 著名歌唱家、演員
- 中國象棋運動員
- 襄陽市科學技術局(市知識產權局)原副局長
- 吉林大學材料科學與工程學院副教授
- 冷水江市委常委、市委辦主任
- 天涯社區副主編
- 廣東省人民檢察院副檢察長
- 1993年生中國足球運動員
- 中國音樂文學學會副主席
- 醫生
- 阿拉爾國家稅務局黨組成員、副局長
- 浙江省寧波市海曙區人大常委會副主任
- 漢語詞語
- 杭州教育工委副書記、教育局原副局長
- 貴州省地礦局112地質大隊總工程師
- 上海交通大學副教授
- 小學語文高級教師
- 滁州市琅琊區副科級領導
- 中國地震局副研究員
- 廣州後勤醫院多動症、抽動症專科特聘專家
- 杭州市委教育工委副書記兼市教育局副局長
- 哈爾濱市地方稅務局黨組成員
- 攝影師
- 芍藥屬雜交品種
- 南關區發改局副局長
- 北京科技大學工程師
- 國家海洋局極地考察辦公室科技處副處長
- 信息學輔導教師
- 呼倫貝爾市國土資源局總工程師
- 南京市委研究室秘書處處長
- 打工作家
- 上海大學教授
- 江蘇常鑫路橋工程有限公司築路工
2001.03~2003.02 韓國 Chonnam National University 工學碩士
2005.09~2008.08 韓國 Chonnam National University 工學博士
2008.12~2010.12 中國 吉林大學 博士后
2001.06~2002.06 韓國 E-Square Technologies Co., Ltd. 鋰離子電池研發中心 助理研究員
2005.09~2008.08 韓國 Chonnam National University 訪問研究
2003.05~至今 吉林大學 材料學院
1. B. Jin, Production, Properties and Applications of Carbon Blacks in Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries in; Carbon Black: Production, Properties and Uses;, Eds: I. J. Sanders and T. L. Peeten, Nova Science Publishers Inc., Chapter 11, 2011, pp. 263-277
2. B. Jin* and Q. Jiang, LiFePO4 Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries in; Lithium Batteries: Research, Technology and Applications;, Eds: G. R. Dahlin and K. E. Strøm, Nova Science Publishers Inc., Chapter 1, 2010, pp. 1-30
1. B. Jin, G.Y. Chen, X.B. Zhong, Y. Liu, K.Y. Zhou, P. Sun, P. Lu, W.X. Zhang and J.C. Liang, Graphene-wrapped Fe3O4 hollow naonospheres as a superior anode material for lithium ion batteries, Ceram. Int., 40 (2014) 10359-10365
2. X.Z. Ma, B. Jin*, P.M. Xin and H.H. Wang, Multiwalled carbon nanotubes-sulfur composites with enhanced electrochemical performance for lithium/sulfur batteries, Appl. Surf. Sci., 307 (2014) 346-350
3. X.B. Zhong, B. Jin*, Z.Z.Yang, C. Wang and H.Y. Wang*, Facile shape design and fabrication of ZnFe2O4 as anode material for Li-ion batteries, RSC Adv., At press
1. B. Jin, A.H. Liu, G.Y. Liu, Z.Z. Yang, X.B. Zhong, X.Z. Ma, M. Yang and H.Y. Wang, Fe3O4-pyrolytic Graphite Oxide Composite as an Anode Material for Lithium Secondary Batteries, Electrochim. Acta, 90 (2013) 426-432
2. B. Jin*, G.P. Sun, J.C. Liang and H.-B. Gu, Physicochemical Properties of Lithium Iron Phosphate-carbon as Lithium Polymer Battery Cathodes, Int. J. Energ. Res., 37 (2013) 500-509
3. G.Y. Chen, Z.Y. Wei, B. Jin*, X.B. Zhong, H. Wang, W.X. Zhang, J.C. Liang and Q. Jiang, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Copper Sulfide with Novel Hierarchical Structures and its Application in Lithium-ion Batteries, Appl. Surf. Sci., 277 (2013) 268-271
4. B. Jin*, R.Q. Zhang and Q. Jiang, Electronic and Atomic Structures of LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Fe1/4Mn1/4Co1/4Ni1/4): A DFT Study, Adv. Electrochem., 1 (2013) 22-26
5. G.Y. Liu, H.Y. Wang, G.Q. Liu, Z.Z. Yang, B. Jin and Q.C. Jiang, Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of High-rate Dual-phase Li4Ti5O12-TiO2 Nanocrystalline for Li-ion Batteries, Electrochim. Acta, 87 (2013) 218-223
6. G.Y. Liu, H.Y. Wang, B. Jin, Z.Z. Yang, W. Qi, Y.C. Liu and Q.C. Jiang, Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Mesoporous SnO2/C Composites as Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 8 (2013) 4797-4806
1. B. Jin*, Q.G. Yan and Y.L. Dou, Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Based on Metal Oxides, Recent Pat. Mater. Sci., 5 (2012) 199-212
2. G.Y. Liu, H.Y. Wang, G.Q. Liu, Z.Z. Yang, B. Jin and Q.C. Jiang, Facile Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Li4Ti5O12 by Microemulsion Method and its Application as Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries, J. Power Sources, 220 (2012) 84-88
1. G.E. Sun, B. Jin*, G.P. Sun, E.M. Jin, H.-B. Gu and Q. Jiang, Characteristics of Lithium Iron Phosphate Mixed with Nano-sized Acetylene Black for Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries, J. Appl. Electrochem., 41 (2011) 99-106
2. 金波*, 舒玉光, 李義, 梁繼才, 張萬喜, 鋰離子電池聚合物電解質研究進展, 高分子材料科學與工程, 27 (2011) 183-186
1. B. Jin*, G.E. Sun, H.-B. Gu and Q. Jiang, Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of LiFePO4/MWCNT Nanocomposites for Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries, J. Ceram. Process Res., 11 (2010) 533-538
2. E.M. Jin, K.-H. Park, B. Jin, J.-J. Yun and H.-B. Gu, Photosensitization of Nanoporous TiO2 Films with Natural Dye, Phys. Scripta, 2010, T139, 014006 (5pp)
1. E.M. Jin, B. Jin, Y.-S. Jeon, K.-H. Park and H.-B. Gu, Electrochemical Properties of LiMnO2 for Lithium Polymer Battery, J. Power Sources, 189 (2009) 620-623
1. B. Jin, E.M. Jin, K.-H. Park and H.-B. Gu, Electrochemical Properties of LiFePO4-multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Composite Cathode Materials for Lithium Polymer Battery, Electrochem. Commun., 10 (2008) 1537-1540
2. B. Jin* and H.-B. Gu, Preparation and Characterization of LiFePO4 Cathode Materials by Hydrothermal Method, Solid State Ion., 178 (2008) 1907-1914
3. B. Jin*, H.-B. Gu and K.-W. Kim, Effect of Different Conductive Additives on Charge/Discharge Properties of LiCoPO4/Li Batteries, J. Solid State Electrochem., 12 (2008) 105-111
4. B. Jin*, H.-B. Gu, W.X. Zhang, K.-H. Park and G. P. Sun, Effect of Different Carbon Conductive Additives on Electrochemical Properties of LiFePO4-C/Li Batteries, J. Solid State Electrochem., 12 (2008) 1549-1554
5. B. Jin* and H.-B. Gu, Research and Development of LiMPO4 (M=Mn, Co) Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries, J. Korean Battery Soc., 1 (2008) 57-66
6. E.M. Jin, B. Jin, D.-K. Jun, K.-H. Park, H.-B. Gu and K.-W. Kim, A Study on the Electrochemical Characteristics of LiFePO4 Cathode for Lithium Polymer Batteries by Hydrothermal Method, J. Power Sources, 178 (2008) 801-806
7. H.-C. Kang, D.-K. Jun, B. Jin, E.M. Jin, K.-H. Park, H.-B. Gu and K.-W. Kim, Optimized Solid-state Synthesis of LiFePO4 Cathode Materials Using Ball-milling, J. Power Sources, 179 (2008) 340-346
8. E.M. Jin, B. Jin, K.-H. Park, H.-B. Gu, G.-C. Park and K.-W. Kim, Electrochemical Characteristics of Lithium Iron Phosphate with Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube for Lithium Polymer Batteries, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno., 8 (2008) 5057-5061
1. B. Jin, W.X. Zhang, G.P. Sun* and H.-B. Gu, Fabrication and Characterization of Ethylene-vinyl Acetate Copolymer/Al2O3 Nanocomposites, J. Ceram. Process Res., 8 (2007) 336-340
2. H.-B. Gu, B. Jin, D.-K. Jun and Z.J. Han, Improved Electrochemical Performance of Nanoparticle LiCoPO4 for Li-ion Batteries, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno., 7 (2007) 4037-4040
3. B. Jin*, K.-H. Park and H.-B. Gu, A Novel Sulphur Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, Trans. EEM, 8 (2007) 157-160
4. H.-B. Gu, D.-K. Jun, G.-C. Park, B. Jin and E.M. Jin, The Research of Nano-sized LiFePO4 Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno., 7 (2007) 3980-3984
5. Y.-S. Jeon, E.M. Jin, B. Jin, D.-K. Jun, Z.J. Han and H.-B. Gu, Structural and Electrochemical Characterization of LiFePO4 Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method, Trans. EEM, 8 (2007) 41-45
6. 李紅姬, 張萬喜, 孫國恩, 金波, 徐之光, EVA/TiO2納米複合材料的製備與性能研究, 材料科學與工藝,15 (2007) 409-412
1. B. Jin, D.-K. Jun and H.-B. Gu, Electrochemical Characteristics of LiMnO2 for Lithium Secondary Battery, Trans. EEM, 7 (2006) 76-80
1. B. Jin, J.-U. Kim and H.-B. Gu, Electrochemical Properties of Lithium-sulfur Batteries, J. Power Sources,117 (2003) 148-152
1. 入選美國Marquis Who's Who LLC.出版社出版的《Who's Who in the World 2009 (26th Edition)》(《2009年世界名人錄》)。
2. 2011年指導學生承擔國家級大學生創新性實驗計劃項目。
3. 2014年指導學生榮獲首屆全國大學生材料設計大賽三等獎。
全國材料新技術發展研究會 理事(2014-)
延邊朝鮮族自治州應用技術專家委員會 委員(2012-)
Advanced Electrochemistry 編委會 編委(2013-)
中國化工學會儲能工程專業委員會 首屆會員(2014-)
韓國電池學會 會員(2001-)
韓國電氣電子材料工程師學會 會員(2001-)
韓國化學工業學會 會員(2008-)
Chem. Commun.,ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.等22個國際學術刊物特邀審稿人
He can do, She can do, Why not me?