





山西省古建築保護研究所有嚴格的科學保護措施和完善的質量控制體系,文物保護事業穩步前進,健康發展。現有享受政府特殊津貼的專家、省級專家、國家註冊建築師和中青年技術骨幹共計61人。機構設置有總工辦、科研處、設計處、規劃處、工程處、信息資料室、實驗室、壁畫保護室等專業職能部門;建有圖形圖像處理中心、САD工作間、文印中心;擁有近景攝影測量儀、萬能木材實驗機等近百萬元的各類科學儀器;保存有專業圖書3萬餘冊,歷年測繪設計圖紙3000餘張(套)及其它影像資料。目前能夠進行信息收集、分類管理;可對文物的化學、物理性能進行分析、測試、鑒定;對古代壁畫、塑像進行科學保護有成熟的實踐經驗。並以古建築木材材料特性、其它傳統材料的試驗研究為主攻方向,目的在於針對性 地提出科學保護方法。山西省古建所成立以來,先後完成的科學研究著作主要有《繁峙岩山寺》、《山西寺觀壁畫》、《山西琉璃》、《山西古建築模型》、《解州關帝廟》、《朔州崇福寺維修工程報告》、《中國古建築學術講座文集》等。該所具有建設部和國家文物局頒發的甲級文物建築修復設計資質證書、一級施工單位資質證書和甲級工程諮詢資質證書。1980年以後完成國家級、省級文物保護單位的勘察設計,修繕施工,工程監理任務300餘項。特別是朔州崇福寺彌陀殿修繕設計工程,太原晉祠聖母殿修繕設計工程,大同華嚴寺大雄寶殿修繕設計工程等,廣泛受到本行業好評或上級表彰。永濟鸛雀樓仿唐建築工程榮獲第四界“詹天佑土木工程大獎”,與建設部2003年優秀設計三等獎。山西“槐香”園設計施工榮獲中國“99”昆明世博會金、銀獎。上述古建築、仿古建築工程設計和保護研究成果,充分反映了該所在全國文物建築保護研究方面的水平。


1952年,山西省文物管理委員會古建隊成立。 ◆ 1980年,山西省古建築保護研究所成立。下設行政管理辦公室、研究一室(大木結構研究)、研究二室(磚石結構研究)、研究三室、四室(建築工程研究)和資料室(資料、檔案研究),並增設五台佛光寺、南禪寺兩個文物管理所。
◆ 1999年,為適應改革需要,重新劃分了中層處室,下設有行政管理辦公室、設計處、規劃處、工程處、科研處、經營科、總工辦和財務科。
◆ 2003年,增設了山西省古建築保護工程有限公司、山西省古建築設計有限公司、山西省古建築工程監理有限公司。
In 1952, the Institute was called the Contingent of Ancient Buildings and was subordinated to Shanxi Administrative Committee of Cultural Relics.
In 1980, Shanxi Institute of Ancient Architecture Conservation was founded and has been a unit directly under Shanxi Administration of Cultural Heritage. It had five branches as the following, the Administrative Office, the First Research Office mainly engaged in the research of wooden structures, the Second Research Office mainly engaged in brick and stone buildings, the Third and the Fourth Research Offices and also Reference Room. Beside the Institute established two additional administrative offices of Foguang Temple and Nanchan Temple.
In 1999, in order to meet the needs of transform, the Institute redivided the offices and eight new departments were established, they are departments of designing, planning, engineering, scientific researching, offices of administration, finance and chief engineer .
In 2003, Shanxi Conservational Engineering limited Company of Ancient Building, Shanxi Designing limited Company of Ancient Building and Shanxi Project Control limited Company of Ancient Building were established.


The Institute takes the principle of "protecting the original form of cultural relics" as its aim, and also takes the working policy of "giving priority to the protection of cultural relics, attaching primary importance to the rescue, making rational use of them and tightening control over them" as working guidance. It is a provincial special institute engaged in scientific protection and academic research of cultural heritage.