英文名:The tragedy of Dr. Faustus
作者:克里斯托夫·馬洛(Christopher Marlowe)
Dr.Faustus is the greatest of Marlove's plays,in which the old German legend is freely reshaped.Faustus is a great scholar who has a strong desire to acquire all kinds of knowledge.He is bored of his present study on the academic curriculum and turn to black magic By conjuration he calls up Mephistophilis,the Devil's servant.Faustus makes a bond to sell his soul to the Devil in return for twenty-four years of life in which he may have the services of Mephistophilis to give him everything he desires.With the help of the Devil,Faustus brings his magical art into full play,meanwhile Faustus has experienced much internal conflict,symbolized in the appearances of both Good Angel and Bad Angel. In thefinal scene,there remains only the terrifying soliloquy in which the anguish of the hero's mind is poignantly pressed.(The above is taken from "Selected Readings In English And American Literatures"the editor in chief:張伯香 subeditor:馬建君 胡曉紅 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.Reproduction of material without written permission is strictly prohibited is my email.Contact me for permission to copy this artical,hope more experts can make comments on it.)
克里斯托夫 馬洛的最偉大的代表作是《浮士德博士的悲劇》,它的故事取材於德國傳奇,浮士德是一位偉大的學者,渴求各方領域的知識。他對中世紀一成不變的學科深感厭煩,開始轉向一種黑色魔術。通過咒語他結識了梅菲斯特,也就是魔鬼的僕從。浮士德與魔鬼簽立了協議,他將自己的靈魂賣給魔鬼作為回報,魔鬼則要在此後的二十四年裡滿足浮士德所有求知的願望。在魔鬼的幫助下,他盡情施展魔術,與此同時,浮士德還經歷了內心的矛盾與鬥爭,這是通過善天使與惡天使同時出現的情節來表達出來的。在最後一幕,只剩下一段恐懼的獨白,生動透徹地揭示了浮士德內心的巨大痛苦。(希望更多專家學者補充相關資料,惡意篡改資料視為侵犯著作權,如需轉載須經同意,並標註出處。以上參考了 英語語言學與應用語言學 《英美文學選讀》主編:張伯香副主編:馬建君 胡曉紅 外語教學與研究出版社)。
馬洛的劇本由五幕構成。第一幕主要講浮士德不滿足,他嚴厲批駁包括神學在內的中古四大經院學問。他痴迷巫術,企圖憑藉它獲得無限知識和至高無上的權力和力量。魔鬼摩菲斯特見他褻瀆神並摒棄《聖經》和基督,為取走他的靈魂出現在他的書齋。浮士德自知他對神的不虔誠已使自己蒙受詛咒,於是要求魔鬼向其主子撒旦請求再寬限24 年。在第二幕里,浮士德與魔鬼簽約。契約生效后,浮士德向摩菲斯特詢問有關地獄、懲罰、天文、宇宙及神的問題。第三幕主要講述浮士德乘龍車考察宇宙構成之後,去到羅馬教皇的宮殿里戲弄教皇。該情節具有新教反對天主教鬥爭的現實意義。在第四幕中,浮士德展示魔力,為德國皇帝顯現亞力山大大帝及其情婦的魂影。第五幕主要寫浮士德對美的追求和他的恐怖死亡場景。