共找到4條詞條名為於曉強的結果 展開



於曉強,2006年9月畢業於日本北海道大學大學院理學研究科,獲得博士學位。2006.10-2009.9 日本北海道大學大學院工學研究科做博士后研究。現為大連理工大學化工學院精細化工國家重點實驗室副教授。


1995.9-1999.7 撫順石油學院應用化學系,本科
2001.10-2006.9 日本北海道大學大學院理學研究科,博士
2006.10-2009.9 日本北海道大學大學院工學研究科,博士后
2009.10—至今 大連理工大學精細化工國家重點實驗室,副教授




15. Wang, L.; Yu, X.-Q.*; Feng, X.; Bao, M.*, Synthesis of 3,5-Disubstituted Isoxazoles
via Cope-Type Hydroamination of1,3-Dialkynes Org. Lett.,2012, 14, (9), 2418–2421.(影響因子:5.9)
14. Xu, Z.; Yu, X.-Q.*; Feng, X.; Bao, M.*, Oxidative Coupling of Indoles with Ethyl 2?(Disubstituted Amino)Acetates: An Approach to Achieve Indolylglycine DerivativesJournal of Organic Chemistry J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 7114-7118.(影響因子:4.5)
13. Xu, Z.; Yu, X.-Q.*; Feng, X.; Bao, M.*lPettaerlladium-Catalyzed Direct 1,4-Addition of Heteroarenes to α,β-Unsaturated Ketones via C–H Activation, Synlett 2012, 23, 1605–1608.(影響因子:2.7)
12. Yu, X.-Q.; Yamamoto, Y.; Miyaura, N. Rhodium-Catalyzed 1,4-Addition of Lithium 2-Furyltriolborates to Unsaturated Ketones and Esters for Enantioselective Synthesis of γ-Oxo-Carboxylic Acids By Oxidation of the Furyl Ring with Ozone,Chem. Asian. J. 2011, 6, (3), 932-937. (影響因子:4.5)
11. Xu, Z.; Yu, X.-Q.*; Feng, X.; Bao, M., Propargylamine Synthesis by Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative Coupling of Alkynes and Tertiary Amine N-Oxides. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2011, 76, (16), 6901-6905.(影響因子:4.5)
10. Peng, B.; Zhang, S.; Yu, X.-Q.; Feng, X.; Bao, M., Nucleophilic Dearomatization of Chloromethyl Naphthalene Derivatives via η3-Benzylpalladium Intermediates: A New Strategy for Catalytic Dearomatization. Organic Letters 2011, 13, (19), 5402-5405.
9. Yu, X.-Q.; Ma, Y.-J.; Zhao, Z.-R.; Xu Z,-W.; Bao, M. Cross-Coupling Reaction of Benzylic Halides with Allyltributylstannane Catalyzed by Cu(OTf)2, Chin.J.Catal. 2011, 32, 472-476. (影響因子:1.2)
8. Yamamoto, Y.; Yu, X.-Q.; Miyaura N. Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reaction of Heteroaryltriolborates with Aryl Halides for Synthesis of Biaryls, Heterocycles 2010, 80, 359-368. (影響因子:1.6)
7. Yu, X.-Q.; Yamamoto, Y.; Miyaura, N. Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric 1,4-Addition of Heteroaryl Cyclic Triolborate to α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds, Synlett. 2009. 994-998. (影響因子:2.8)
6. Yu, X.-Q.; Ito, F.; Sasaki, M.; Yoshimura, F.; Hirai, A.; Tanino, K.; Miyashita, M. Palladium-Catalyzed Stereospecific Substitution Reaction of γ,δ-Epoxy-α,β-Unsaturated Epoxy Esters with Alcohols with Retention of Configuration. Remarkably Useful Synthetic Methodologies for 4-Alkoxy-5-hydroxy-2-pentenoate Systems, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 750-754. (影響因子:13.5)
5. Yamamoto, Y.; Yu, X.-Q.; Miyaura N. Cyclic Triolborates: Air- and Water-Stable Ate complexes of Organoboronic Acids, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 928-931. (影響因子:13.5)
4. Yu, X.-Q.; Yoshimura, F.; Tanino, K.; Miyashita, M. Stereospecific Interconversion between cis- and trans-Epoxy Unsaturated Esters, Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49, 7442-7445. (影響因子:2.7)
3. Yu, X.-Q.; Yamamoto, Y.; Miyaura, N. Aryl Triolborates: Novel Reagent for Copper-Catalyzed N Arylation of Amines, Anilines, and Imidazoles, Chem. Asian. J. 2008, 3, 1517 – 1522. (影響因子:4.5)
2. Yu, X.-Q.; Hirai, A.; Miyashita, M. Palladium-Catalyzed Stereospecific Epoxide-Opening Reaction of γ,δ-Epoxy-α,β-Unsaturated Esters with an Boric Acid Leading to γ,δ-Vicinal Diols with Double Inversion of the Configuration, Chemistry Lett. 2004, 764-765. (影響因子:1.8)
1. Hirai, A., Yu, X.-Q.; Tonooka, T.; Miyashita, M. Palladium-Catalyzed Stereospecific Epoxide-Opening Reaction of γ,δ-Epoxy-α,β-Unsaturated Esters with an Alkylboronic Acid Leading to γ,δ-Vicinal Diols with Double Inversion of the Configuration, Chem.Commun. 2003, 2482-2483. (影響因子:5.504)