








(3) 2015年國家藥品標準提高暨2015版藥典科研任務項目“酢漿草藥材質量標準制定”,國家藥典委員會,主持;


(2)江西省教育廳教改項目“德國 FH模式在藥學本科《藥物分析學》實踐教學中的應用與探討”,第二。


(1).DanSu, Jun Huang, Yonggui Song,et al. Comparative pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution study of mono-, and di-caffeoylquinic acids isomers of Ainsliaea fragrans Champ by a fast UHPLC-MS/MS method [J]. Fitoterapia, 2014. 99: 139-152
(2). Yonggui Song,Dan Su(通訊作者), Tulin Lu, De Ji, Chunqin Mao, Yali Liu, Binbin Wei. Differential pharmacokinetics and the brain distribution of morphine and ephedrine constitutional isomers in rats after oral administration with Keke Capsule using rapid-resolution LC-MS/MS. Journal of separation science, 2014, 37(4):352-9
(3.) Yali Liu, Yonggui Song, Qiongming Xu,Dan Su(通訊作者).Validated rapid resolution LC-ESI–MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of five pulchinenosides fromPulsatilla chinensis(Bunge) Regel in rat plasma: Application to pharmacokinetics and bioavailability studies. Journal of Chromatography B, 2013, 942: 141-150.
(4). Jun Huang,Dan Su(通訊作者), Yulin Feng, Kuangyi Liu, Yonggui Song. Antiviral Herbs -Present and Future[J].Infectious Disorders –Drug Targets, 2014, 14
(5).Dan Su,Kaishun Bi, Chunling Zhou, Yonggui Song, Binbin Wei, Lulu Geng, Wentao Liu, Xiaohui Chen. D Enantioselective Separation and Determination of Carnosine in Rat Plasma Using a Fluorescence HPLC Method for Stereoselective Pharmacokinetic Studies. Chromatographia, 2010, 71: 603–608
(6).Dan Su, Yonggui Song,Lulu Geng, Binbin Wei, Pu Xie, Yue Qi, Chao Ma, Shilin Yang, Kaishun Bi, Xiaohui Chen. Ocular Pharmacokinetic Study of L-carnosine and N-Acetyl-L-carnosine in Rabbit by Microdialysis Coupled with Ultra-performance Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry. Chromatographia, 2011,73:1189–1195
(7). Binbin Wei, Qing Li,Dan Su, Ronghua Fan, Longshan Zhao, Lulu Geng, Bosai He, Xiaohui Chen, Ying Jia, Kaishun Bi. Development of a UFLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of six lignans of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. in rat plasma and its application to a comparative pharmacokinetic study in normal and insomnic rats[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2013.
(8). Binbin Wei, Qing Li,Dan Su, Ronghua Fan, Longshan Zhao, Lulu Geng, Bosai He, Xiaohui Chen, Ying Jia,*, Kaishun Bi. UFLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of six lignans of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. in normal and insomnic rats brain microdialysates and homogenate samples: towards a in-depth study for its Sedative-hypnotic activity. Journal of Mass Spectrometry. (Accepted)
(9). Chao Ma, Kaishun Bi,Dan Su,et al. Serum and kidney metabolic changes of rat nephrotoxicity induced by Morning Glory Seed. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2010, 48:2988-2993.
(10). Jun Huang,Dan Su(通訊作者), Yonggui Song, Wugang Zhang, Tulin Lu, Yulin Feng. Quantitative Analysis of Phenolic Acids in Ainsliaea fragrans from Various Habitat [J] Journal of Chinese Medicinal Material, 2014, 08:1339-1341 (in chinese)
(11). Jun Huang, Yulin Feng, Zhifeng Li, Yonggui Song, Tulin Lu, Chunqin Mao,Dan Su(通訊作者). Simultaneous Determination of Eight Caffeoylquinic Acids from Different Ainsliaea frangrant Champ Preparations by HPLC[J] traditional Chinese drug research & clinical pharmacology, 2014,07:476-479 (in chinese)
(12).蘇丹,宋永貴,魏斌斌,范榮華. RRLC法快速測定克咳膠囊中鹽酸麻黃鹼、鹽酸偽麻黃鹼和嗎啡,2013(35):2407-2410.
(13).蘇丹,孫君凱,劉亞麗,等. 手性藥物肌肽的研究進展,中國新葯雜誌,2012, 21( 5):518-522.
(14).蘇丹,宋永貴. 柱前衍生化RP-HPLC熒光色譜法分離肌肽的光學異構體,華西藥學雜誌,2012, 27( 6) ∶700 -702
(15).蘇丹,宋永貴. 手性配體高效液相色譜拆分肌肽對映體。中國現代應用藥學雜誌,2013,30(1):75-79.
(16).蘇丹,宋永貴,魏斌斌,等. 大鼠體內肌肽的手性藥物動力學,中國醫院藥學雜誌,2011,31(22):41-44
(17). 蘇丹,畢開順,宋永貴,魏斌斌,耿璐璐,陳曉輝. 手性衍生化HPLC法測定L-肌肽的光學純度. 中國新葯與臨床雜誌, 2010, 29 (1) :41.
(18). 宋永貴,蘇丹, 耿璐璐,孫立新. HPLC-DAD法同時測定通達顆粒中4種活性成分的含量. 中成藥, 2010,7(32):55-58
(19). 孫軍凱,蘇丹,宋永貴,劉文陽. 星點設計-效應面法優化莪術揮髮油β-環糊精包合物製備工藝. 西北藥學. 2011,26(2):131-132
(20). 魏斌斌,陳曉輝,蘇丹,錢忠直,畢開順. 北五味子油中五味子甲素與五味子乙素的RP-HPLC測定. 藥物分析雜誌.2009,29(12):2061
(21). 魏斌斌,陳曉輝,蘇丹,錢忠直,畢開順. 北五味子油中五味子甲素與五味子乙素在大鼠體內的葯代動力學. 中國醫院藥學雜誌. 2010, 30(9):755-758.
2013年受維克多·普里迪邀請,參編Food and Nutritional Components in Focus系列叢書,負責“Chrial Carnosines”篇章。Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC)英國皇家化學會出版。
(1)表阿黴素脂質體及其製備和儲存方法,專利號:ZL 201210030179.6。


南昌市科技支撐計劃“抗腫瘤“一類”新葯BD 的研究與開發,第三;
國家科技支撐計劃“芡實等9 種大宗中藥材質量標準提高及其綜合利用研究”,第四;
國家“重大新葯創製”科技重大專項“預知子抗腫瘤有效成分BD 的成藥性研究”第五。