Jerry Lynn
Jerry Lynn
Jerry Lynn,男,拳擊運動員。

Jerry Lynn
本名:Jerry Lynn
曾用名:Gorgada Cross 加入WWE:2001
出生地:Minneapolis, Minnesota
現居地:Minneapolis, Minnesota
教練:Francisco Abarca
Cross Armbreaker Submission (WCW)
Cradle Piledriver
Tilt-A-Whirl Flying Head Scissors
Cradle Tombstone Piledriver
Tornado DDT
Kyptonite Krunch
Rope Hung Apron Leg Drop
Gory Special 2000
PWA (Pro Wrestling America) Light Heavyweight title defeating Johnny Love (January 24, 1990);
PWA (Pro Wrestling America) Light Heavyweight title defeating The Lightning Kid (January 14, 1991);
PWA/GWF Light Heavyweight title defeating The Lightning Kid (December 27, 1991);
PWA Tag Team titles w/The Lightning Kid defeating Tony Denucci & Tommy Ferrera (March 2, 1993);
ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling) Heavyweight title ();
WWF (World Wrestling Federation) Light Heavyweight title ();
NWA World Tag Team titles w/AJ Styles defeating The Rainbow Express in a Tournament (July 3, 2002);
NWA (Total Nonstop Action) X-Division title defeating AJ Styles and Low Ki (August 28, 2002);
NWA (Total Nonstop Action) X-Division title defeating AJ Styles (November 6, 2002);
NWA World Tag Team titles w/Amazing Red defeating Chris Daniels & Elix Skipper (April 16, 2003);
WWA Cruiserweight title defeating Chris Sabin in a Tournament ();
IWA: Mid South Wrestling Heavyweight title defeating Danny Daniels ();
NYWC (New York Wrestling Connection) Heavyweight title defeating Matt Striker (in a Tag match) (July 30, 2005);
GCW (Gateway Championship Wrestling) Heavyweight title defeating Trent Stone and Cameron Cage - 3-WAY (January 21, 2006);
USWO (United States Wrestling Organization) Television title defeating Michael Jablonski and Arrick Andrews (February 16, 2007);
NYWC (New York Wrestling Connection) Interstate title defeating Jerry Lynn (February 24, 2007);
AAW (All American Wrestling) Heavyweight Title defeating Marek Brave (May 19, 2007);
IWA Texas-ACW (Anarchy Championship Wrestling ) Heavyweight title defeating Scott Summers (June 10, 2007);
IWC (International Wrestling Cartel) Super Indy title defeating "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney (May 17, 2008);
ROH (Ring of Honor) World title defeating Nigel McGuinness in Houston, Texas (April 3, 2009);
The Lightning Kid, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Super Crazy, Rob Van Dam, The Network, Steve Corino, AJ Styles, Sonny Siaki, Konnan, Justin Credible, Jonny Storm, Joe Kane (All Access Wrestling), Scott D'Amore, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, Arrick Andrews (USWO), Nigel McGuinness, Tyler Black