

侯一筠,1982 畢業於河海大學應用數學系,1985 年獲山東海洋學院物理海洋碩士學位,1988 年獲青島海洋大學物理海洋學博士學位。是我國海洋科學第一位博士后,享受政府津貼,1993年由國務院學位辦批准為博士生導師。現為中國科學院海洋研究所研究員、博士生導師、副所長,中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目首席科學家,中國科學院海洋研究所所長助理,青島海洋大學兼職教授,國家海洋局第一海洋研究所客座研究員,中國科學技術大學博士生導師,《海洋與湖沼》、《中國海洋湖沼學報》、《海洋科學集刊》、《海洋科學》學報編委,中國海洋研究委員會委員,首屆國家軍事海洋學學會委員,中國人民政治協商會議第十二屆全國委員會委員。2017年5月,續聘侯一筠為山東省人民政府參事。





先後主持了國家863高技術項目(九五、十五)、國家科技攻關項目、國家自然科學基金項目(四項)等各種科研課題數十項,在國內外重要刊物上發表論文 90 余篇,論文多次被同行引用,特別是關於非線性海浪統計理論的研究被寫進教育部審定的研究生教課書。主要研究領域是非線性水波動力學,隨機海浪理論,地球流體中的非線性波動,海洋環境動力要素的數值模擬和數據同化技術。已培養博士和碩士生10餘人。 1998 、 2006 年獲中國科學院優秀研究生導師稱號, 1999 年獲青島市跨世紀青年學術、工程技術帶頭人稱號, 1999 年獲中國科學院瀋陽分院優秀青年科技工作者榮譽稱號, 2000 年獲中國科學院瀋陽分院優秀研究生導師稱號, 2001 年獲國家 863 計劃海洋領域海洋監測技術主題突出貢獻獎, 2003 年獲國家海洋局海洋科技創新成果二等獎, 2005 年獲國家科技進步二等獎。





Hou Yijun, Scientist, Male, 47
He got the Ph.D. from Ocean University of Qingdao in 1988. He was the fist postdoctor in the field of Oceanography in China. He is awarded the Government Allowance. In 1993 he was authorized the Director of Ph.D. by State Department Degree Office. And now he is the chief scientist of the critical direction in the Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the assistant Chairman of Institute of Oceanology, the joint professor of Ocean University of Qingdao, and the visiting scientist of the First Institute of National Ocean Bureau. He is the editor of Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, Studia Marina Sinica and Marine Sciences. He also did a good job in the first National Military Oceanology Academy. During these years he has taken charge of several dozens projects, such as National 863 Advanced Technology, Key Problem of National Science and Technology, National Nature Science. In the meanwhile he has published more than 40 articles, in China Science, Chinese Science Bulletin and so on, some of which are cited by others for several times, especially those about nonlinear sea wave statistic which have been complied into postgraduate textbook. Mr. Hou is also an excellent director of CAS who has directed more than 10 Ph.D. and M.S. students since 1993. And in the year 1999 he got the award of Excellent Youth of Shenyang Division of CAS and the reward of Excellent Person in Qingdao. Because of the great achievements he has made, he was granted the award of Special Contribution for Ocean Measurement Technology in Ocean Field of National 863 Project. The main fields of his study are nonlinear wave dynamics, statistical wave theory, nonlinear waves in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and numerical simulation and data assimilation for ocean dynamical factors. The main contribution of his study are the theory that solitary wave can travel across media and the new developing equation following the three basic wave equations.