





 ,  *, , ,  . ()           .  -      ,  .
ChenGuang Liu*, Fen Dang, WenJuan Li, Jie Lian, Steve Evans, Yong Yin. (2015) Production Planning of Multi-Stage Multi-Option Seru Production Systems with Sustainable Measures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 105: 285-299.
ChenGuang Liu*, Jing Yang, Jie Lian, WenJuan Li, Steve Evans, Yong Yin. (2014) Sustainable Performance Oriented Operational Decision-Making of Single Machine Systems with Deterministic Product Arrival Time, Journal of Cleaner Production, 85: 318-330.
Jie Lian, ChenGuang Liu*, WenJuan Li, Steve Evans, Yong Yin. (2014) Formation of Independent Manufacturing Cells with the Consideration of Multiple Identical Machines. International Journal of Production Research, 52(5): 1363-1400.
ChenGuang Liu*, Kathy E. Stecke, Jie Lian, Yong Yin. (2014) An Implementation Framework for Seru Production. International Transactions in Operational Research, 21(1): 1–19.
Yong Yin, Ikou Kaku, ChenGuang Liu. (2014) Product Architecture, Product Development Process, System Integrator and Product Global Performance. Production Planning & Control, 25(3): 203-219.
Yong Yin, ChenGuang Liu*, Ikou Kaku. (2014) Some Underlying Mathematical Definitions and Principles for Cellular Manufacturing. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(1): 1-22.
ChenGuang Liu*, Na Yang, WenJuan Li, Jie Lian, Steve Evans, Yong Yin. (2013) Training and Assignment of Multi-Skilled Workers for Implementing Seru Production Systems. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 69(5-8): 937-959.
ChenGuang Liu*, WenJuan Li, Jie Lian, Yong Yin. (2012) Reconfiguration of Assembly Systems: from Conveyor Assembly Line to Serus. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31(3): 312–325.
Yong Yin, ChenGuang Liu, Ikou Kaku. (2011) Cooperation and Leadership Policies in a Serial Supply Chain. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 30(1): 1-7.
ChenGuang Liu*, Jie Lian, Yong Yin, WenJuan Li. (2010) Seru Seisan --- An Innovation of Production Management Mode in Japan. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 18(2): 89-113.
ChenGuang Liu*, Yong Yin, Kazuhiko Yasuda, Jie Lian. (2010) A Heuristic Algorithm for Cell Formation Problems with Consideration of Multiple Production Factors. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 46(9-12): 1201-1213.
ChenGuang Liu*, Kazuhiko Yasuda, Yong Yin, Kazuyuki Tanaka. (2009) Uncertain Association Rule Mining Algorithm for the Cell Formation Problem in Cellular Manufacturing Systems. International Journal of Production Research, 47(3): 667-685.
ChenGuang Liu*, Kazuyuki Tanaka. (2007) Eigen-Distribution on Random Assignments for Game Trees. Information Processing Letters, 142 (2): 73-77.
蒲國利,蘇秦,劉晨光. (2016) 中斷條件下災后救援基礎設施網路設計研究. 系統工程理論與實踐, 36(6): 1453-1461.
蘇菊寧,劉晨光,殷勇.(2015) 預測精度和成本雙時變的短生命周期產品供應鏈優化與協調. 中國管理科學, 23(10): 107-112.
蘇菊寧,劉晨光,殷勇, 張娜.(2015) 基於時間可控和隨機損失的生鮮農產品供應鏈協調. 運籌與管理, 24(5): 34-43.
蘇菊寧,劉晨光,陳菊紅.(2013) 提前期壓縮對預測精度時變供應鏈的影響及其協調. 系統管理學報, 22(6): 814-822.
廉潔,劉晨光,李文娟, 殷勇.(2012) 基於同質設備多台配置的獨立生產單元構建決策. 中國管理科學, 20(5): 90-97.
劉晨光, 白玉芳, 李文娟, 廉潔, 殷勇. (2012) 兩類市場結構下企業生產方式選擇決策. 系統工程理論與實踐, 32(1): 49-59.
蘇菊寧, 陳菊紅, 劉晨光. (2011) 不確定相應時間下價格時變供應鏈的協調. 系統工程理論與實踐, 31(3): 461-470.
蘇菊寧, 蔣昌盛, 劉晨光, 陳菊紅. (2010) 基於獎懲機制的建築供應鏈工期協調優化研究. 中國管理科學, 18(1): 95-101.


2015年7月,入選“陝西高校人文社會科學青年英才支持計劃” 。