

李航,男,1963 年生,1993年畢業於南京農業大學獲碩士學位,2000年畢業於西南農業大學獲博士學位。西南大學教授、博士生導師。主要從事界面化學與土壤化學領域的研究工作。現擔任“土壤有機/無機/生物界面相互作用實驗室”主任,美國化學會會員,美國農學會和美國土壤學會會員,加州大學Riverside分校博士后與訪問學者。現任《土壤學報》和《土壤》雜誌編委,10餘種國際著名刊物特約審稿人。長期在資源環境科學和物理學與化學的交叉領域開展研究工作,主持國家級、省部級科研項目近20項,發表論文60餘篇,其中在物理學、化學和土壤學的國際頂級刊物發表論文30餘篇。申請國際發明專利2項,國家發明專利4項,新型實用專利1項。




1、 Hang Li Jie Hou, Xinmin Liu, Rui Li, Hualin Zhu, Laosheng Wu, Combined Determination of Specific Surface Area and Surface Charge Properties of Charged Particles from a Single Experiment, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2011, 75:2128-2135.
2、 Hang Li, Rui Li, Hualin Zhu and Laosheng Wu, Influence of Electrostatic field from solid particle surface on Ion Adsorption-Diffusion, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2010, 74∶1129-1138J.
3、 Jie Hou, Hang Li, Hualin Zhu and Laosheng Wu, Determination of Clay Surface Potential: A More Reliable Approach,Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2007, 73:1658-1663.
4、 Hang Li and Laosheng Wu, A New Approach to Estimate Ion Distribution between the Exchanger and Solution Phases,Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2007, 71:1694–1698.
5、 Hang Li, Xuhong Peng, Laosheng Wu, Mingyun Jia, and Hualin Zhu, Surface Potential Dependence of the Hamaker Constant,J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 4419–4425.
6、 Hang Li,,Laosheng Wu, Hualin Zhu, and Jie Hou, Ion Diffusion in the Time-Dependent Potential of the Dynamic Electric Double Layer,J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 13241–13248.
7、 Rui Li, Hang Li, Chenyang Xu et al, Analytical models for describing cation adsorption/desorption kinetics as considering the electrostatic field from surface charges of particles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2011), 392:55.
8、 Xin Min Liu & Hang Li & Rui Li & Rui Tian & Jie Hou, A new model for cation exchange equilibrium considering the electrostatic field of charged particles,J Soils Sediments (2012) 12:1019–1029.
9、 LIU Xin-Min, LI Hang LI Rui TIAN Rui, and XU Chen-Yang, Generalized Poisson–Boltzmann Equation Taking into Account Ionic Interaction and Steric Effects, Commun. Theor. Phys.58(2012) 437–440.
10、 Hang Li and Laosheng Wu, A generalized linear equation for non-linear diffusion in external fields and non-ideal systems,New Journal of Physics 2007, 357.
11、 Hang Li, Shiqiang Wei, Changle Qing and Jinshan Yang, Discussion on the position of the shear plane,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2003,258, 40–44.
12、 Hang Li, Chang Le Qing, Shi Qiang Wei and Xian Jun Jiang, An approach to the method for determination of surface potential on solid/liquid interface: theory,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2004, 275, 172–176.
13、 X. Jiang, Y. Ma, J. Yuan, Wright and H. Li, Soil particle surface electrochemical property effects on abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing archaea, NH4 activity, and net nitrification in an acid soil, Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43 (2011) 2215-2221.
14、 Hailing Xiong, Hang Li, Weiping Chen, Jian Xu, Laosheng Wu, Application of the Cluster–Cluster Aggregation model to an open system,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2010, 344:37–43.
15、 Li Hang, Zhu Hua-Ling, Jia Ming-Yun, and Wu Lao-Sheng, Some New Features of Linear Theory for Describing Non-linear Diffusion,Commun. Theor. Phys. 2009, 52: 269–273.
16、 Rui Li, Hang Li, Hualin Zhu and Laosheng Wu, Kinetics of cation adsorption on charged soil mineral as strong electrostatic force presence or absence,J Soils Sediments 2011, 11:53–61.
17、 Hang Li and Laosheng Wu, On the Relationship between Thermal Diffusion and Molecular Interaction Energy in Binary Mixtures,J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 13821-13826.
18、 Yuan Yong-Zhi, Xiong Hai-Ling, Li Hang, Zhu Hua-Ling and Jiang Xian-Jun, Effect of Gravity and Electrolyte Concentration on the Fractal Structure of Colloidal Aggregates,Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2007, 23(5): 688−694 .
19、 Yang, Qing-wei, Li Hang and Long Fang-yan, Heavy metals of vegetables and soils of vegetable bases in Chongqing, southwest China,Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2007,130: 271-279.
20、 Li Liangfu, Li Hang, Xiang Bo and Qin Binquan, Infuence of Precipitation on the Determination of Proper Time for Soil Resistivity Measurement,ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA,2010,24:259-268.
21、 Mingyun Jia, Hang Li, Hualing Zhu, Rui Tian , Xiaodan Gao, An approach for the critical coagulation concentration estimation of poly-disperse colloidal suspensions of soil and humus, Journal of Soils and Sediments (2012), accepted.
22、 Xinmin Liu, Hang Li*, Rui Li and Rui Tian, Analytical Solutions of the Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation in Solutions with Mixture Electrolytes, Surfaces Science, (2011), accepted.