共找到4條詞條名為劉鐸的結果 展開




2006年回國到山東大學晶體材料國家重點實驗室工作。目前主要從事的科研領域包括寬頻隙半導體材料及器件,鐵電材料學,圖形化結構,高性能懸臂樑感測器等。目前已經在國際期刊發表論文近50篇,包括:Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C, Journal of Materials Chemistry, CrysEngComm等期刊。2篇論文入選美國物理研究所及美國物理協會的VirtualJournal of Nanoscale Science & Technology,1篇論文被AIP網站Highlight併入選Most Read Article,1篇論文被Advanced in Engineering Highlight,1篇論文入選CryEngComm月度照片,受邀撰寫學術專著章節1篇,論文引用達到400餘次,個人H-Index為12,獲得授權專利6項,申請國際發明專利1項。




本科和碩士畢業於中國科學技術大學,2004年畢業於美國休斯頓大學機械工程系,獲Materials Engineering博士學位,2004年至2006年於美國休斯敦大學從事博士后研究工作,2006年至今在山東大學工作。




1. 國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃“納米製造的基礎研究”培育項目:藍光LED中圖形化結構的製備方法及其光電特性研究,項目負責人。
2. 國家自然科學基金:基於微懸臂樑力學感測器的檢測方法和識別技術研究,項目負責人。
3. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃項目:金屬/介質納米異質結構中的局域耦合效應及其在光電轉換器件中的應用,主要學術骨幹。
4. 國家自然科學基金:鐵電納米單晶尺度和應力效應的壓電探針技術研究,項目負責人。
5. 教育部留學回國人員啟動基金項目,項目負責人。
6. 山東省優秀中青年獎勵基金:微結構缺陷對鈦酸鋇納米單晶鐵電性質的影響機理研究,項目負責人。




1.G. Lin , Z. Zuo, D. Liu *, Z. Feng, Q. Zhang, X. Lin, and X. Xu, Maskless Surface Patterning of AlGaInP Light-Emitting Diodes by Photochemical Laser Interference Etching, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (51), pp 27062–27066
2.Z. Feng, D. Liu*, Z. Zuo, Q. Yu, R. Wang, and X. Xu, Resonant actuation of microcantilever by pulse wave of one-nth the resonant frequency, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 061901 (2012)
3.R. Wang, Duo Liu*, Z. Zuo, Q. Yu, Z. Feng, and X. Xu, Metal-assisted electroless fabrication of nanoporous p-GaN for increasing the light extraction efficiency of light emitting diodes, AIP Advances 2, 012109-012109-6 (2012) (Selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology -- January 23, 2012, Volume 25, Issue 4; Highlighted by AIP Advances on Feb 2012; Most read articles of Jan 2012 )
4.R. Wang, Duo Liu*, Z. Zuo, Q. Yu, Z. Feng, H. Liu, and X. Xu, Surfactantless photochemical growth of Ag nanostructures on GaN epitaxial films with controlled morphologies and their application for SERS, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 2410-2418 (Selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology -- January 30, 2012, Volume 25, Issue 5)
5.Z. Zuo, R. Wang, D. Liu*, Q. Yu, Z. Feng, and X. Xu, Ultra bright AlGaInP light emitting diodes with pyramidally patterned GaP spreading layer, Applied Physics Letters, 99, 121104 (2011)
6.Z. Zuo, D. Liu*, B. Zhang, J. He, H. Liu, and X. Xu, Increasing the extraction efficiency of blue light emitting diodes via laser patterned Ga-polar p-GaN surface, Phys. Status Solidi A, 208(9), 2226–2230 (2011)
7.X. Zhang, D. Liu*, H. Yu, H. Qin, Y. Sang, H. Liu, J. Wang, Microstructural characteristics of the Nd:YAG powders leading to transparent ceramics, Journal of Rare Earths, 29(6), 585, 2011.
8.Microstructural defects in ferroelectrics and their scientific implications, ISBN 978-953-307-455-9, Ferroelectrics Characterization and Modeling, Edited by: Mickaël Lallart,Publisher: InTech, August 2011
9.S. Qin, D. Liu,* Z. Zuo, Y. Sang, X. Zhang, F. Zheng, H. Liu, X. G. Xu, “UV-Irradiation-Enhanced Ferromagnetism in BaTiO3”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1, 238–241(2010)
10.S. B. Qin, D. Liu,* H. Liu, Z. Y. Zuo,“Size-Dependent Selective Etching Mechanism: Cavity Formation on Barium Titanate Nanocubes”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 17171-4(2008).