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吳江,1978年生,浙江東陽人,武漢大學信息管理學院副教授,碩士生導師,武漢大學珞珈青年學者,湖北省楚天學子,信息系統與電子商務系主任;清華大學模式識別與智能系統專業碩士、華中科技大學管理科學與工程博士、瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工大學(ETH, Zurich)社會計算研究中心博士后、美國卡內基梅隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)計算學院訪問學者、美國聖塔菲研究所(Santa Fe Institute)訪問學者。主要研究方向為社會網路計算、網路信息計量、社會建模與模擬。已經在國內外高水平雜誌和會議上發表學術研究論文30餘篇,其中被SCI/SSCI收錄10餘篇,出版學術專著《社會網路的動態分析與模擬實驗》。在武漢大學開設包括全校通識課“社會網路分析”、“社會網路計算”以及“管理信息系統”在內的6門本科生和研究生課程。目前主持國家自然科學基金項目2項,曾主持參與各類國家級項目10多項;曾參與包括“南方電網情報需求智能表達、預測及高級應用研發”、“廣州市供電局客戶信息管理系統建設”、“義烏市電子商務戰略規劃”等在內的企業政府委託合作課題10餘項。
Yan Xu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu*, Jianhua Zhang (2014), Nonlinear analysis on the cooperation of strategic alliances using stochastic catastrophe theory, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 400:100-108.
Jiang Wu, Xiu-Hao Ding (2013), Author Name Disambiguation in Scientific Collaboration and Mobility Cases, Scientometrics, 96(3): 683-697.
Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang (2013), Maximizing the Performance of Advertisements Diffusion: A Simulation Study of the Dynamics of Viral Advertising in Social Networks, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(8): 921-934.
Jiang Wu (2013), Investigating the Universal Distributions of Normalized Indicators and Developing Field-Independent Index, Journal of Informetrics, 7(1), 63-71.
Jiang Wu (2013), Geographical knowledge diffusion and spatial diversity citation rank, Scientometrics, 94(1): 181-201.
Hou Zhu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu, Xiaolin Hu (2013). Adaptation of Cultural Norms after Merger and Acquisition Based on Heterogeneous Agent-Based Relative-Agreement Model. Simulation: Society of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(12):1523-1537.
Jiang Wu, Hou Zhu, Menglin Yin, Xin Luo (2012), A Review for the Validation of Social Simulation on Artificial Social Organization, International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, 4(2), 22-41.
Camille Roth, Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano (2012), Assessing impact and quality from local dynamics of citation networks, Journal of Informetrics, 6(1): 111-120.
Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano, Dirk Helbing (2011), Empirical Study of Growth Dynamics in Real Career H-index Sequences, Journal of Informetrics,5(4), 489-497.
Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang, Steve Hall, Catherine Spence, Kathleen M. Carley (2009), An Agent based Simulation Study for Exploring Organizational Adaptation, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 85(6), 397-413.
Yu Zhang, Jiang Wu, Bin Hu (2009), A History Sensitive Diffusion Network: Preliminary Model and Simulation, International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 14(1), 87-96.
Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Jinlong Zhang (2008), Multi-agent Simulation of Group Behavior in E-Government Policy Decision, Journal of Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 16(10), 1571-1587.
吳江(2012),基於網際網路信息的國內移動商務戰略聯盟網路分析,情報學雜誌,31(9), 175-180.
吳江,胡斌,張金隆(2011),開源軟體開發者和源代碼管理的協調性網路分析實證研究,科研管理, 32(8):133-141.
吳江,胡斌,魯耀斌 (2010), 實證驅動的信息系統擴散與組織互動模擬研究, 管理科學學報,(10), 22-32.
吳江,胡斌, 劉天印(2009),交互記憶系統影響人群與工作交互的模擬研究,管理科學, 22(1): 48-58.
吳江,胡斌(2009),信息化與群體行為互動的多智能體模擬, 系統工程學報, 24(2): 218-225. 科研項目: (主持)國家自科面上項目,創新2.0超網路中知識流動和群集交互的協同研究(主持)國家自科青年基金,基於貝葉斯網路和演化博弈的社會化媒體信息傳播建模與模擬(主持)武漢大學校內自主科研項目,網路嵌入視角的網際網路企業生態系統研究(主持)博士后特別資助,數據驅動的信息傳播建模和模擬以及在社會化營銷中的應用(主持)博士後面上基金,基於社會網路移動商務聯盟組織生態性研究(參與)歐盟第七框架項目,QLectives網際網路群體協作機制研究(參與)國家自科面上項目,基於系統模擬、心理學和突變論的企業管理組織性能測試研究(參與)國家自科面上項目,基於集成模擬理論與方法的人群-工作互動機制研究(參與)國家自然科學基金重點課題,移動商務的基礎理論與技術方法
Yan Xu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu*, Jianhua Zhang (2014), Nonlinear analysis on the cooperation of strategic alliances using stochastic catastrophe theory, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 400:100-108.
Jiang Wu, Xiu-Hao Ding (2013), Author Name Disambiguation in Scientific Collaboration and Mobility Cases, Scientometrics, 96(3): 683-697.
Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang (2013), Maximizing the Performance of Advertisements Diffusion: A Simulation Study of the Dynamics of Viral Advertising in Social Networks, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(8): 921-934.
Jiang Wu (2013), Investigating the Universal Distributions of Normalized Indicators and Developing Field-Independent Index, Journal of Informetrics, 7(1), 63-71.
Jiang Wu (2013), Geographical knowledge diffusion and spatial diversity citation rank, Scientometrics, 94(1): 181-201.
Hou Zhu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu, Xiaolin Hu (2013). Adaptation of Cultural Norms after Merger and Acquisition Based on Heterogeneous Agent-Based Relative-Agreement Model. Simulation: Society of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(12):1523-1537.
Jiang Wu, Hou Zhu, Menglin Yin, Xin Luo (2012), A Review for the Validation of Social Simulation on Artificial Social Organization, International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, 4(2), 22-41.
Camille Roth, Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano (2012), Assessing impact and quality from local dynamics of citation networks, Journal of Informetrics, 6(1): 111-120.
Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano, Dirk Helbing (2011), Empirical Study of Growth Dynamics in Real Career H-index Sequences, Journal of Informetrics,5(4), 489-497.
Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang, Steve Hall, Catherine Spence, Kathleen M. Carley (2009), An Agent based Simulation Study for Exploring Organizational Adaptation, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 85(6), 397-413.
Yu Zhang, Jiang Wu, Bin Hu (2009), A History Sensitive Diffusion Network: Preliminary Model and Simulation, International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 14(1), 87-96.
Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Jinlong Zhang (2008), Multi-agent Simulation of Group Behavior in E-Government Policy Decision, Journal of Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 16(10), 1571-1587.
吳江(2012),基於網際網路信息的國內移動商務戰略聯盟網路分析,情報學雜誌,31(9), 175-180.
吳江,胡斌,張金隆(2011),開源軟體開發者和源代碼管理的協調性網路分析實證研究,科研管理, 32(8):133-141.
吳江,胡斌,魯耀斌 (2010), 實證驅動的信息系統擴散與組織互動模擬研究, 管理科學學報,(10), 22-32.
吳江,胡斌, 劉天印(2009),交互記憶系統影響人群與工作交互的模擬研究,管理科學, 22(1): 48-58.
吳江,胡斌(2009),信息化與群體行為互動的多智能體模擬, 系統工程學報, 24(2): 218-225. 科研項目: (主持)國家自科面上項目,創新2.0超網路中知識流動和群集交互的協同研究(主持)國家自科青年基金,基於貝葉斯網路和演化博弈的社會化媒體信息傳播建模與模擬(主持)武漢大學校內自主科研項目,網路嵌入視角的網際網路企業生態系統研究(主持)博士后特別資助,數據驅動的信息傳播建模和模擬以及在社會化營銷中的應用(主持)博士後面上基金,基於社會網路移動商務聯盟組織生態性研究(參與)歐盟第七框架項目,QLectives網際網路群體協作機制研究(參與)國家自科面上項目,基於系統模擬、心理學和突變論的企業管理組織性能測試研究(參與)國家自科面上項目,基於集成模擬理論與方法的人群-工作互動機制研究(參與)國家自然科學基金重點課題,移動商務的基礎理論與技術方法