



Memory,Turn your face to the moonlight 記憶,把你的臉轉向月光
Let your memory lead you 讓記憶帶領你
Open up, enter in 打開,進入那裡
If you find there The meaning of what happiness is如果你在那裡找到了幸福的意義
Then a new life, will begin 那麼, 一個幸福的生活,即將開始
Memory , All alone in the moonlight 記憶,獨自處在月光下
I can smile at the old days 我可以面對往日微笑
I was beautiful then 我那時很漂亮
I remember the time I knew what happiness was 我記得那段時光幸福環繞在我身旁
Let the memory Live again 讓記憶,再現
Burnt out ends of smoky days 燒盡煙霧繚繞的日子以及早晨
The stale cold smell of morning 寒冷陳腐的氣味
The street lamp dies 路燈又滅了
Another night is over 又一個黑夜過去了
Another day, is dawning 又一天的拂曉正在降臨
Day light 日出
I must wait for the sunrise 我必須等待陽光
I must think of the new life 我必須考慮新的生活
And I mustn't give in 我不能退縮
When the dawn comes 當黎明來到時
Tonight will be a memory ,too 今晚也將成為回憶
And the new day , will begin 新的一天,即將開始
Sun light throuth the trees in summer 夏日裡,陽光穿過樹木
Endless masquerading 永不結束的化裝舞會
Like a flower as the dawn is breaking 就象黎明到來前的花朵
The memory is fading 記憶,正在消退
Touch me 撫摸我,
It's too easy to leave me 為何輕易拋棄我於
All alone with the memory Of my days in the sun 陽光燦爛的記憶里
If you touch me 如果你撫摸我
You'll understand what happiness is 你就會明白幸福是什麼
Look, a new day, has begun 看,新的一天,已經開始
[00:16.00]Midnight, not a sound from the pavement 午夜,路上寂靜無聲
[00:23.00]Has the moon lost her memory 月兒也失去記憶
[00:28.00]She is smiling alone 她笑得多孤寂
[00:32.00]In the lamplight 街燈下
[00:35.00]The withered leaves collect at my feet 枯葉在我的腳下堆積
[00:41.00]And the wind begins to moan 風兒也開始哀鳴
[00:48.00]Memory, all alone in the moonlight 回憶,當我獨自在月光里
[00:55.00]I can smile at the old days 我的笑只在往昔
[01:00.00]It was beautiful then那時多麼美麗
[01:05.00]I remember the time I knew what happiness was 回憶當時才知快樂是什麼含義
[01:12.00]Let the memory live again 讓回憶重新降臨
[01:21.00]Every street lamp Seems to beat 每一盞街燈似乎都在發出致命的警訊
[01:29.00]A fatalistic warning 有人喃喃低語
[01:37.00]Someone mutters 有人喃喃低語
[01:43.00]And a street lamp gutters 而街燈也在噼啪作響
[01:48.00]And soon it will be morning 很快就會是清晨了
[01:56.00]Touch me, it's so easy to leave me 靠近我,離開我多麼容易
[02:03.00]All alone with the memory of my days in the sun讓我獨自回憶,回憶昨日美麗
[02:10.00]If you touch me 如果你靠近
[02:14.00]You'll understand what happiness is你將明了快樂的意義
[02:19.00]Look! A new day has begun看!新的一天已經來臨

