



江西省自然科學二等獎(2005年),中國科學院科學進步三等獎(1990年),中科院長春應用化學研究所優秀博士生一等獎(1998年)、江西省先進工作者(2005年)。2004年享受國務院特殊津貼。共申請了6項國內、國際專利,發表科學論文80篇,其中50餘篇為SCI或EI收錄, 多篇有影響力的論文發表在"Advanced Materials"、"J. Am. Chem. Soc."、"Chem. Mater."、“Advanced Functional Materials”和"Macromolecules"等國際著名學術期刊上,ISI可檢索到論文被引用580餘次,H指數為12。
在省委和省政府領導的親切關懷下、在省教育廳和科技廳及江西師範大學的高強度支持下,侯博士於04年組建了江西省高校納米纖維工程技術研究中心,現有4位教授(博士)、2位副教授(1位博士)、2位助研組成的、求真務實的學術研究團隊,主要從事高性能聚合物材料、聚合物納米纖維、碳納米纖維和碳納米結構材料的理論與應用研究。該中心的研究工作證實用電紡絲技術能製備直徑小於1納米的聚合物納米纖維,是目前世界上所報道直徑最小的聚合物納米纖維,結果發表在國際著名的納米技術雜誌《Nanotechnology》(06年2月)上;該中心的研究工作也證實電紡絲技術同樣可以製備高強度的聚合物納米纖維,取得了取向聚醯亞胺納米纖維膜的強度達到660 MPa、共聚聚醯亞胺納米纖維膜的強度達到1.1GPa的成績,結果分別發表在國際著名的材料科學雜誌《Advanced Materials》(06年3月)和《Nanotechnology》 (07年12月) 上,。


Bin Huang, Jason J. Ge, Yonghong Li, Haoqing Hou*: Aliphatic Acid Esters of (2-Hydrovypropyl) Cellulose–––––Effect of Side Chain Length on Properties of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals, Polymer (2007), 48(1): 264-269. [IF: 2.8]
Shuiliang Chen, Ping Hu, Andreas Greiner, Chuyun Cheng, Haofang Cheng, Fangfang Chen, and Haoqing Hou*: Electrospun Nanofiber Belts Made from High Performance Copolyimide Nanotechnology 18(24) (在印) (2007) [IF: 3.0].
Jianshe Huang, Dawei Wang, Haoqing Hou*, and Tianyan You: Electrospun Palladium Nanoparticle-loaded Carbon Nanofibers and Their Electrocatalytic Activities towards Hydrogen Peroxide and NADH Advanced Functional Materials, (2007) [IF: 6.8]. (在印).
Fei Chen, Xinwen Peng, Tingting Li, Shuiliang Chen, Xiaofa Wu, Darrell H Reneker and Haoqing Hou*: Mechanical characterization of single high-strength electrospun polyimide nanofibres Journal of Physics D, (2007) [IF: 2.1] (在印).
Li XY, Yu FL, Sun HJ, Huang LY, Hou HQ: Reactions of trimethylphosphane-supported cobalt complexes with salicylaldimines - Formation and structures of cobalt compounds containing salicylaldiminato [N : O] ligands, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 21: 4362-4367(2006) [IF: 2.7]
Li XY, Yu FL, Sun HJ, Hou HQ: Novel stable five-coordinate diorgano cobalt(III) complexes: Formation, structure, and reaction with carbon monoxide, INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, 359 (10): 3117-3122 (2006) ) [IF: 1.7].
Chaobo Huang, Shuiliang Chen, Chuilin Lai,Darrell H Reneker, Haiyan Qiu, Ying Ye, and Haoqing Hou*: The Electrospun polymer nanofibres with small diameters Nanotechnology 17(6), 1558–1563 (2006) [IF: 3.0]
Chaobo Huang, Shuiliang Chen, Darrell H. Reneker, Chuilin Lai,and, Haoqing Hou*: High-Strength Mats from Electrospun Poly(p-Phenylene Biphenyltetracarboximide) Nanofibers, Advanced Materials.18(5),668-671 (2006) [IF: 7.8].
Chaobo Huang, Suqing Wang, Hean, Zhang, Tingting Li, Shuiliang Chen, Chuilin Lai, Haoqing Hou*: High Strength Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers Made from BPDA-PDA Polyimide, European Polymer Journel, 42(5), 1099-1104 (2006) [IF: 2.3].
Zeng J, Hou HQ, Wendorff JH, Greiner A, Photo-induced solid-state crosslinking of electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol) fibers, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 26 (19): 1557-1562 (2005) [IF: 3.1].
Jason J. Ge; Qing Li; Dong Zhang; Haoqing Hou; Liming Dai; and Stephen Z. D. Cheng*: Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with Chemically Grafted Polyetherimides, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 9984-9986 (2005) [IF: 7.7]
Jason J. Ge; Haoqing Hou; Qing Li; Andreas Greiner; Darrell H. Reneker;* and Stephen Z. D. Cheng* Directed Assembly of Well-Aligned Carbon Nanotubes in Confined Environments: Electrospun Oxidized MWNT/Polyacrylonitrile Composite Nanofibers J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 15754-15761 (2004) [IF:7.7]
Haoqing Hou*; Jun Zeng; Jason J. Ge; Darrell H. Reneker*; and Andreas Greiner; Stephen Z. D. Cheng: Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers Containing High Content of Well-Aligned Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes by Electrospinning, Chem. Mater. 17(5): 967-973 (2005) [IF: 5.1]
Haoqing Hou and Darrell H. Reneker*: Carbon Nanotube on Carbon Nanofiber: A Novel Structure Based on Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers, Advanced Materials. 16(1), 69-73 (2004) [IF: 7.8].
Haoqing. Hou* A. Schaper, F. Weller and A. Greiner, Carbon Nanotubes and Spheres Produced by Modified Ferrocene Pyrolysis, Chem. Mater. 14(9): 3990-3994 (2002) [IF: 5.1].
Greiner*, Poly (p-xylene) nanotubes by coating and removal of ultrathin polymer template fibers, Macromolecules 35:
2429-2431 (2002) [IF: 4.2].
M. Bognitzki, Haoqing Hou, M. Ishaque, T. Frese, M. Hellwig, C. schwarte, A. Schaper, J. H. Wendorff, and A. Greiner*, Polymer, Metal, and Hybrid Nano- and Mesotubes by Coating Degradable Polymer Template Fibers (TUFT Process), Advanced Materials, 12(9): 637-640 (2000) [IF: 7.8].
Haoqing Hou*, Zeng Jun, Frank Weller, and Andreas Greiner, Large Scale Synthesis and Characterization of Helically Coiled Carbon Nanotubes by use of Fe(CO)5 as Floating Catalyst Precursor, Chem. Mater, 15, 3170-3175 (2003) [IF: 5.1].
Haoqing. Hou, A. Schaper, Zeng Jun, F. Weller and A. Greiner, Large-scale Synthesis of aligned Carbon Nanotubes using FeCl3 as Floating Catalyst Precursor, Chem. Mater. 15(2): 580-585 (2003) [IF: 5.1].
A. Schaper, H. Hou, A. Greiner and F. Phillipp: About the Role of Iron Carbide in Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Growth, J. Catalysis, 222(1), 250-254 (2004) [IF: 4.5].
Zeng J, Hou HQ, Wendorff JH, Greiner A, Electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(acrylic acid) fibres with excellent water-stability, E-Polymers Art. No. 078 DEC 9 (2004) [IF: 1.0].
Zeng J, Hou HQ, Wendorff JH, Greiner A, Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanofibers by electrospinning: Influence of Molecuar Weight on Fibre Shape, E-Polymers Art. No. 038 Jun 4 (2005) [IF: 1.0].
W. Ruland*, A. Schaper, H. Hou, and A. Greiner, Multiwall carbon nanotubes with uniform chirality, Carbon 41: 423-427 (2003) [IF: 3.9]
Haoqing Hou*, Stefan Reuning, Joachim H. Wendorff, Andreas Greiner, Effect of Blending of Cholesteric Cellulose Ester on the Pitch Height, Macromol. Biosci.1: 45-48 (2001) [IF: 2.5]
A. Schaper*; Haoqing Hou; A. Greiner; R. Schneider; F. Phillipp, Copper nanoparticles encapsulated in multi-shell carbon cages, Applied Physics A. 78 (1), 73-77 (2004) [IF: 1.7].
D.H. Reneker and Haoqing Hou, ELECTROSPINNING, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOMATERIALS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (Gary E. Wnek and Gary L. Bowlin Eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2004, Edition 1. pp.543-550.
A. Greiner; H. Hou; A. Reuning; A. Thomas; J. H. Wendorff*; S. Zimmermann, Synthesis and Opto-Electronic Properties of Cholesteric Cellulose Esters, Cellulose 10 (1), 37-52 (2003) [IF: 1.5].
Zeng Jun, Haoqing Hou, A. Schaper, J. H. Wendorff, and A. Greiner*, Poly-L-lactide Nanofibers by Electrospinning - Influence of the Solution Viscosity and the Electrical Conductivity on the Fiber Diameter and Fiber Morphology, e-Polymers, art. No. 009 Mar. 8 (2003) [IF: 1.3].
Haoqing Hou, Arndt Reuning, Joachim H. Wendorff, Andreas Greiner*, Tuning of the pitch hight of thermotropic cellulose esters, Macromol. Chem. Phys., 201 (15): 2050-2054 (2000) [IF:2.0].
Elif Arici, Andreas Greiner, Haoqing Hou, Arndt Reuning, Joachim H. Wendorff*, Optical properties of guest host systems based on cellulose derivatives, Macromol. Chem. Phys., 201 (15): 2083-2090 (2000) [IF: 2.0].
Haoqing Hou, Zhenghua Yang, and Mengxian Ding*, Main-Chain Photosensitive Polyamic Acids Using Alkaline Aqueous Solution as Developer, Polym. Inter., 48: 421-425 (1999) [IF: 1.5].
Haoqing Hou, Junguang, and Mengxian Ding*, Ester-type Precursor of Polyimide and Photosensitivity, European Polymer Journel, 35(11), 1993-2000 (1999) [IF: 2.1].
A. Schaper, H. Hou, A. Greiner and F. Phillipp: Multi-walled carbon nanotubes without and with metal filling, J. Metastable Nanocrystalline Mater. 23, 301-304 (2005).
A. Schaper, F. Phillipp, H. Hou, and A. Greiner: Melting behavior of copper nanocrystals encapsulated in onion-like carbon cages J. Mater. Research. 20 (7) 1844-1850 (2005) [IF: 2.3].


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3. A. Greiner; J. H. Wendorff; Haoqing Hou and et al., Production of Moldings with Interior-Coated Voids, Ger. Offen.
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4. Haoqing Hou, Johnannes Averdung, Wolfgang Czado, Andreas Greiner, Joachim H. Wendorff, Oriented mesotubular and nanotubular oriented nonwoven fabrics and their manufacture, PCT Int. (2002): WO 0234986 A2; Ger. Offen. (2000): DE
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5. 侯豪情, 李悅生,丁孟賢:酯型光敏聚醯亞胺的製備。中國專利(1997): CN1206724;
6. 侯豪情,丁孟賢:高分子量光敏聚醯亞胺酯型預聚體的低溫製備。中國專利(1998): CN1247199;
7. 侯豪情、陳水亮、程楚雲胡萍:高速氣吹靜電紡絲複合方法製備超細聚合物纖維。中國專利(2007): (待批);
8. 侯豪情、陳水亮、胡萍、程楚云:高強度聚合物納米纖維的製備方法。中國專利(2007): (待批);
9. 侯豪情、陳飛、陳娟、程楚云:含嘧啶環結構的高強度聚醯亞胺納米纖維的製備方法。中國專利(2007): (在申請)。
10. 侯豪情、陳飛、陳娟、程楚云:一種含雙嘧啶結構的芳香族二胺及其製法和用途。中國專利(2007): (在申請)。