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13、Zhou ZJ, Li ZB,A unified explicit construction of 2N-soliton solutions for evolution equations determined by2x2 AKNS system,COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS,39(3):257-260,2003
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17、Yao RX, Li ZB,Conservation laws and new exact solutions for the generalized seventh order KdV equation,CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS,20(2):259-266,2004
18、Yao RX,Qu CZ, Li ZB,On properties of new parameterized 5th-order nonlinear evolution equation,CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS,21(5):1145-1152,2004
19、Zhang SQ, Li ZB,Infinite-parameter potential symmetries and a new exact solution for the particle-cluster dynamic equation,CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,21(2):223-226,2004
20、Xu GQ, Li ZB,Explicit solutions to the coupledKdVequations with variable coefficients,APPLIED MATHEMATICS & MECHANICS,26(1):101-107,2005
21、Xu GQ, Li ZB,PDEPtest: a package for the Painlevé test of nonlinear partial differential equations,APPLIED MATHEMATICS & COMPUTATION,169(2):1364-1379,2005
22、Zhang SQ, Zhang GX, Li ZB,ICS: a package for computing involutive characteristic set of algebraic partial differential equation systems,APPLIED MATHEMATICS & COMPUTATION,160(2):551-577,2005
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29、Liu YP, Li ZB,Homotopy analysis method for nonlinear differential equations with fractional orders,ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES,63a:241-247,2008
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31、Yang P, Chen Y, Li ZB,An approach for solving short-wave models for Camassa-Holm equation and Degasperis-Procesi equation,COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS,50(3):583-586,2008
32、Zhaqilao, Li ZB,New multi-soliton solutions for the (2+1)-Dimensional Kadomtsev Petviashvili equation,COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS,49(3):585-589,2008
33、Zhaqilao, Li ZB,Darboux transformation and bidirectional soliton solutions of a new (2+1)-dimensional soliton equation,PHYSICS LETTERS A,372(1):1422-1428,2008
34、Zhaqilao, Li ZB,Darboux transformation and various solutions for a nonlinear evolution equation in (3+1)-dimensions,MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B,22(30):2945-2966,2008
35、Liu YP, Yao RX, Li ZB,An application of a homotopy analysis method to nonlinear composites,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL & THEORETICAL,42(12):125205+18p,2009
36、Wang ZC,Qian HF,Li ZB,Adaptively secure threshold signature scheme in the standard model,INFORMATICA,20(4):591-612,2009
37、Zhao YL, Liu YL, Li ZB,A modified WTC algorithm for the Painlevé test of nonlinear variable-coefficient PDEs,COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,180(11):2123-2128,2009
38、Zhaqilao, Li ZB,Positon, negaton, soliton and complexiton solutions to a four dimensional nonlinear evolution equation,MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B,23(25):2971-2991,2009
39、Zhaqilao, Li ZB,Solitary wave solutions to the generalized coupled mKdV equation with multi-component,JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,359(2):794-800,2009
40、He J,Qian HF,Zhou Y,Li ZB,Cryptanalysis and improvement of a block cipher based on multiple chaotic systems,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,Article ID 590590:1-14,2010
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42、Xu M, Chen LY, Zeng ZB, Li ZB,Reachability analysis of rational eigenvalue linear systems,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE,41(12):1411-1419,2010
43、Xu M, Chen LY, Zeng ZB, Li ZB,Termination analysis of linear loops,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE,21(6):1005-1019,2010
44、Xu M, Mu CD, Zeng ZB, Li ZB,A heuristic approach to positive root isolation for multiple power sums,JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE,16(14):1912-1926,2010
45、Yang P, Chen Y, Li ZB,Analytic approximations for the soliton solutions of short-wave models for Camassa-Holm and Degasperis-Procesi equations,COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS,53(6):1027-1034,2010
46、Zhou ZJ, Fu JZ, Li ZB,Maple packages for computing Hirota's bilinear equation and multisoliton solutions of nonlinear evolution equations,APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,217(1):92-104,2010
47、Lin YZ, Liu YP, Li ZB,Symbolic computation of analytic approximate solutions for nonlinear differential equations with initial conditions,COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,183(1):106-117,2012
48、Liu YP, Liao, SJ, Li ZB,A maple package of automated derivation of homotopy analysis solution for periodic nonlinear oscillations,JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY,25(3):594-616,2012
49、Rao F, Wang WM, Li ZB,Stability analysis of an epidemic model with diffusion and stochastic perturbation,COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,17(6):2551-2563,2012
50、Lin YZ, Liu YP, Li ZB,Exact solutions for pattern formation in a reaction-diffusion system,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCES AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,14(5):307-315,2013
51、Lin YZ, Liu YP, Li ZB,Symbolic computation of analytic approximate solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations,COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS,184(1):130-141,2013
52、Liu YP, Liao, SJ, Li ZB,Symbolic computation of strongly nonlinear periodic oscillations,JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION,55:72-95,2013
53、Xu M, Li ZB,Symbolic termination analysis of solvable loops,JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION,50(1):28-49,2013
54、Qian HF, Zhou Y, Li ZB, Chen ZJ,Generating signatures with optimal overhead: practical paddings for signature schemes,SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS,7(12):2345-2355,2014
55、Xu M, Li ZB, Yang L,Quantifier elimination for a class of exponential polynomial formulas,JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION,68(1):146-168,2015
56、Xu M, Huang CC, Li ZB, Zeng ZB,Analyzing ultimate positivity for solvable systems,THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE,609(2):395-412,2016


長期從事計算機符號計算及其在非線性科學中的應用研究工作。在國內率先開展數學物理方程解析解的符號計算研究,在非線性數學物理領域發表 SCI 檢索論文近百篇(他引次數達1615次)、出版專著一部。作為學術骨幹連續參加國家攀登計劃項目“機器證明及其應用”、“數學機械化及其應用”和國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973)項目“數學機械化與自動推理平台”、“數學機械化及其在信息技術中的應用”等的研究。主持完成多項國家自然科學基金項目、上海市自然科學基金項目以及教育部博士點專項基金項目。先後獲得過霍英東教育基金會高校青年教師獎、國家優秀教學成果二等獎和上海市曙光學者稱號。