





Wu G, *Wang L, Truong T, 2014. The use of Matroid theory to construct a class of good binary linear codes, IET Communications, 8(6):893-898(SCI/EI).
*Xu W, Wang L, Chen G, 2014. Performance analysis of the CS-DCSK/BPSK communication system, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Syst –I, 61(9):2624-2633(IEEE: SCI/EI).
Wu H, *Wang L, Hong S, He J, 2014. Performance of joint source-channel coding based on protograph LDPC codes over Rayleigh fading channels, IEEE Communication Letters, 18(4): 652-655(IEEE: SCI/EI)
Wu G, *Wang L, 2013. Construction of high rate LDPC codes with short block length, Journal of Applied Sciences, 31(6):559-563.
*Hong S, Shi Z, Wang L, Gu Y, and Chen K, 2013. Adaptive regularized particle filter for synchronization of chaotic colpitts circuits in an AWGN channel, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 32(2): 825-841.
*Hong S, Wang L, Truong T, Lin T, and Wang L, 2013. Novel approaches to the parametric cubic-spline interpolation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(3): 1233-1241.
Chen P, Fang Y, *Wang L, Lau F, 2013. Decoding generalized joint channel coding and physical network coding in the LLR domain, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20(2):121-124.
Fang Y, Xu J, *Wang L, Chen G, 2013. Performance of MIMO relay DCSK-CD systems over nakagami fading channels, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System-I, 60(3): 757-767.
Chen P, *Wang L, Lau F, 2013. One analog STBC-DCSK transmission scheme not requiring channel state information, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System-I, 60(4): 1027-1037.
*Wang L, Li Y, Truong T, Lin T, 2013. On decoding of the (89, 45, 17) quadratic residue code, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61(3): 832-841.
Fang Y, Wong K, *Wang L, Tong K, 2013. Performance analysis of protograph LDPC codes for Nakagami-m fading relay channels, IET Communications, 7(11): 1133-1139.
Li Y, *Wang L, Ding Z, 2013. An integrated linear programming receiver for LDPC coded MIMO-OFDM signals, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61(7): 2816-2827.
Pingping Chen, Lin Wang*, Guanrong Chen,DDCSK-Walsh Coding: A Reliable Chaotic Modulation Based Transmission Technique,IEEE Trans.CAS Part II,Vol. 59,No. 2(2012)
Pingping Chen and Lin Wang*,A serial joint channel and physical layer network decoding in two-way relay networks,IEEE communications letters,Vol. 16,No. 6(2012)
Yi Fang,..., Lin Wang*,Design of Protograph LDPC Codes over Partial Response Channels,IEEE Transaction on Communications,Vol. 60,No. 10(2012)
Guangfu Wu,..., Lin Wang*,Constructing Rate 1/p Systematic Binary Quasi-Cyclic Codes Based on the Matroid Theory,"Designs, Codes and cryptography", Vol. 45, No. 10(2012)
Yong Li, Lin Wang*, T.K.Truong, Soft decoding of the (23, 12, 7) Golay code up to five errors, IET Communications, accepted (SCI, JCR4)


IEEE 高級會員,2009-。
International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos客座編委,2010-2011。