

《實用英語綜合教程2》是1999年6月1日 (第2版)高等教育出版社版社出版的圖書。


出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第2版 (1999年6月1日)
外文書名: Practical English Comprehensive Course
叢書名: 教育部高職高專規劃教材
平裝: 229頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7040076713
條形碼: 9787040076714
尺寸: 25 x 19 x 1.6 cm
重量: 399 g




Text A:Public Relations
Text B:7he Interview
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Cause and Effect
Translation Practice——正反譯
Guided Writing-Cause and Effect
Listening and Speaking
Unit 2
Text A:What Is Culture?
Text B:Food and Culture
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Comparison and Contrast
Translation Practice——反正澤
Guided Writing-Comparison and Contrast
Listening and Speaking
Unit 3
Text A:A Look at Tomorrow
Text B:Are Computers Alive?
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Exemplification
Translation Practice——分譯
Guided Writing-Exemplification
Listening and Speaking
Unit 4
Text A:The Bermuda Triangle
Text B:Sounds We Cannot Hear
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Classification
Translation Practice——分譯(2)
Guided Writing-Classification
Listening and Speaking
Unit 5
Text A:Modern Communication:7he Laser and Fiber-Optic
Text B:Inte]Announces US$50 Million for China Research Center
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Definition
Translation Practice——介澤
Guided Writing-Definition
Listening and Speaking
Unit 6
Text A:DO Animals Have a Culture?
Text B:Animal Learning:Pavlov and Beyond
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Process
Translation Practice——合譯
Guided Writing-Process
Listening and Speaking
Text A:A Friend on the Line
Text B:Sorry Sir.Sorry.Sorry
Skill Develooment and Practice
Reading Skills-Spatial Order
Translation Practice——被動句的翻降(1)
Guided Writing-Spatial Order
Listening and Speaking
Unit 8
Text A:7he Crime of the Century
Text B:The Finger of Suspicion
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Time Sequence
Translation Practice——被動句的翻譯(2)
Guided Writing-Time Sequence
Listening and Speaking
Unit 9
Text A:Energy Crisis
Text B:Nuclear Power:Advantages That Outweigh the Risks
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Understanding the Author’S Opinion
Translation Practice——被動句的翻譯(3)
Guided Writing-Expressing an Opinion
Listening and Speaking
Text A:Back to Nature
Text B:Huge Cities of the Future
Skill Development and Practice
Reading Skills-Drawing a Conclusion
Translation Practice——被動句的翻譯(4)
Guided Writing-Drawing a Conclusion
Listening and Speaking