



2013 香港科技大學 計算機科學博士
2002 新加坡國立大學計算機科學一等榮譽學士




28. L. Wei, W. Zhu, A. Lim, Q. Liu, X. Chen, "An adaptive selection approach for the 2D rectangle packing area minimization problem",OMEGA the International Journal of Management Science, Vol 80, Oct 2018, pp. 22-30
27. Q. Ma, H. Song, W. Zhu, “Low-carbon airline fleet assignment: A compromise approach”,Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol 68, May 2018, pp. 86-102
26. Z. Luo, H. Qin, W. Zhu, A. Lim, “Branch-and-price-and-cut for the split-collection vehicle routing problem with time windows and linear weight-related cost”,Transportation Science,Vol. 51, Issue 2 (May 2017), pp.138-171
25.Q. Hu, W. Zhu*, H Qin, A. Lim, “A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Two-dimensional Vector Packing Problem with Piecewise Linear Cost Function”,European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 260, Issue 1 (1 Jul 2017), pp. 70-80
24. Z. Luo, H. Qin, W. Zhu, A. Lim, “Branch-and-price-and-cut for the manpower routing problem with synchronization constraints”,Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 63, Issue 2 (Mar 2016), pp. 138-171
23. W. Zhu, Z. Luo*, A. Lim, W.-C. Oon, “A fast implementation for the 2D/3D box placement problem”,Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 63, Issue 2 (Mar 2016), pp.585-612
22. T. Tian, W. Zhu*, A. Lim, L. J. Wei, “The Multiple Container Loading Problem with Preference”, European Journal of Operational Research, accepted, 8 July 2015
21. L. Wei, H. Qin, W. Zhu*, Long Wan, “A study of perturbation operators for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with LIFO or FIFO loading”, Journal of Heuristics, accepted, 25 May 2015
20. L. Wei, W. Zhu*, A. Lim, “A Goal-driven Prototype Column Generation Strategy for the Multiple Container Loading Cost Minimization Problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 241, Issue 1 (16 Feb 2015), pp. 39-49
19. B. Jin, W. Zhu, A. Lim, “Solving the Container Relocation Problem by an Improved Greedy Look-Ahead Heuristic”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240, Issue 3 (1 Feb 2015), pp. 837-847
18. Q. Hu, A. Lim, W. Zhu*, “The two-dimensional vector packing problem with piecewise linear cost function”, OMEGA the International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 50, (Jan 2015), pp. 43-53
17. L. Wei, T. Tian, W. Zhu, A. Lim, “A Block-based Layer Building Approach for the 2D Guillotine Strip Packing Problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 239, Issue 1 (Nov 2014), pp. 58-69
16. N. Wang, A. Lim, W. Zhu*, “A Multi-Round Beam Search Approach for the Single Container Loading Problem with Shipment Priority”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 145, Issue 2 (Oct 2013), pp. 531-540
15. A. Lim, H. Ma, C. Qiu, W. Zhu, “The Single Container Loading Problem with Axle Weight Constraint”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 144, Issue 1 (Jul 2013), pp. 358-369
14. Z. Luo, B. Cheang, A. Lim, W. Zhu, “An Adaptive Ejection Pool with Toggle-Rule Diversification Approach for the Capacitated Team Orienteering Problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 229, Issue 3 (Sep 2013), pp. 673-682
13. L. Wei, W.-C. Oon, W. B. Zhu*, A. Lim, “A Goal-driven Approach to the 2D Bin Packing and Variable-sized Bin Packing Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 224, Issue 1 (Jan 2013), pp. 110-121
12. B. Cheang, X. Gao, A. Lim, H. Qin, W. Zhu, “Multiple Pickup and Delivery Traveling Salesman Problem with Last-in-first-out Loading and Distance Constraints”, European Journal on Operations Research, Vol. 223, Issue 1 (Nov 2012), pp. 60-75
11. W. Zhu*, Z. Zhang, W.-C. Oon, A. Lim, “Space Defragmentation for Packing Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 222, Issue 3 (Nov 2012), pp. 452-463. Conference version in the Proceedings of Twenty-second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'11), 2011, pp. 699-704
10. W. Zhu*, W. Huang, A. Lim, “A Prototype Column Generation Strategy for the Multiple Container Loading Problem”, European Journal on Operations Research, Vol. 223, Issue 1 (Nov 2012), pp. 27-39
09. W. Zhu*, A. Lim, “A New Iterative-Doubling Greedy-Lookahead Algorithm for the Single Container Loading Problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 222, Issue 3 (Nov 2012), pp. 408-417
08. W. Zhu, H. Qin, A. Lim, H.D. Zhang, “Iterative Deepening A* Algorithms for the Container Relocation Problem”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 9, Issue 4 (Oct 2012), pp. 710-722
07. Z. Zhang, H. Qin, A. Lim, W. B. Zhu, “The Single Vehicle Routing Problem with Toll-by-Weight Scheme: a Branch and Bound Approach”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 220, Issue 2 (Jul 2012), pp. 295-304
06. L. Wei, W.-C. Oon, W. Zhu*, A. Lim, “A Reference Length Approach for the 3D Strip Packing Problem”, European Journal on Operations Research, Vol. 220, Issue 1 (Jul 2012), pp. 37-47
05. W. Zhu*, W. -C. Oon, A. Lim, Y. Weng, “The Six Elements to Block-Building Approaches for the Single Container Loading Problem”, Applied Intelligence, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Oct 2012), pp. 431-445
04. W. Zhu, H. Qin, A. Lim, L. Wang, “A two-stage tabu search algorithm with enhanced packing heuristics for the 3L-CVRP and M3L-CVRP”, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 39, Issue 9 (Sep 2012), pp. 2178-2195
03. X. Zhou, D. S. Xu, W. Zhu, “Approximation results for a min-max location-routing problem”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 160, Issue 3 (Feb 2012), pp. 306-320
02. L. Wei, W.-C. Oon, W. Zhu*, A. Lim, “A Skyline Heuristic for the 2D Rectangular Packing and Strip Packing Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 215, Issue 2 (Dec 2011), pp. 337-346
01. C. Che, W.L. Huang, A. Lim, W. Zhu*, “The Multiple Container Loading Cost Minimization Problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 214, Issue 3 (Nov 2011), pp. 501-511
* 為通訊作者 17開始以華南理工大學工商管理學院為工作單位