





(1)高層旅館建築結構選型的研究(1988年 十屆)
(2)框剪結構按新規範確定剪力牆合理數量的方法(1990年 十一屆)
(3)高層主樓與裙房之間基礎的處理(1992年 十二屆)
(4)預製外牆板及玻璃幕牆與主體結構連接的設計和構造(1994年 十三屆)
(5)高層建築板柱——剪力牆結構體系的設計(1996年 十四屆)
(6)關於底部大空間剪力牆結構的轉換層設計(2000年 十六屆)
(7)高層住宅建築結構設計中的一些問題(2002年 十七屆)
(1)房屋建築鋼結構的設計與應用 建築技術 86年至87年連載7期
(2)環氧樹脂漿液粘合混凝土裂縫 建築技術 84年第7期
(3)北京西苑飯店的旋轉餐廳 建築結構學報 84年第3期
(4)基礎設計 建築結構 92 年第4期
(5)高層建築主樓與裙房之間基礎的處理 建築結構 93 年第9期
(6)高層主樓與裙房或地下車庫之間的基礎設計 建築結構 2005 年第7期學術著作
(1)簡明高層鋼筋混凝土結構設計手冊(個人)95 年第一版2002年第二版
(2)多高層鋼筋混凝土結構設計中疑難問題的處理及算例(個人) 2004年
(3)建築抗震設計手冊(合作)94 年第一版 2002年第二版
(4)鋼筋混凝土高層建築結構設計手冊(合作)96 年
(7)一級註冊結構工程師專業考試複習教程(合作)2003 年一版 2004 年二版
(1)高層建築結構設計與施工問答(合作)同濟大學出版社 91 年


男, 1963年1月出生,江蘇省常州市人。1983年畢業於南京大學地理系, 1992年獲理學博士學位。現任中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所研究員、博士生導師、自然地理與全球變化研究部副主任。兼任中國地理學會海洋地理專業委員會副主任、中國第四紀科學研究會海岸海洋專業委員會副主任、中國海洋湖沼學會水環境分會常務理事、中國測繪學會海洋測繪專業委員會委員、中國科學院研究生院兼職教授、西南大學兼職教授等職。長期從事海岸過程遙感與(GIS)數值模式研究工作,承擔國家科技攻關、國家科技專項、國家自然科學基金、中國科學院重大重點等科研項目20餘項,在河流入海泥沙懸移輸送及其地貌與沉積效應、海洋初級生產力遙感反演等領域取得一系列研究成果。在相關研究領域發表學術論文和專著70餘篇部,獲部級一等、二等科技獎勵各一次。培養博士研究生9名、碩士研究生5名。




4.Feasibility study on the binary-parameter retrieval model of ocean suspended sediment concentration based on MODIS data,Journal of Geographical Sciences,2008,18(3) :443~454。


1.Cui Linlin, *Li Guosheng,OuYang Ninglei, Analyzing coastal wetland degradation and its key restoration technologies in the coastal area of Jiangsu, China. Wetland, 2018, doi.org/10.1007/s13157-018-0997-6。(SCI)
2.OuYang Ninglei,*Li Guoshenget al.,Main features and problems of modern evolution process of coastal wetlands in North Jiangsu, China.Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2018, DOI:10.1007/s12524-017-0741-3。(SCI)
3.He Lei,Chen Jilong,ZhangYue, GuoTengjiao,*Li Guosheng,An EEMD and BP neural network hybrid approach for modeling regional sea level change.Desalination and Water Treatment. 2018,121: 139~146。(SCI)
4.Kexin Zhang, Shaoming Pan, Zhiyong Liu,*Li Guosheng, Yihong Xu, Yongpei Ha,Vertical distributions and source identification of the radionuclides 239Pu and 240Pu in the sediments of the Liao River estuary, China.Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2018, 181: 78~84。(SCI)
5.Cui Linlin,*Li Guoshenget al., Integrated approach based on a regional habitat succession model to assess wetland landscape ecological degradation. Wetlands, 2015, 35:281~289。(SCI)
6.Cui Linlin,*Li Guoshenget al, Modified nonparametric weighted feature extraction algorithm. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2015, 43(1):69~786。(SCI)
7.Chen Jilong,Li Guoshenget al.,Assessing the transferability of support vector machine model for estimation of global solar radiation from air temperature. Energy Conversion and Management,2015, 89:318~329。(SCI)
8.Ren Huiru,*Li Guoshenget al., Multi-scale variability of water discharge and sediment load into the Bohai Sea during 1950-2011. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(1):85~100。(SCI)
9.He Lei,*Li Guoshenget al, Estimation of regional sea level change in the Pearl River Delta from tide gauge and satellite altimetry data. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2014, 141: 69~77。(SCI)
10.Liao Huajun,*Li Guoshenget al., Study on evolution features and spatial distribution patterns of coastal wetlands in north Jiangsu Province, China. Wetlands, 2014, 34(5):877~891。(SCI)
11.Cui Linlin,*Li Guoshenget al,Assessment of atmospheric correction methods for historical Landsat TM images in the coastal zone: A case study in Jiangsu, China. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 47:701~716。(SCI)
12.Chen Jilong,*Li Guosheng, Evaluation of support vector machine for estimation of solar radiation from measured meteorological variables. Theoretical & Applied Climatology, 2014, 115: 6273~638。(SCI)
13.Chen Jilong,*Li Guoshenget al.,Estimation of monthly-mean global solar radiation using MODIS atmospheric product over China. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2014, 110-111: 63~80。(SCI)
14.Hans Brix; Ye Siyuan, Edward A. Laws, Sun Dechao,Li Guoshenget al,Large-scale management of common reed, Phragmites australis, for paper production: A case study from the Liaohe Delta, China. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 73:760~769。(SCI)
15.Chen Jilong,*Li Guosheng, Estimation of monthly average daily solar radiation from measured meteorological data in Yangtze River Basin in China. International Journal of Climatology, 2013, 33(2): 487~498。(SCI)
16.Chen Jilong,*Li Guosheng, Wu Shengjun, Assessing the potential of support vector machine for estimating daily solar radiation using sunshine duration. Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 75: 311~318。(SCI)
17.Li Kuo,*Li Guosheng,Risk assessment on storm surges in the coastal area of Guangdong Province.Natural Hazards,2013,68(2): 1129~1139。(SCI)
18.Chen Jilong,*Li Guosheng, Parameterization and mapping of solar radiation in data sparse regions. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 2012, 48(4): 423~431。(SCI)
19.Chen Jilong,*Li Guosheng, Assessing effect of time scale on the solar radiation sunshine duration relationship. IDOJARAS, 2012, 116(2): 123~143。(SCI)
20.Li Kuo,*Li Guosheng,Vulnerability assessment of storm surges in the coastal area of Guangdong Province.Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,2011,11(7): 2003~2010。(SCI)
21.Li Guoshenget al,Numerical simulation on seasonal transport variations and mechanisms of suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River to the Bohai Sea.Journal of Geographical Sciences,2010,20(6): 923~937。(SCI)
22.Li Guoshenget al,Diagnostic experiments for transport mechanisms of suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River in the Bohai Sea.Journal of Geographical Sciences,2010,20(1): 49~63。(SCI)
23.Liu Ying,*Li Guosheng,Study of attenuation depths for MODIS bands in the Bohai Sea in China.Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2009,28(5): 39~48。(SCI)
24.Li Guosheng,Wang Fanget al.,Feasibility study on the binary-parameter retrieval model of ocean suspended sediment concentration based on MODIS data.Journal of Geographical Sciences,2008,18(3): 443~454。(SCI)
25.Li Guoshenget al.,Numerical simulations on transportation of SPM introduced from the Yellow River to the Bohai Sea. China Ocean Engineering,2006,20(1): 133~146。(SCI)
26.Li Guoshenget al.,A model study on seasonal spatial-temporal variability of the Lagrangian residual circulation in the Bohai Sea.Journal of Geographical Sciences,2005,15(3): 273~285。(SCI)
27.Li Guoshenget al., Estimation of Ocean primary productivity and It’s spatio-temporal variation mechanism for the East China Sea basing on VGPM model.Journal of Geographical Sciences,2004,14(1): 32~40。(SCI)
28.Li Guoshenget al.,Remote Sensing Model and Dynamic Mechanism for the Euphotic Depth in the East China Sea.Progress in Natural Science,2003,13(11): 826~830。(SCI)