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This Game is the No.1 selling computer simulation in the strategic management market. It is the single best exercise available for helping students understand how the functional pieces of a business fit together and for providing students with a capstone experience in decision-making. The exercise of running a simulated company in a competitive market setting helps students develop better decision-making judgment and improves their skills in evaluating market and competitive conditions and responding to changes that are occuring. The Business Strategy Game helps students learn from working with the numbers, exploring options, and trying to unite production, marketing, finance, and human resource decisions into a coherent strategy. The company that students manage has plants to operate, a work force to compensate, distribution expenses and invento ries to control, cpital expenditure decisions to make, marketing and sales campaigns to wage, a website to operate, sales forecasts to consider, and ups and downs in exchange rates, interest rates, and the stock market to take into account. Students must weave functional decisions in production, distribution, marketing, finance, and human resources into a cohesive action plan. They have to react to changing market and competitive conditions, initiate moves to try to build competitive advantage, and decide how to defend against aggressive actions by competitors. And they must endeavor to masimize shareholder wealth via increased dividend payments and stock price appreciation. Each team of students is challenged to use their entrepreneurial and strategic skills to become the next Nike or Reebok and ride the wave of growth to the top of the worldwide athletic footwear industry. 本書是公認的戰略管理的最好模擬軟體。學生分成小組運作一個模擬的公司,在生產、營銷、融資與人力資源等各方面根據各項數據與模擬情景作決策,教師可對各小組的運作結果進行綜合評估,藉此學生可在“實踐”中輕鬆地掌握戰略管理的內容。原名《The Business Strategy Game, 7th》。