





3)生物地理學與與宏生態學(macroecology): 大尺度的生物多樣性格局與過程


Fu, C., Li, D., Hu, W., Wang, Y. & Zhu, Z., 2007. Fast-growing transgenic common carp mounting compensatory growth. Journal of fish Biology (Accepted)
Li, D. Fu, C., Hu, W., Zhong, S., Wang, Y. & Zhu, Z., 2007. Rapid growth cost in “all-fish” growth hormone gene transgenic carp: reduced critical swimming speed. Chinese Science Bulletin (Accepted) (並列第一作者)
Fu, C., Wang, J., Pu, Z., Zhang, S., Chen, H., Zhao, B. & Chen, J., 2007. Elevational gradients of diversity for lizards and snakes in the Hengduan Mountains, China. biodiversity and Conservation 16: 707-726.
Fu, C., Li, D., Hu, W., Wang, Y. & Zhu, Z., 2007. Growth and energy budget of F2 ‘all-fish’ growth hormone gene transgenic common carp. Journal of Fish Biology 70: 347-361.
Fu, C., Hua, X., Li, J., Chang, Z., Pu, Z. & & Chen, J., 2006. Elevational patterns of frog species richness and endemic richness in the Hengduan Mountains, China: geometric constraints, area and climate effects. Ecography 29: 919-927.
Fu, C., Luo, J., Wu, J., LÓpez, J.A., Yang, Z., Lei, G. & Chen, J., 2005. Phylogenetic relationships of salangid fishes (Osmeridae, Salanginae) with comments on phylogenetic placement of the salangids based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35: 76-84.
Fu, C.Wang, Y., Hu, W., Sun, Y. & Zhu, Z, 2005. Developments in transgenic fish in the People’s Republic of China. OIE Scientific and Technical Review 24: 299-307.
Fu, C., Wu, J., Yang, X., Lei, G. & Chen, J., 2004. Patterns of diversity, altitudinal range, and body size among freshwater fishes in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Global Ecology and Biogeography 13: 543-552.
Fu, C., Wu, J., Chen, J., Wu, Q. & Lei, G., 2003. Freshwater fish biodiversity in the Yangtze River basin of China: patterns, threats and conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 1649-1685.
Fu, C., Cui, Y., Hung, S.S.O. & Zhu, Z., 2000. Whole-body amino acid pattern of F4 human growth hormone gene-transgenic red common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed diets with different protein levels. Aquaculture 189: 287-292.
Fu, C., Cui, Y., Hung, S.S.O. & Zhu, Z., 1998. Growth and feed utilization of F4 human growth hormone transgenic carp fed diets with different protein levels. Journal of Fish Biology 53: 115-129.