









1997.3-1999.3 香港理工大學機械系博士后/研究員
1991.4-1994.10 英國倫敦大學帝國理工學院航空系博士生/助理研究員
1989.5-1989.11 英國劍橋大學工程系訪問學者
1982.1-1989.5 華中科技大學力學系教師


她曾作為項目的第一執行人完成了英國政府及工業界資助的題為'Hydrodynamic Damping of Cylindrical Elements in Currents and Waves'的項目以及香港理工大學資助的題為'Flow-Induced Vibration Using Vortex Dynamics Method'的項目。


[1] Zhu J Y, Zhou C Y, Aerodynamic Performance of a 2D Flapping Wing in Asymmetric Stroke.
[2] Zhou C Y, Ji W Y, A 3-D Numerical Investigation on the Drag Reduction of a Supersonic Spherical Body with an Opposing Jet.
[3] Xie P, Zhou C Y, Numerical Investigation on Effects of Rivulet and Cable Oscillation of a Stayed Cable in Rain-Wind-Induced Vibration, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 27(3), pp 1-17, 2013
[4] Zhang X W, Zhou C Y, Computational Study on the Hovering Mechanisms of a Chordwise Flexible Wing, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 226(1), pp 3-14, 2012
[5] Kuhtz S, Zhou C, Albino V, Yazan D M, Energy Use in Two Italian and Chinese Tile Manufacturers: A Comparison Using an Enterprise Input-Output Model, Energy, 35(1), pp 364-374, 2009
[6] Islam S, Zhou C Y, Islam S U, More Exact Solutions for Incompressible Couple Stressed Mhd Aligned Fluid Flows in a Porous Medium Channel, Journal of Porous Media, 12(8), pp 801-809, 2009
[7] Islam S, Shah A, Zhou C Y, Ali I, Homotopy Perturbation Analysis of Slider Bearing with Powell-Eyring Fluid, Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik, 60(6), pp 1178-1193, 2009
[8] Zhang X M, Zhou C Y, Liu J Q, Liu K A, Multiparameter Identification of Fluid-Saturated Porous Medium with the Wavelet Multiscale Method, Journal of Porous Media, 12(3), pp 255-264, 2009
[9] Islam S, Mohyuddin M R, Zhou C Y, Few Exact Solutions of Non-Newtonian Fluid in Porous Medium with Hall Effect, Journal of Porous Media, 11(7), pp 669-680, 2008
[10]Islam S, Zhou C Y, Ran X J, Exact Solutions for Different Vorticity Functions of Couple Stress Fluids, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science a, 9(5), pp 672-680, 2008
[11]Islam S, Zhou C Y, Exact Solutions for Two Dimensional Flows of Couple Stress Fluids, Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik, (6),2007
[12]Zhou C Y, Wang L, Huang W, Numerical Study of Fluid Force Reduction on a Circular Cylinder Using Tripping Rods, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 21(9SI), pp 1425-1434, 2007
[13]Zhou C Y, Graham J M R, A Numerical Study of Cylinders in Waves and Currents, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 14(3), pp 403-428, 2000
[14]Zhou C Y, So R M C, Mignolet M P, Fluid Damping of an Elastic Cylinder in a Cross-Flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 14(3), pp 303-322, 2000
[15]Zhou C Y, So R M C, Lam K, Vortex-Induced Vibrations of an Elastic Circular Cylinder, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 13(2), pp 165-189, 1999
[16]Graham J M R, Arkell R H, Zhou C Y, Effect of Combinations of Mean Current and Oscillatory Flow on the Forces Induced on a Bluff Body, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 50(1 -3 pt 2), pp 85-96, 1993
[17]Zhou C, Ji W, Zhang X. A Numerical Investigation on Reduction of Fluid Force on Three Dimensional Circular Cylinder with Tripping Rods[C]. 2011 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement, ICVSEM2011, October 21, 2011 - October 23, 2011. Shanghai, China: Trans Tech Publications, 2012.
[18]Zhou C, Ji W, Xie P, Numerical Investigation on the Drag and Heat Flux Reduction of a Supersonic Reentry Capsule with a Counter-Flow Jet, Information Technology Journal, 11(12), pp 1705-1713, 2012
[20]張興偉,周超英,謝鵬, 撲翼柔性變形對懸停氣動特性影響的數值研究, 哈爾濱工業大學學報,(1), pp115-119,2012
[21]Zhang T, Zhou C, Wang C, Zhang X. Flapping Wing Mechanism Design Based on Mechanical Creative Design Theory[C].
[22]Zhang T, Zhou C, Zhang X, Wang C. Design, Analysis, Optimization and Fabrication of a Flapping Wing Mav[C]. 2011 International Conference on Mechatronic Science, Electric Engineering and Computer, MEC 2011, August 19, 2011 - August 22, 2011. Jilin, China: IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
[23]Xingwei Z, Chaoying Z, Numerical Investigation on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Forward Flight Flapping Airfoil with Nonsymmetrical Plunging Motion, Information Technology Journal, 10(4), pp 748-758, 2011
[24]Zhang X, Zhou C. Numerical Investigation on the Propulsive Efficiency of Flapping Airfoil with Different Up-Down Plunge Models[C]. 27th congress of the international council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2010. Nice, France: 2010.
[25]Zhang X, Zhou C. Numerical Study on the Effect of Trajectory Pattern on Hovering Flight[C]. 2010 International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, ICCDA 2010, June 25, 2010 - June 27, 2010. Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China: IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
[26]Zhang X, Zhou C. The Flow Field Characters of a Two-Dimensional Deformable Wing Heaving in a Viscous Flow[C].
[27]Wang C, Zhou C, Zhang X, Liu C. An Optimization on Single-Crank-Double-Rocker Flapping Wing Mechanism[C]. 4th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, ICGEC 2010, December 13, 2010 - December 15, 2010. Shenzhen, China: IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
[28]Zhang X, Zhou C. Numerical Calculation on Vortex-Induced Vibration of the Circular Cylinder Using Low Reynolds Model in Hybrid Method[C]. ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2009, November 13, 2009 - November 19, 2009. Lake Buena Vista, FL, United states: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010.
[29]周超英,葛家,Ul Islam Shams, 平板間方柱繞流的格子Boltzmann方法模擬, 哈爾濱工業大學學報,(11), pp1753-1757,2010
[30]Zhou C Y, Wang C, Ul Islam S, Xiao Y Q. Numerical Study of Fluid Force Reduction on a Square Cylinder Using a Control Plate[C]. 19th (2009) International OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, June 21, 2009 - June 26, 2009. Osaka, Japan: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 2009.
[31]Islam S U, Zhou C Y, Numerical Simulation of Flow Around a Row of Circular Cylinders Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Information Technology Journal, 8(4), pp 513-520, 2009
[32]Islam S U, Zhou C Y, Ahmad F, Numerical Simulations of Cross-Flow Around Four Square Cylinders in an in-Line Rectangular Configuration, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 33, pp 824-833, 2009
[33]Zhang X, Zhou C, Liu J, Liu K, Multiparameter Inversion in the Fluid-Saturated Porous Medium with Wavelet Multiscale-Regularized Gauss Newton Method, Yingyong Jichu Yu Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 17(4), pp 580-589, 2009
[34]Chen W, Zhou C Y. Application of Numercal Simulation to Obtain the Optimization Pitch Angle for Vawt[C]. 1st World Non-Grid-Connected Wind Power and Energy Conference, WNWEC 2009, September 24, 2009 - September 26, 2009. Nanjing, China: IEEE Computer Society, 2009.
[35]張新明,周超英,Shams Islam,劉家琦, 用格子Boltzmann方法數值模擬三維空化現象, 物理學報,(12), pp8406-8414,2009
[36]Ul-Islam S, Zhou C Y, Characteristics of Flow Past a Square Cylinder Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Information Technology Journal, 8(8), pp 1094-1114, 2009
[37]周超英,林玉峰, 前後雙翼差相位撲動對升力的影響, 哈爾濱工業大學學報,(4), pp642-646,2007
[38]周超英,林玉峰, 撲翼氣動力特性的數值研究, 哈爾濱工業大學學報,(9), pp1403-1405,2006