共找到61條詞條名為陳莉的結果 展開







1. Wei Mi, Xiao-Bing Feng, Yao-Cang Jia,Li Chen, etc. PARBLO: Page-Allocation-Based DRAM Row Buffer Locality Optimization,Journal of Computer Science and Technology
2. Xiao-Bing Feng, Li Chen, Yi-Ran Wang, et al. Integrating Parallelizing Compilation Technologies for SMP Clusters, Journal of Computer Science and technology


1. Li Chen, Baojiang Shou, Xionghui Hou, and Lei Huang. A Compiler-Assisted Runtime-Prefetching Scheme for Heterogeneous Platforms. In Proceedings of the 8th international workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP'12), LNCS 7312,Barbara M. Chapman et al (Eds.):Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg
2. Shixiong Xu, Li Chen. Shared Work List: Hacking Amorphous Data Parallelism in UPC. 2012 International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores. Held in conjunction with PPoPP 2012. Orleans, LA, February
3. Dongni Han, Shixiong Xu, Li Chen, Lei Huang. PADS: A Pattern-Driven Stencil Compiler-Based Tool for Reuse of Optimizations on GPGPUs. The 17th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'2011), Tainan, Taiwan, 10th-12th December
4. Shixiong Xu, Dongni Han, Li Chen. Computation Pattern Driven Reuse of Manual Optimizations for GPGPUs, The 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2011), Gwangju, South Korea. Oct.
5. Li Chen, Lei Liu, Shenglin Tang, Lei Huang, Zheng Jing, Shixiong Xu, Dingfei Zhang, Baojiang Shou. Unified Parallel C for GPU Clusters: Language Extensions and Compiler Implementation. The 23rd International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC2010), Houston, USA
6. Mi Wei, Li Yuxiang, Chen Li, etc. A source-to-source translation method with type restoration in a compiler, Journal of Computer Research and Development
7. Yuxiang Li, Hui Shi, Li Chen. Vectorization Oriented Local Data Reorganization, Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
8. Yuxiang Li, Hui Shi, Li Chen. The Improvement on SIMD Vectorization Algorithm for Non-multimedia Applications, Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
9. Lei Liu, Li Chen, etc. Global loop tiling for distributed memory systems, 14th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, August 26–29, 2008. Las Palmas, Spain. LNCS
10. Lei Liu, Dingfei Zhang, Hengjie Li, Li Chen. Automatic Implementation of Multi-partitioning Using Global Tiling,In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'08),Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA, 8th-10th December
11. Yiran Wang, Li Chen and Zhao-Qing Zhang. Global Partial Replicate Computation Partitioning. Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel Processing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
12. Li Chen, Zhao-Qing Zhang, Xiao-Bing Feng. Redundant Computation Partition on Distributed-Memory Systems. Fifth International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP'02). China


1. 異構平台上以數據為中心的多線程編程模型擴展,國家自然科學基金項目,課題負責人。
2. Exascale計算的基礎研究, 國家自然科學基金重點課題,子課題負責人
3. 面向多核/眾核處理器的并行程序編程技術、框架和語言支持,國家863計劃,課題骨幹,
4. 超并行高效能計算機體系結構與設計方法研究,國家自然科學基金委創新研究群體科學基金,課題骨幹
5. 面向Android平台的(C/C++)性能分析和互動式并行編程環境,三星電子,第二課題負責人,
6. 支持國產CPU的編譯系統及工具鏈——“自動并行化工具”,核高基重大專項的子課題,課題負責人,
7. 以編譯技術為支撐的高可靠軟體開發工具與環境,國家863課題,課題負責人,
8. 曙光6000高效能計算機的高效編譯優化軟體及環境軟體,863重大課題的子課題,課題負責人,
9. 超并行計算機體系結構研究的子課題——“HPP應用編程環境”,國家自然科學基金重點課題,子課題負責人
10. 曙光5000高性能計算機的子課題——并行編程環境,863重大項目,子課題負責人



