tell me why


《Tell Me Why》是易烊千璽依據Declan Galbraith同名歌曲自編的一段原創舞蹈。

不少熟悉易烊千璽的粉絲對《Tell Me Why》這首歌都不陌生,此次易烊千璽全新編舞的《Tell Me Why》又一次刷新了觀眾對其編舞能力的認知。


易烊千璽《Tell Me Why》
易烊千璽《Tell Me Why》
相信不少熟悉千璽的粉絲對《Tell Me Why》這首歌都不陌生。此次易烊千璽全新編舞的《Tell Me Why》又一次刷新了觀眾對易烊千璽編舞能力的認知。音樂的噪點、動作的密度、情緒的把控,每一個細節都經得起推敲。易烊千璽身著Oversize純白襯衫出場,柔緩舒展卻強有力的身軀使每一個動作都恰到好處,隨著鼓點收放自如,一本正經地解說著性感、深情與勤奮,而無意中若隱若現的腹肌更是讓粉絲們血脈噴張。
區別之前展示頗多的Hiphop、Jazz、Urban dance等舞種類型,千璽這次原創編舞的舞蹈則更加註重舞台表現力。動作的留白、音樂內容的貼合以及諸多性感細節的把控都展現了十足的舞蹈和編舞功力,堪稱少年舞者之典範。直播結束后,演唱會易烊千璽單人舞蹈表演播放量也再創新高。


易烊千璽《Tell Me Why》
易烊千璽《Tell Me Why》
2015年9月24日,易烊千璽參演古裝仙俠劇《青雲志》。10月16日,為法國動畫電影《小王子》男主角“小王子”配音。11月16日,確認加盟青春歷史劇《思美人》,特別出演少年屈原。11月28日,易烊千璽在其15歲生日會上表演自主編排的兩支創意舞蹈《IF YOU》和《RHYTHM TA》,創下愛奇藝娛樂生日會直播在線用戶數據的最高紀錄。


Declan Galbraith : Tell Me Why
In my dream
Children sing a song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue and fields are green
And laughter is the language of the world
Then I wake and all I see
Is a world full of people in need
Tell me why
Does it have to be like this
Is there something I have missed
Tell me why
Cos' I don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why
Every day
I ask myself
What will I have to do to be a man
Do I have to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who I am
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war
Tell me why (Why, why, does the tiger run)
Tell me why (Why, why, do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why (Why, why, do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn
(Why, why, do we say we care)
Tell me why (Why, why, do we stand and stare)
Tell me why (Why, why, do the dolphins cry)
Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die
(Why, why, if we're all the same)
Tell me why (Why, why, do we pass the blame)
Tell me why (Why, why, does it never end)
Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends
Why, why, (do we close our eyes)
Why, why, (do the greedy life)
Why, why, (do we fight for land)
Can someone tell us why cos' we don't understand
Why, why