

中國綠色建築與節能委員會第一屆五次委員會 會議於3月29日第八屆國際綠色建築與建築節能大會暨新技術與產品博覽會舉辦期間在北京召開。住房和城鄉建設部副部長仇保興到會講話。仇保興強調,綠色建築作為建設領域一種發展趨勢在中國已經不可逆轉,而且發展會越來越快。要讓綠色建築理念和技術覆蓋所有建築,尤其是對環境衝擊較大的建築一定要用綠色環保的概念覆蓋,使建築對環境的干擾達到最小。中國城市科學研究會綠色建築與節能專業委員會簡介 中國城市科學研究會綠色建築與節能專業委員會(簡稱:中國綠色建築委員會),英文名稱China Green Building Council,縮寫為CHINAGBC,是經中國科協批准,民政部登記註冊的中國城市科學研究會的分支機構,是研究適合我國國情的綠色建築與建築節能的理論與技術集成系統、協助政府推動我國綠色建築發展的學術團體。






China Green Building Council of the Chinese Society for Urban Studies (“China Green Building Council” for short and abbreviated as China GBC) is a subsidiary of the Chinese Society for Urban Studies and was incorporated with approval by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and registration with the Ministry of Civic Affairs. It is an academic organization dedicated to research on theories and technology integration, which are best suited for Chinese reality, for green buildings and building energy efficiency, and to supporting the government in promoting the green building development in China.
The China GBC’s mission: in strict compliance with the Chinese Constitution, applicable laws, government regulations and policies, and the Charter of the Chinese Society for Urban Studies, to conduct academic discussions in open and liberal spirit, advance scholarship in adherence to the scientific development principle, engage in thorough research on theories and policies to promote green building and building energy efficiency in the context of the socialist market economy to better serve the country’s economic development, endeavor to construct a scientific system for green buildings and building energy efficiency that is best suited to Chinese reality, enhance efficiency in resource and energy use in China’s rapid urbanization, protect and improve human habitat, actively participate in international academic exchange, promote advancement of green building and building energy efficiency technology, support talent development and facilitate communication and collaboration for the development of green building and building energy saving cause in China.
China GBC’s organizational principle: dedicated to collaboration between the industry and academic community, focused on implementation, innovation, service to the industry, and democratic consultation.
China GBC’s Scope of Operation: conduct research on theories relating to green building and building energy saving, develop academic exchange and international cooperation, organize professional and technical training, compile academic publications, organize public outreach and education programs to promote knowledge of green buildings, and provide consulting services to relevant government departments and business entities.