共找到4條詞條名為李曉虹的結果 展開




2004年,北京大學本科畢業,師從張新祥教授。2011年,美國阿克倫大學獲化學博士學位。導師為Peter Rinaldi教授。設計多維液體核磁方法對高分子材料的化學結構有效進行表徵。2009年,獲 Dr. G. E. Wilson and M. P. Wilson(NMR Award)核磁獎,美國俄亥俄。2010年,榮獲美國國家化學學會頒發國家級“高分子學科卓越研究生獎”,美國舊金山。2010年,應邀任國際小分子核磁年會(SMASH)研究生及博士後分會主席,致大會報告,波特蘭2011年9月任蘇州大學特聘副教授,碩導,蘇州大學分析測試中心核磁中心主任。同年聘為江蘇省分析測試協會核磁專業委員會委員。次年任江蘇省分析測試協會核磁專業委員會副主任委員。





1. P. L. Rinaldi, S. Baiagern, P. Fox, J. L. Howell, L. Li,X. Li,D. F. Lyons, E. F. McCord, S. K. Sahoo, E. B. Twum and F. J. Wyzgosksi, Advanced Solution 2D-NMR of Fluoropolymers, inNMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems, ACS Symposium Series, Ed. H. N. Chen, T. Asakura and A. English,2011,1077,Chapter 21, 355-369,DOI:10.1021
2. LI, X.;McCord, E. F.; Baiagern, S.; Fox, P.; Howell, J. L.; Sahoo, S. K.; Rinaldi, P. L. 2D-NMR studies of a model for Krytox® fluoropolymersMagn. Reson. Chem.,2011,49, 413-424.
3.X. Li,E. F. McCord, P. Fox, J. L. Howell and P. L. Rinaldi 2D-NMR Studies of Chain-end Structures in Poly(hexafluoropropylene oxide) Fluoropolymers,International J. of Polymer Analysis and Characterization,2012,17, 161-188 (invited paper).
4. P. L. Rinaldi,X. Li,L. Li, L. Paudel, and E. Twum Solution NMR of Polymers, inPolymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference,Eds. Matyjaszewski, K. and Möller, M., Elsevier BV,2012,Vol. 2, 111-184 (invited chapter).
5. Twum, E. B.;Li, X.; McCord, E. F.; Fox, P. A.; Lyons, D. F.; Rinaldi, P. L.2D-NMR Studies of Polyvinylidene Fluoride, in Fluorine Containing Polymers: Advances in Fluorine-Containing Polymers,ACS Symposium Series,Ed. D. Smith, S. Iacono, C. Kettwich and D. Boday,2012,1106, 171-185,DOI: 10.1021
6. Rinaldi, P. L.; Baughman, J.; Li, L.;Li, X.; McCord, E. F.; Paudel, L.; Twum, E. B.; Wyzgoski, F. J.; Zhang, B. Liquid State NMR of Fluoropolymers,Encylopedia of Magnetic Resonance,2012, in press (invited review).
7. Twum, E. B.; Gao, C.;Li, X.; McCord, E. F.; Fox, P. A.; Lyons, D. F.; Rinaldi, P. L.Characterization of the Chain-Ends and Branching Structures in Polyvinylidene Fluoride with Multidimensional NMR,Macromolecules,2012,45, 5501-5512.DOI:10.1021/ma300836s.
8. L. Li, E. B. Twum,X. Li,E. F. McCord, P. A. Fox, D. F. Lyons and P. L. Rinaldi 2D-NMR Characterization of Sequence Distributions in the Backbone of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-tetrafluoroethylene)Macromolecules,2012, submitted 09/2012.
9.X. Li, E. McCord, S. Baiagern, P. Fox, J. L. Howell, S. Sahoo and P. L. Rinaldi, Advanced 2D-NMR studies of fluoropolymers,Polymer Preprints,50(2)143-144 (2009).
10. P. L. Rinaldi,X. Li, E. McCord, S. Baiagern, P. A. Fox, J. L. Howell and S. Sahoo, Advanced 2D NMR studies of fluoropolymers, Proceedings IUPAC Congress 2009, Glasgow, Scotland, (2009).
11.X. Li, E. F. McCord, J. L. Howell, P. Fox, and P. L. Rinaldi, 2D-NMR studies of the backbone and chain end structure in Krytox fluoropolymers,Polymer Preprints,51(1),415-416 (2010).
12. L. Li, E. B. Twum,X. Li,E. F. McCord, P. A. Fox, D. F. Lyons and P. L. Rinaldi, NMR characterization of the microstructure in poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-tetrafluoroethylene),Polymer Preprints,52(2),748-749 (2011).
13. L. Li, E. B. Twum,X. Li,E. F. McCord, P. A. Fox, D. F. Lyons, P. L. Rinaldi, Chain End Characterization of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-tetrafluoroethyelene) by Multi-Dimensional NMR, ,52(2),153-154 (2012).