Chris De Burgh

Chris De Burgh



Chris De burgh
克里斯·蒂伯 ( Chris De Burgh ),原名Christppher James Davidson,愛爾蘭/英國歌手和音樂創作人。1948年10月15日出生於阿根廷的Pergamino。De Burgh的父親是一位英國外交官,母親是愛爾蘭裔英國人,童年因為父親工作的原因,一家人經常遷移,從而積累了豐富的旅行和人生經驗。雖然De Burgh持有英國護照但卻把自己認為是愛爾蘭人。
當De Burgh在都柏林Trinity 大學求學時,他已經開始憑著對音樂的痴迷與愛戀進行流行歌曲的創作。De Burgh簽約A&M唱片公司后,成為SUPERTRAMP的主要成員,1975年他們取得了巨大的成功。Chris De Burgh憑著優秀的音樂才能在樂壇中繼續追求著商業性和藝術性的雙重目標。儘管美國排行榜忽視他。他卻堪稱為愛爾蘭20世紀偉大的國寶歌神,在世界各地擁有一批非常死忠的歌迷,30多年來他一如既往的用音樂搭配著優美的歌詞寫著他的心情、他的見聞、他的故事。
chris de burgh
chris de burgh
De Burgh的《For Beyond These Castle Wall》推出的時候,恰逢Moody Blues風行樂壇,De Burgh被掩蓋在其濃蔭之下,儘管如此,他用輕搖滾演繹的歷史幻想還是引起了樂評的注意,他們認為De Burgh的歌曲具有一種超人的洞察力,這張專輯的一首單曲《Flying》雖然在英國表現並不很出色,卻在巴西流行樂排行榜上取得了No.1。接著De Burgh又推出了專輯《Spanish rain And Other Stories》,其中的一首《A spaceman Came Travelling》以及流暢、迷人的旋律受到樂眾的喜愛。雖然這時De Burgh仍沒能火爆英美樂壇,但是在加拿大,南非,歐洲和南美洲,他已經名聲日隆。De Burgh 的第五張專輯《Eeastern Wind》在挪威的銷售量超過了The Beatles的《Let It Be》取得了當地排行榜的冠軍。在一段冗長的等待期之後,終於在1982年憑藉由Ruper Hine製作的《The Getway》沖入了英國排行榜。1984年De Burgh的專輯《Man on The Line》獲得了很好的銷量,翌年《The Very Best Of Chris De Burgh》又使他在英國名噪一時。1986 年他又以一首快樂浪漫的《Lady In Red》取得了英國排行榜的榜首。1988年De Burgh又發揮他優秀的創作才能,寫出了一首廣為流傳的《Missing You》。同年他的專輯《Flying Colours》不僅取得了商業上的成功,併名列英國專輯榜前列。De Burgh於1992年又推出了《Power Of Ten》,德國和瑞士金唱片銷售認證,登上德國專輯榜冠軍及英國專輯榜季軍。Chris De Burgh在1994年發布了專輯《This Way Up》,1995年《Beautiful Dreams》,1997年《The Love Songs》,《Quiet Revolution》 (1999),《the lady in red - The Very Best of Chris De Burgh》 (2000),《Timing is Everything》 (2002),《The Road To Freedom》 (2004),《The Storyman》 (2006) ,《Footsteps》(2009) 。一直以來,他憑著優秀的音樂才能在樂壇中繼續追求著商業性和藝術性的雙重目標。其中在這張《The Road To Freedom》中,除了有著對音樂一路走來始終如一的熱愛堅持,更是他離開五大唱片,獨立創業的第一張代表作,意義非凡。一如以往堅持,沒有過度華麗的包裝,不搞花俏嘩眾取寵,略帶滄桑、充滿浪漫及神秘色彩的音樂,絕對真實地直擊到每個愛樂人的心底。每一首創作,都彷彿是一幕幕高潮迭起的感人大戲,編曲如壯闊史詩般引人入勝,他的詞意總是充滿人文關懷,緩緩在聽者心底泫染起一陣溫暖感動的漣漪,濃郁的愛爾蘭風加上他溫潤醇厚的百萬金嗓,真情摯性,絕對動你心扉! 對死忠的樂迷而言,這張專輯絕對是充滿遠見及靈感的一場心靈提升之旅,再次受到他豐沛的想像力所感召。風格融合了世界音樂的精髓,包括浪漫西班牙風、神秘的凱爾特風、北美洲流行風及東歐優雅古味;專輯歌曲更論及反戰議題“The Road To Freedom”,歌頌史上聖潔的處女英皇——伊麗莎白一世“The Rose Of England”,更向英年早逝的夜鶯歌后Eva Cassidy致敬“songbird”,特別的是,大家期待已久的抒情經典——紅衣女郎“ The Lady In Red”的後續故事發展,終於在事隔18年後公開,幻化成“Five Past Dreams”而見真章。


Spanish Train And Other Stories (1975)
01. Spanish Train
02. Lonely Sky
03. This Song For You
04. Patricia the Stripper
05. A Spaceman Came Travelling
06. I'm Going Home
07. The Painter
08. Old Friend
09. The Tower
10. Just Another Poor Boy
At The End Of A Perfect Day (1977)
01. Broken Wings
02. Round And Around
03. I Will
04. Summer Rain
05. Discovery
06. Brazil
07. In a Country churchyard (Let Your Love Shine On)
08. A Rainy Night In Paris
09. If You Really Love Her, Let Her Go
10. Perfect Day
Crusader (1979)
01. Carry On
02. I Had the Love in My Eyes
03. Something Else Again
04. The Girl With April In Her Eyes
05. Just in Time
06. Carry On (Reprise)
07. The Devil's Eye
08. It's Such a Long Way Home
09. Old-Fashioned People
10. Quiet Moments
11. Crusader:The Fall of Jerusalem/In the Court of Saladin/The Battlefield/Finale
12. You and Me
Eastern Wind (1980)
01. The Traveller
02. The Record Company Bash
03. Tonight
04. Wall of Silence
05. Flying Home
06. Shadows and Light
07. Sailor
08. Some Things Never Change
09. Tourist Attraction
10. Eastern Wind
Best Moves (1981)
01. Traveller
02. Every Drop of Rain
03. In A Country Churchyard
04. Patricia The Stripper
05. Satin Green Shutters
06. Spanish Train
07. Waiting For The Hurricane
08. Broken Wings (Live Version)
09. Lonely Sky
10. Spaceman Came Travelling
11. Crusader
The Getaway (1982)
01. Don't Pay the Ferryman
02. Living on the Island
03. Crying and Laughing
04. I'm Counting on You
05. The Getaway
06. Ship to Shore
07. All the Love I Have Inside
08. Borderline
09. Where Peaceful Waters Flow
10. The Revolution
11. Light a Fire
12. Liberty
Man On The Line (1984)
01. The Ecstasy of Flight (I Love the Night)
02. Sight and Touch
03. Taking It to the Top
04. The Head and the Heart
05. The Sound of a Gun
06. High on Emotion
07. Much More than This
08. Man on the Line
09. Moonlight and Vodka
10. Transmission Ends
Into the Light (1986)
01. Last Night
02. Fire on the Water
03. The Ballroom of Romance
04. The Lady in Red
05. Say Goodbye to it All
06. The Spirit of Man
07. Fatal Hesitation
08. One Word (Straight to the Heart)
09. For Rosanna
10. The Leader
11. The Vision
12. What About Me?
Flying Colours (1988)
01. Sailing Away
02. Carry Me (like a fire in your heart)
03. Tender Hands
04. A Night On The River
05. Leather On My Shoes
06. Suddenly Love
07. The Simple Truth (a child is born)
08. Missing You
09. I'm Not Scared Anymore
10. Don't Look Back
11. Just A Word Away
12. The Risen Lord
13. The Last Time I Cried
Spark To A Flame (1989)
01. This Waiting Heart
02. Don't Pay the Ferryman
03. Much More Than This
04. Sailing Away
05. Lady in Red
06. Borderline
07. Say Goodbye to It All
08. Spanish Train
09. Fatal Hesitation
10. Ship to Shore
11. Missing You
12. Diamond in the Dark
13. Tender Hands
14. Spaceman Came Travelling
15. Where Peaceful Waters Flow
16. High on Emotion
High On Emotion - Live From Dublin (1990)
01. Last Night
02. Sailing Away
03. Revolution
04. I'm Not Scared Anymore
05. Spanish Train
06. Borderline
07. Risen Lord
08. Last Time I Cried
09. Lady In Red
10. Spaceman Came Travelling
11. Patricia The Stripper
12. Missing You
13. Say Goodbye To It All
14. Don't Pay The Ferryman
15. High On Emotion
Power Of Ten(1992)
01. Where We Will Be Going
02. By My Side
03. Heart Of Darkness
04. In Your Eyes
05. Separate Tables
06. Talk To Me
07. The Connemara Coast
08. Brother John
09. Shine On
10. A Celebration
11. She Means Everything To Me
12. Making The Perfect Man
This Way Up (1994)
01. This Silent World
02. This Is Love
03. This Weight On Me
04. Here Is Your Paradise
05. Oh My Brave Hearts
06. Blonde Hair, Blue Jeans
07. The Son And The Father
08. Up Here In Heaven
09. You Are The Reason
10. Love's Got A Hold On Me
11. The Snows Of New York
Beautiful Dreams (1995)
01. Missing You
02. Girl
03. Carry Me (Like A Fire In Your Heart)
04. Discovery
05. Snows Of New York
06. In Love Forever
07. Shine On
08. Lady In Red
09. In Dreams
10. I'm Not Crying Over You
11. Always On My Mind
12. Say Goodbye To It All
13. One More Mile To Go
The Love Songs (1997)
01. Here Is Your Paradise
02. Missing You
03. So Beautiful
04. In Love Forever
05. Borderline Listen
006. The Lady In Red
07. Much More Than This
08. It's Me, (And I'm Ready To Go)
09. Separate Tables
10. Fatal Hesitation
11. Forevermore
12. The Head And The Heart
13. Lonely Sky
14. Suddenly Love
15. If You Really Love Her, Let Her Go
16. In A Country Churchyard
Quiet Revolution (1999)
01. When I Think Of You
02. Love Of The Heart Divine
03. Living In The World
04. The Same Sun
05. Nothing Ever Happens Round Here
06. A Woman's Heart
07. The Last Moments of The Dawn
08. I See You Everywhere
09. Saint Peter's Gate
10. You Look Beautiful
11. I Want It,(And I Want It Now)
12. Natasha Dance
13. The Rivers of Abraham
14. My Lover Is
15. Quiet Revolution
The Lady In Red - The Very Best of Chris De Burgh (2000)
01. Here Is Your Paradise
02. Don't Pay The Ferryman
03. In Love Forever
04. Sailing Away
05. The Lady In Red
06. Borderline
07. Say Goodbye To It All
08. Spanish Train
09. The Snows Of New York
10. Missing You
11. There's A New Star Up In Heaven Tonight
12. Blonde Hair, Blue Jeans
13. A Spaceman Came Travelling
14. Fatal Hesitation
15. Up Here In Heaven
16. High On Emotion
The Ultimate Collection (2000)
Tracks - CD 1
01. Sailing Away
02. A Woman's Heart
03. Fatal Hesitation
04. Missing You
05. The Lady In Red
06. Tender Hands
07. Separate Tables
08. I Want It, (And I Want It Now)
09. Waiting For The Hurricane
10. One Word (Straight To The Heart)
11. This Is Love
12. The Head And The Heart
13. Nothing Ever Happens Around Here
14. Borderline
15. Talk To Me
16. So Beautiful
17. Carry Me (Like A Fire In Your Heart)
18. Blonde Hair, Blue Jeans
19. Say Goodbye To It All
Tracks - CD 2
01. Where We Will Be Going
02. When I Think Of You
03. Don't Pay The Ferryman
04. Here Is Your Paradise
05. Ship To Shore
06. This Waiting Heart
07. Patricia The Stripper 2000
08. Where Peaceful Waters Flow
09. The Simple Truth (A Child Is Born)
10. The Snows Of New York
11. High On Emotion
12. The Traveller
13. There's A New Star Up In Heaven Tonight
14. By My Side
15. A Spaceman Came Travelling
16. The Ecstasy Of Flight (I Love The Night)
17. Diamond In The Dark
18. Man On The Line
19. The Getaway
Timing is Everything (2002)
01. Guilty Secret
02. If Beds Could Talk
03. Lebanese Night
04. Timing Is Everything
05. There's Room In This Heart Tonight
06. She Must Have Known
07. The Best That Love Can Be
08. Bal Masqué
09. Love And Time
10. Another Rainbow
11. Save Me
The Road To Freedom (2004)
01. When Winter Comes
02. Road to Freedom
03. Snow Is Falling
04. Words "I Love You"
05. Songbird
06. Five Past Dreams
07. Here for You
08. What You Mean to Me
09. Rose of England
10. Journey
11. Read My Name
Chris De Burgh - Live in Dortmund (2005)
Track List - CD1
01. When Winter Comes
02. The Road To Freedom
03. The Getaway
04. Sight And Touch
05. The Same Sun
06. Last Night
07. Moonlight And Vodka
08. Once Upon A Time
09. Five Past Dreams
10. Here For You
11. Natasha Dance
12. Lebanese Night
13. A Rainy Night In Paris
14. Songbird
15. St. Peter's Gate
16. Medley
Track List - CD2
01. Snow Is Falling
02. Borderline
03. Say Goodbye To All
04. Up Here In Heaven
05. Carry Me (Like A Fire In YourHeart)
06. A Spaceman Came Travelling
07. Sailing Away
08. The Words 'I Love You'
09. The Lady In Red
10. The Revolution
11. Where Peaceful Waters Flow
12. The Journey
13. Living In The World
14. Read My Name
15. Don't Pay The Ferryman
16. High On Emotion
17. The Snows Of New York
The Storyman (2006)
01. The Storyman Theme
02. One World
03. Leningrad
04. My Father's Eyes
05. The Grace Of A Dancer
06. Spirit
07. The Shadow Of The Mountain
08. Raging Storm
09. The Mirror Of The Soul
10. The Sweetest Kiss Of All
11. The Storyman
12. My Father's Eyes (Ft. Hani Hussein)
The Lady In Red - Superballads (2006)
01. The Lady In Red - Chris De Burgh
02. Woman In Love - Barbra Streisand
03. Stop - Sam Brown
04. Hello - Lionel Richie
05. Wonderful Life "Black"
06. Take My Breath Away "Berlin"
07. Total Eclipse Of The Heart - Bonnie Tyler
08. Think Twice - Celine Dion
09. Smooth Operator - Shade
10. Sign Your Name - Terence Trent D'Arby
11. Eternal Flame "The Bangles"
12. True Colors - Cyndi Lauper
13. Careless Whisper - George Michael
14. Cherish "Kool The Gang"
15. You "Ten Sharp"
16. Said I Love You... But I Lied - Michael Bolton
17. I'm Not In Love "10 CC"
18. Without You - Mariah Carey
01. First Steps
02. Turn,Turn,Turn
03. The Long And Winding Road
04. Africa
05. Without you
06. Where Have All The Flowers Gone
07. sealed with a kiss
08. Blackbird
09. We Can Work It Out
10. All Along The Watchtower
11. Corrina Corrina
12. Rhythm Of The Rain
13. Polly Von
14. American Pie
15.The Last Thing On My Mind
16. Footsteps


愛爾蘭游唱詩人Chris de Burgh,從小住在一座古堡里,後來隨著當外交官的父親,居無定所的周遊列國,他的旅人經歷與漂泊心情,常在歌曲中展露無疑。
他的歌聲總帶著些許滄桑,卻又感性深情,大家最耳熟能詳的,莫過於他在1986年英國排行榜的冠軍歌曲《紅衣女郎》(The Lady In Red)。念書時辦舞會,或者工作上辦活動時,《The Lady In Red》這首歌總是不會漏掉。動人的旋律,Chris de Burgh 深情微顫的感性歌聲,一個男子娓娓道出對心儀女子的深情告白,那樣的自然流暢,難怪廣受歡迎。
Chris de Burgh 擅長在歌曲里說故事。他的創作取材相當廣泛,從愛情、親情、歷史、戰爭,到敘事、寫景...每一首歌曲幾乎都蘊含一段感人的故事,許多歌曲充滿了特殊的異國風味。像齊豫就曾翻唱他的一首描述戰爭殘酷的傷感名曲《Borderline》;陳淑樺早期也曾翻唱《The Girl With April In Her Eyes》(風中哭泣的女孩)。辛曉琪在她的2002年發布的專輯《守候愛情》里也翻唱了這首歌曲。Chris De Burgh的這首歌曲,旋律憂傷,如吟唱詩人凄婉地講述了一個無助的女孩子在雪夜寒風中逝去,嘶啞猶若哭泣,常使人淚滿襟,感人至深。


愛爾蘭著名作曲家Chris de Burgh的女兒是第53屆世界小姐
Chris de Burgh的女兒
Chris de Burgh的女兒
2003年11月28日,在中國海南三亞舉行的第53屆世界小姐大賽產生第一個單項獎——“沙灘美人”獎,19歲的愛爾蘭小姐Rosanna Diana Davison以良好的外形、優雅的體態和極富親和力的微笑,在喜來登度假酒店陽光充沛的海灘上擊敗其他105位世界小姐參賽佳麗首先進入十佳,隨後奪得第一名。同時成為第一位最終進入總決賽的20名選手之一。Rosanna說:“能從如此多美麗的女孩中被選出,感覺真得很棒!”
在12月8日的總決賽中,Rosanna Diana Davison奪得冠軍。Rosanna從五、六歲的起體育就很突出;曾代表她所在中學在全愛爾蘭比賽中為學校爭光。她以優異成績進入都柏林大學學習考古學,社會學和藝術史,當她完成她的第一年學習時,代表愛爾蘭參加世界小姐競選。她的目標是讀完大學,從事藝術,時裝,運動科學和營養方面的工作。她的興趣愛好是旅遊,游泳,滑水,曲棍球,網球,籃球,體育,爬山,滑雪,對芭蕾有研究,所以喜歡芭蕾舞和現代舞,她還是一位雕塑家,喜歡音樂,看電影和美術。