共找到36條詞條名為洪波的結果 展開
- 旅美著名畫家
- 宣城市公安局副局長
- 湘潭大學教授
- 中國演員
- 四川省人民防空辦公室黨組書記、主任
- 福州市委常委、警備區黨委書記、政委
- 首都師範大學教授
- 北京市通州區委常委
- 雲南省紅河學院副院長
- 廣西壯族自治區文化文史和學習委員會副主任
- 中信建設有限責任公司董事長
- 中華全國律師協會副會長
- 中國農業大學教授
- 清華大學醫學院黨委書記
- 恩施市人大常委會副主任、黨組成員
- 漢語詞語
- 江蘇省鹽城中學教師
- 中國太平保險集團副總經理
- 安徽省旌德縣公安局長
- 安徽書畫家
- 陝西藍田企業領導
- 遼寧省瀋陽高新區黨工委委員
- 南譙區發改委副主任
- 寧夏大學農學院副教授
- 同濟大學法律系講師
- 廣州雕塑院雕塑家
- 國家一級律師
- 浙江省嘉興市中學名
- 安徽醫科大學附屬醫院高級工程師
- 蘭溪市人力社保局仲裁法規科科長
- 安徽省立醫院核醫學科副主任醫師
- 淮南市中級人民法院司法行政裝備管理處處長
- 葫蘆島市藝術團聲樂演員及服飾設計
- 棋盤山國際風景旅遊開發區管委會副主任
- 上海市東醫院主任醫師
- 九江市武寧縣公安局三級警長
《凝丹流翠 – 洪波中國畫美西巡迴展》於二零一一年在美國舊金山和洛杉磯巡迴展出。
A Brief Introduction to Bo Hong’s Art
Mr. Bo Hong, also known as Chu Hai Tang Zhu, was born in Guangdong, China, and now lives in the United States. Mr. Hong is a member of the China Artists Association,as well as a consultant for two American art institutes: Genuine Fine Art Gallery and Yi Yan Society. His art is known for its fresh and vigorous style. Bo Hong’s works have been published in "Fine Arts", "The Painter", "Art Observation", "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", "Rong Bao Zhai," "The Chinese", and many other newspapers and magazines. Organizations such as the UCLA Library, the Shenzhen City Library and the Chaoshan Cultural Research Center have been collecting his works. Mr. Hong’s works have participated inand have won numerous awards from important art exhibitions in China and abroad.His two international exhibitions, held in 2009 and 2011, not only attracted the attention of public and mainstream media,but also received acknowledgement, commendations, and certificates of recognition from political leaders such as U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu and San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee, as well as the California State Senate and many other bodies of government.They praised Mr. BoHongas“The quintessence of neoclassicalChinese painting”, “An ambassador for the Chinese-American cultural exchange”.
Important Events and Activities in Last Ten Years:
2002: “Cliffs and Clouds” was awarded “Work of Excellence Award” in Annual Joint Show of Chinese Painting, Calligraphy, and Photography - “Rainbow on Earth Exhibition”, Guangdong Province, China.
2003: “Mountains in the Rain” was awarded “Work of Excellence Award” in Annual Art Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Guangdong Province, China.
2005: “Pine Trees and Snow” was awarded “Work of Excellence Award” in Annual Joint Show of Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Photography, 6Exhibition, Guangdong Province, China.
“A Tree by the Mountain” was awarded “Work of Excellence Award” in “National Freehand Paintings Show”, China.
2006: “Maple in A frosted Autumn Morning ” participated in “19 Exhibition of works by New Artists” held by Chinese Artists Association of China.
2007: “Trees in the Deep Valley” participated in “3annual National Art Show of China”.
“Forrest and Zen” participated in “International Chinese Paintings Exhibition by Teochew Artists”. Australia.
2008: “Rocks and Clouds”, participated in “Annual Art Show by Global Chinese Artists”, China.
“Clouds and Trees”, Participated in “Art Works by Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists” exhibition, held by Chinese Cultural Heritage Foundation, China.
2009: “Chinese Landscape Paintings by Bo Hong”, an exhibition tour held in Los Angeles, USA; Shenzhen and Shantou, China.
2010: “Cloudy Mountains” participated in the “National Art Exhibition” for celebrating the “Asian Games” held in Guangzhou, China.
2011: “The Compelling Views – Bo Hong’s Chinese Painting Exhibitions in California” was held in San Francisco and Los Angeles.