共找到18條詞條名為胡飛的結果 展開
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1990 獲計算機軟體理學學士,1993 獲西北工業大學 工學碩士,1998獲西北工業大學工學博士。1993/4 ~2006/8為西北工業大學計算機科學與工程系 講師、副教授、系副主任、教授、副院長,2006/9至今,為上海交通大學 軟體學院 常務副院長、教授。
1. Zhiyang Zhang, Fei Hu and Jian Li, “Autonomous Flight Control System Designed for Small-Scale Helicopter Based on Approximate Dynamic Inversion,” The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Control (ICACC 2011), 18th to 20th January 2011, Harbin, China.
2. Huanye Liu, Jian Li and Jianguo Yao, Hu Fei, “Backstepping Based Adaptive Control for a Mini Rotorcraft with Four Rotors”,The 2nd International Conference on Computer modeling and simulation (iccms 2010),January 22-24, 2010, Sanya, China
3. Jianguo Yao, Xiaoping Zhu and Jian Li,Hu Fei , “Adaptive Critic Based Control of Aircraft with Atmospheric Disturbance”,The 2nd International Conference on Computer modeling and simulation (iccms 2010),January 22-24, 2010, Sanya, China
4. Jianguo Yao, Xiaoping Zhu, Jian Li, Fei Hu, Backstepping based Adaptive Critic Design for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, The Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems , vol.38, no.3.pp.139-146, 2010
5. Jian Li, Xiao Qiang Ji, Xue Liu, Jian Guo Yao, and Fei Hu, “Topic-Based Resource Allocation for Real-Time Publish/Subscribe Communication Systems” 5th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China, CHINACOM'2010 (invited paper)
6. 《基於小波變換的航跡關聯演演算法》,秦衛華,胡飛,侯雪梅,《電子與信息學報》,2007年5月。