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呂戰鵬,男,1967年10月生,博士,上海大學材料科學與工程學院材料研究所 研究員,博士生導師。1984-1991年就讀於華中理工大學化學系應用化學專業,1988年獲學士學位,1991年獲碩士學位。1996年畢業於中科院上海冶金研究所,獲博士學位, 然後在上海材料研究所工作。2001-2003在日本東北大學為JSPS海外特別研究員, 2003-2005為日本東北大學21世紀COE研究員, 2005年起任日本東北大學副教授. 發表SCI收錄期刊論文三十篇。




1. Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji, F.J., H. Xue, Y.B. Qiu, Y. Takeda, K. Negishi. Characterization of microstructure and local deformation in 316NG weld heat-affected zone and stress corrosion cracking in high temperature water. Corrosion Science, 53, (2011) 1916-1932.
2. Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji, F.J. Meng, Y.B. Qiu, T.C. Dan, H. Xue. Effects of water chemistry and loading conditions on crack growth behavior of cold-rolled 316NG stainless steel in high temperature water. Corrosion Science, 53, (2011)247-262.
3. Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji, W. Yang. anomalous surface morphology of iron generated after anodic dissolution under magnetic fields. Corrosion Science, 52(8), 2010, pp. 2680-2686.
4. Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji, T.C. Dan, Y.B. Qiu, T. Yonezawa. The effect of roll-processing orientation on stress corrosion cracking of warm-rolled 304L stainless steel in oxygenated and deoxygenated high temperature pure water. Corrosion Science, 52(8), 2010, pp. 2547-2555.
5. F.J. Meng, Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji1, J.Q. Wang, E.H. Han, W. Ke. Stress corrosion cracking of uni-directionally cold worked 316NG stainless steel in simulated PWR primary water with various dissolved hydrogen concentrations. Corrosion Science 53 (2011), (8) 2558-2565.
6. Y.B. Qiu, T. Shoji, Z.P. Lu. The Effects of Dissolved Hydrogen on the Electrochemical Behaviors of Alloy 600 MA in PWR Water at 290 oC. Corrosion Science, 53, (2011) 1983-1989.
7. H. Xue, Z. J. Li, Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji. The effect of single tensile overload on stress corrosion cracking growth of stainless steel in a light water reactor environment. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 241(3), (2011) 731-738.
8. T.C. Dan, Z.P. Lu, J.Q. Wang, E.H. Han, T. Shoji, W. Ke. Crack growth behavior of stress corrosion cracking of 690 Alloy in high temperature water. Acta Metall. Sinica., 2010 Vol. 46 (10): 1267-1274.
9. T.C. Dan, T. Shoji, Z.P. Lu, K. Sakaguchi, J.Q. Wang, E.H. Han, W. Ke. Effects of hydrogen on the anodic behavior of Alloy 690 at 60oC. Corrosion Science, 52(4), (2010), 1228-1236.
10. T. Shoji, Z.P. Lu, H. Murakami. Formulating stress corrosion cracking growth rates by combination of crack tip mechanics and crack tip oxidation kinetics, Corrosion Science, 52(3), (2010), 769-779.
11. W. Yang, C,B. Huang, J.J. Zhou, Z. P .Lu, Stress corrosion cracking of Nitrogen-containing stainless steel 316LN in high temperature water environments. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 23(6), (2010), 677-683.
12. Z.P. Lu, Y. Takeda, T. Shoji. Some fundamental aspects of thermally activated processes involved in stress corrosion cracking in high temperature aqueous environments. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 383(3), (2008), 92-96.
13. Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji, Y. Takeda, Y. Ito, Seiya YAMAZAKI. The dependency of the crack growth rate on the loading pattern and temperature in stress corrosion cracking of strain-hardened 316L stainless steels in a simulated BWR environment. Corrosion Science, 50(3), (2008), 698-712.
14. Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji, Y. Takeda, Y. Ito, A. Kai, S. Yamazaki. Transient and steady state crack growth kinetics for stress corrosion cracking of a cold worked 316L stainless steel in oxygenated pure water at different temperatures. Corrosion Science, 50(2), (2008), 561-575.
15. Z.P. Lu, W. Yang. In situ monitoring the effects of a magnetic field on the open-circuit corrosion states of iron in acidic and neutral solutions. Corrosion Science, 50(2), (2008), 510-522.
16. Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji, Y. Takeda, Y. Ito, A. Kai, N. Tsuchiya. Effects of loading mode and water chemistry on stress corrosion crack growth behavior of 316L HAZ and weld metal materials in high temperature pure water. Corrosion Science, 50(3), (2008),625-638.
17. S. Yamazaki, Z.P. Lu, Y. Ito, Y. Takeda, T. Shoji The effect of Prior Deformation on the Stress Corrosion Cracking Growth Rate of Alloy 600 Materials in Simulated Pressurized Water Reactor Primary Water. Corrosion Science, 50(3), (2008),835-846.
18. Z. Lu, T. Shoji, Y. Takeda, A. Kai, Y. Ito. Effects of loading mode and temperature on stress corrosion cracking growth rates of a cold-worked type 316L stainless steel in oxygenated pure water. Corrosion, 63(11), (2007), 1021-1032.
19. Z.P. Lu, C. B. Huang, D. L. Huang, W. Yang. Effects of a magnetic field on the anodic dissolution, passivation and transpassivation behaviour of iron in weakly alkaline solutions with or without halides. Corrosion Science, 48(2006): 3049-3077.
20. Y. Ito, Z.P. Lu, H. Miura, T. Yonezawa, T. Shoji. Effect of temperature on the microscopic appearance of the fracture surface of alloy 690TT under SSRT Testing. JSME International Journal, Series A, 49(3),(2006),355-362.
21. Z.P. Lu, T. Shoji. Unified Interpretation of Crack Growth Rates of Ni-Base Alloys in LWR Environments. Journal Pressure Vessel Technology, 128(2006), 318-327.
22. Z.P. Lu, D.L. Huang, W. Yang. Probing into the effects of a magnetic field on the electrode processes of iron in sulphuric acid solutions with dichromate based on the fundamental electrochemistry kinetics. Corrosion Science, 2005, 47(6) 1471-1492.
23. Z.P. Lu, Y. Takeda, T. Shoji. Effects of Environmental Factors on the Electronic Properties of Interfacial Oxide Film on 304L Stainless Steel in High Temperature Pure Water. Key Engineering Materials. Vol. 261-263. pp. 925-930, 2004.
24. Z.P. Lu, D.L. Huang, W.. Yang, John Congleton Effects of an applied magnetic field on the dissolution and passivation of iron in sulphuric acid. Corrosion Science, 45, 10 (2003), 2233-2249.
25. W. Yang, Z.P. Lu, D.L. Huang, D.S. Kong, G.Z Zhao, J. Congleton. Caustic stress corrosion cracking of nickel-rich, chromium-bearing alloys. Corrosion Science, 43, 5 (2001), 963-977.


國家自然科學基金面上項目,“磁場對腐蝕金屬界面反應的作用規律”, 1999-2001。
上海市科委啟明星計劃項目,鐵鎳基合金鹼性應力腐蝕機理, 2000~2002
國家科技部社會公益專項基金項目,核電材料環境促進開裂安全審評依據研究, 2001-2003(前期)。
日本學術振興會 科學研究費輔助金“應力腐蝕裂紋擴展熱激活基元過程的動力學解析”, 2006-2007。
日本學術振興會 科學研究費輔助金“材料的彈塑性各項性對高溫水中應力腐蝕破裂的力學電化學交互作用機制”,2008-2010.