共找到3條詞條名為化學專業英語的結果 展開





頁數:319 重約:0.575KG


1 What Is Chemistry?
2 More about Chemistry as the Useful Science
3 The Atomic Theory and The Periodic Table
4 Acids and Bases
5 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds (Ⅰ)
6 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds (Ⅱ)
7 Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds
8 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
9 Qualitative Analyses for Metallic Elements
10 Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Analytical Techniques
11 Capillary Electrophoresis and Capillary Electrochromatography
12 Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy
13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
14 Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry
15 Nomenclature of Saturated Hydrocarbons and Their Radicals
16 Nomenclature of Unsaturated Compounds and Univalent Radicals
17 Nomenclature of Other Organic Compounds
18 The Benzilic Acid Rearrangement
19 The First Law of Thermodynamics
20 Spontaneity, Enthalpy and Entropy
21 Some Commercial Voltaic Cells
22 Empirical Approaches to Kinetics
23 Applications of Nuclear Structure
24 Introductions to Green Chemistry
25 Catalysis
26 Kinetic- Molecular Theory
27 The Nobel Prize in CherrIistry 2002
28 How to Write a Paper In Soierltific Journal-Style and Format
Appendix 1 化學諾貝爾獎獲得者及其貢獻(1901-2007)
Appendix 2 化學元素表
Appendix 3 實用英語構詞法
Appendix 4 無機化學術語
Appendix 5 有機化學術語
Appendix 6 分析化學術語
Appendix 7 一些特殊有機化合物的命名
Appendix 8 醇、酚、醚、醛、酮、酸、酯、酐、腈的命名
Appendix 9 常用有機詞尾英漢對照表
Appendix 10 物理化學術語漢英對照
Appendix 11 儀器及方法名稱中英文對照
Appendix 12 科技術語縮略語
Appendix 13 某些結構的讀法
Appendix 14 普通玻璃儀器名稱